Self state hate thread

Post ITT if you hate your own state

God where do I even start with Mississippi?
>niggers everywhere
>poor as shit
>literally a third world shit hole
>god awful infrastructure
>god awful education system
>HDI lower than Mexico
>infant mortality rate close to Botswana
>mongrels and el goblinos everywhere, pure whites are a minority
>average person weighs as much as a pick up truck
>did I already mention niggers?
>cuckservitave politicians
>all people care about is football and nascar
I could go on but i would run out of room.

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I already said enough

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"Here's to the state of Mississippi- Phil Ochs" youre not alone

But the cost of living is fucking fantastic. I can go to Mobile or New Orleans if I want to experience “culture”, and if you just stay out of Jackson and Vicksburg you’re in the clear.
t. Pascagoulafag

That's not a map of Georgia, or Alabama. Mississippi is merely an extension of Ghana. Pretty docile in comparison to HawtLanta and Birmingham.

oregon is mostly nigger free and there is a lot of wild parks to explore. it would be a great state if portland and eugene were hit by comets

Lublin Voivodeship
>The poorest in the central Europe
>A lot of slavshits
>A lot of catholics
>Ugly capital
>Too many Ukrainians
>high unemployed rate

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Lol, damn dude.


Califag here. Nuke the shit out of me, please. I'm not even joking.

i always thought those states are comfy


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This. For some reason as a kid whenever I visited Mississippi I always felt a wave of refreshment and excitement whenever I went to alabama. Idk Alabama always was better for some reason

Well howdy there, Pascagoulafag! Hub City fag here. My main complaint is all of the illegals here now. It’s REALLY bad. They flooded in after Katrina and have been dropping babies ever since. And no, after all this time, they still won’t speak English. But yeah, like you, great cost of living, close to other larger areas. I have land and can grow veggies. Pretty comfy if I avoid Walmart when the EBTs reset.

Just fucking Gary is what I hate about my state. Other than that Indiana’s based.

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>can’t find white girls anywhere (Hispanic or European) they’re all goblinas
>lefties everywhere
>barely anyone girl hits the gym
>you would think niggers and spics are the main problem but no it’s Asians
>literally can’t understand them and they’re idiots (only good ones are Japanese)
>crackheads everywhere
>expensive housing
>north California is worse than south
>shitty politicians
Other than that it’s a pretty nice state weather is beautiful and San Diego is the shit

that's literally everywhere in the US

Does California get better if you go further inland?

Why do you think the north is worse than the south? I have the opposite opinion

it's great if you aren't a fucking poorfag

Yes. Avoid the bay area unless you like seeing trannys regularly. Also asians being everywhere and housing being around $1500 for a studio aprtment in some locations. Good luck finding another white and if you do you wouldn't want to talk to them after hearing their faggy lisp

This. Columbus was a great town when I was growing up. Then the niggers started moving into the county and ruined everything. Now they have a corrupt nigger mayor whose sons are gang members and immune to arrest.

>not living in the most based city in the south

Get your shit together and enjoy this low cost of living and great place to raise your kids.

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Oxford is jackson-lite and ole miss is a bastion of sjws now just like msu.

thanks user

Rhode Island

>Small, takes about an hour to pass through. Everything is close and convenient
>Providence: a small, pretty and underrated city. Talking about the center of the capitol. Just stay near the state house and you're good.
>Lots of great restaurants everywhere.
>The big cities like Providence, and Newport can get crowded, but it's never really a shitshow like NYC and Boston.

>DOT sucks, been mismanaged for decades. Roads suck. Roadwork takes forever.
>State spends too much money on dumb shit. They raise taxes and there is never an improvement on anything.
>Everyone knows this and complains about it, yet they continually vote for, literally, the same candidates over and over again. Dumbest voters on earth.
>Lots of "good 'ol boys" shit in govt. Corruption is rampant.
>Business climate sucks. No one is coming here to set up anything. MA has better jobs.

But I thank god that I don't live in MA. Because that state is way worse. As much as I love the things I do about RI, it's not enough reason to settle here. And I will be leaving in 5-10yrs.

