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If not, Sessions will be fired faster than the speed of sound.

I will be genuinely surprised if Keebler doesn't just sit on his hands and let it slide. He has a long, long history of being a useless piece of shit.

This is his biggest test. If he fails you fire him as quickly as Trump's long elegant fingers can tweet

>1+ year and no indictments/ charges
Sessions is either the greatest legal ninja of all time - or he's compromised. I personally don't believe in "4d chess". Everyone forgets that Sessions' is a tobacco guy and he wouldn't have gotten his seat without them , which is why he has such a hardon for marijuana legalization.
He will let McDouche get his pension because THE SWAMP protects THE SWAMP. I wish it wasn't true with Sessions/Trump but it is.

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Jeff has been the biggest Happening! cockblocker in history.

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Yeah, I really wish the magapedes where right on this. It's always another shitty thread of "omg guys this totes gonna happen this week". It's so much more demoralizing being led on by faggots that there might actually be some justice.

Throw me one logical reason Trump doesn't welcome Flynn back after all this bullshit has surfaced.

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Sessions has been a dud.

Sessions is a deep state 5th columnist

Agree but Hannity now reporting McCabe has been fired

Thank fuck will wait for written reports to start getting filed

>fire him for leaking anti-hilary memos

If you think that's all McCabe did (because you read the NYT).... boy are some lefturds in for a rude awakening

>Hannity now reporting McCabe has been fired
no hes not.

It's all over Twitter pal

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come back when you have a real source

>sessions still in
>pompeo in
it was over long ago lads, ptgare still faggots

Waiting for Thomas Paine to file his new one on True Pundit, will link ya when its up

Hannity is reporting "Today or Tomorrow, unless my sources are wrong"(TM). I've got the radio on right now.

Thomas Paine is a Jew

Can only assume youre projecting here given that you dont know who he is

Fuck off you nigger

He literally goes on Jason Goodman's show. He's a disinfo Jew. Notice how he focuses on the FBI instead of Obama or the real perpetrators behind this.

This may be kabuki theater featuring pro-Trump media to give Trump an excuse to replace Sessions.

How can he be fired tomorrow when he retires in 48 minutes?

Most reports said Sunday officially begins his retirement start date

fire him at 4:59

>one logical reason
Survival of the fittest. We still don't know the full story, but it certainly doesn't appear that the soldier spotted the ambush.

Remember, Trump prefers guys who don't get captured.

I would oppose Flynn coming back simply because he fucked up enough to get fucked in the first place.

Flynn *literally* did nothing wrong by taking the calls or in what he said in the calls. That was published far and wide shortly after he was interviewed. It was a dead matter and no charges against him were expected. Then out of the blue Mueller gets him to plead guilty 10 months later to the very thing that everyone (including Comey himself) said that he didn't do? He was targeted for takedown user. For all intents and purposes he was "assassinated" from the administration. What was he supposed to do?

If Trump wanted sessions gone hed be gone by now. Sessions is Trumps scapegoat, an excuse he can use when in 2 years people ask about the swamp and why its more powerful than everml.

Wrong. Good luck getting a new AG appointed. It's literally impossible currently.

>literally impossible

Trump could easily do it. Then when ppl obstruct, put the high light on them obstructing. Its his favorite trick. Yet hes not doing it here. Why?

We hired him to drain the swamp. If people obstruct that, pressure can be applied. He wont cause he doesnt intend to.

He should fire his ass regardless. Retarded drug warriors need to go.

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CNN now also saying the deadline is "Before Sunday"

My guess is its announced over the weekend so CNN et al dont have to even talk about it tonight

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Even the FBI recommends his firing, I can't see Sessions not doing it.

It’s 5 pm here. No news yet