Yep this picture just screams sjw nest

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Yeah Bakersfield is pretty good. But the reason why I said San Diego is the shit is because
>hoods aren’t that bad
>no bad Mexicans (who would live right next to the border?)
>not really that lefty
>from what I’ve seen blue collar
>best weather in California
>always something to do for not a whole lot of money
>only problem is fags

Oh God. Oxford is terrible. I know some good folks who live there, but their university is total cancer and has ruined the rest of the area.

Detroit area is shit, but fortunatelyI live on the opposite side of the state from that hellhole

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Still can't beat starkville though. Seems like every fucking bar and restaurant has a fucking faggot flag in it now.

every Farrely Brothers movie is set in Rhode Island

Well I don’t mind da woods but I don’t like how expensive it is up there and if you’re not camping then the only thing there is to do is go to the lefty cities

Lol same here OP. It hurts to live here and have a triple digit IQ. Leaving this shithole soon. I heard the Midwest is nice.
>muh low cost of living
As OP said, Mississippi is poor as shit so the average Mississippian isn’t paid shit. Which means if you were a real estate agent you would have to make your price range around economic reach of the average person of that designated area.

Sung by someone who has never met a black person. I recognize that tone. It's a tone prevalent among 19 year olds whose only experience with black people is with a handful of tokens on their college campuses. That one particular lyric where he paraphrases a common refrain of how others, "just don't understand" is absolutely true despite his condescending pretense and sarcasm.


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Biloxifag reporting in. Our infrastructure is shit and we're overpopulated. Auntie Shaniqua moves in down the street with her six unemployed teenage dropout quasi-relatives and your property values go to shit.

the literal manlet state.,corrupt Democrat cartel. Easiest gibs in New England so all the shit funnels in here. Every New England state boasts an average iq of 103+ on any study you look at. We never get over 99.5. How does that even happen? Rated worst state for business yearly. Rated worst roads in country. Shithole.

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Few counties make the state blue voting wise. Cost of living in the blue areas is ridiculous as is the traffic from hell. Baltimore.MS13. Taxed to death. Sucks

You can see "the big blue bug" in Dumb and Dumber, and in "There's Something About Mary," Ben Stiller and Matt Dillon meet at a well known Providence club, "The Hot Club" for a beer.

Sorry for your misfortune user.
I live in the very /comfy/ state of Colorado.

>Live on Georgia Tech campus
>can't go outside of campus since robbery and murder becomes 10x more likely, 20x at night

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There's no way our roads are any worse than MA though.

Funny story; I dropped my car off at the mechanics, they called me back saying I had some suspension issue as well.
>Yeah user, you didn't hear that knocking and feel that rumbling?
>Uhh, nah, not with all the fucking potholes, no.

>niggers everywhere
bro thats the whole country. take it from someone who moves a lot. ive lived in connecticut, virginia, washington state (muh pac northwest ethnostate LOL) louisiana, iowa, north carolina... and EVERYWHERE ive been: niggers. stupid dirty criminal-minded moneys EVERYWHERE. there are no white states left

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Arkansasfag here. I love Mississippi because it reminds me how much worse things could be.

You haven't lived till you've visited one of those wonderful 93% black delta towns. I think everybody should try it.

>I'll be leaving in 5-10 years
Should be the state motto. Nobody I grew up with is here anymore. They were all gone within 6 months of graduating college. Ask anyone around here they'll tell you the same.

No he means that there’s literally niggers everywhere. There’s entire counties where the majority of the population is black. In other places like the northeast, Midwest and northwest (excluding cities) you will only see like one or two niggers in the rural areas.

I'll just give you all aids cuz Jerry said I could

>State Motto
Remember the "Cooler, Warmer" fiasco?

>It's hot as fuck here
>We're right next to California
>We're also right next to New Mexico
Can we, like, trade places with Utah or something? Otherwise this state is fucking perfect.

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Man the fucking delta. I can’t think of any place that’s a bigger shithole than there. I’ve literally visited third world shitholes like Argentina, Peru etc and they looked better than that fucking place.

>worst white trash(irish and italian)
>too many non-whites everywhere and growing
I need OUT

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Madigan and Chicago

I used to live in Alabama and the only thing that made me feel better about myself was ya'll on the left. Literally the worst state.

>no nj
please annex us pa

You guys nailed it. Let's keep in mind however the Delta is shared by Mississippi Arkansas and Louisiana. There's plenty of Delta shame to go around. I've got family in the Delta and every so often I go back and I just shake my head wondering how things got this bad? For anyone who needs a wake-up call on the issue of race in America, visit the southern Delta and see those 93% black towns. It's not white people fucking over blacks. Some people simply can't be helped no matter how great your good intentions or how much money is thrown at them. It reminds me of that scene from the first season of True Detective where Matthew McConaughey's character is shitting all over people in Louisiana wondering if they even know there's an outside world.

Infant mortality rate is a meme. Foreign countries dont count the state the same way and artificially improve their ranking.


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Low cost of living usually means there are no jobs.

As corrupt of a fuck as Cianci was, he really did build Providence into a great little city. I met him multiple times... what a guy.

>state is permanently democratic
>nyc control everything with an iron fist
>high levels of corruption
>semi automatic rifles are banned unless they are the retarded looking ones
>to get a pistol permit takes over a year and requires a ridiculous amount of paperwork
>can't buy fireworks
>guns shows suck and are overpriced
>worst governor in america
>jews everywhere
>everything is expensive
>property taxes on my normal house is TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS a year
fuck this place.

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Oh we've got some great spots here in Arkansas too I won't lie. There's towns that were decent when I was growing up that are now no go zones. It's gotten exponentially worse over time.

Luckily I've got a large patch of land away from any cities but even going in to get groceries is getting tedious. It's fucking sad.

It's a HUGE redpill for those of us living through it.

Redpill me on Conor Lamb, because boomers have had their grubby mitts on PA long enough and Lamb is suspiciously white for Dem standards.

>Baltimore crime rate is worse Chicago's
>Baltimore is a nigger stronghold
>Annapolis is filled illegals
>Filled with niggers
>Absurd Taxes
>High cost of living
>Business are taxed to death
>California-tier traffic
>Horrible pollution
>Most places are hideous

Can't wait to

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Hell it's even a bit of a culture shock for someone like me who's spent my whole life in central Mississippi.
For my job i crisscross all across the state doing location audits of businesses.
Simple job most places. The delta is just on a totally different level. Every part of every building and every element has some kind of neglect. And they never get fixed when I return to previous locations
Fucking depressing

Yes. They cant play dixie anymore. Even though it was invented by a black man from ohio writing new york city showtunes,

cant have a rebel mascot anymore, ao they went to a bear, and then a guy who looked like mr.clean, and now theyre the landshark-bear-rebels.

Why not just rename the team the Mississippi Flood and be done with it?

As I understand it Maryland was historically viewed as a Southern state and to this day still has many Southern qualities yet is skewed liberal by the Washington DC suburbs. Any truth to this?

Pascaguola is full of niggers and crime. Same with Gulfport.

Why can't we make a State of Jefferson? Northern California is so beautiful, but filled with stupid fucking degenerates and worse.

>worst white trash
>irish and italian

Funny growing up in MA most of the white trash all had French surnames

This. Like fuck Chicago holy shit

Never was a big fan of the grove. Just sitting around drinking and eating doing what fat fucks do best.

>dumbf said "SHIT HOUSE"
>autists still sperg "shithole"

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>nobody has posted Florida yet
I guess I’ll start
>nigger-infested tropical swamp
>the UV spectrum is not meant for white people
>sunburns and melanoma galore
>never seen snow or a mountain
Get me outta here

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>possibly the most disgusting goblinos and amerimutts known to the country are spawned here
>been noticing more niggers popping up everywhere, even though 120 degree summers should be nigger repellant
May Wyoming be my refuge

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>even though 120 degree summers should be nigger repellant

I don't understand why you would think this. Sub-Saharan Africa is situated around the equator.

I'm with you on this one. I was never a big fan either. I would make an appearance at the first or second game but after that just hangout off-campus away from the traffic and the hassle and the crowds.

>Somali tier gun laws, any idiot gets an AR-15
>Rapefugees everywhere
>Californians are ruining everything
>Open carry shithole
>Mexico tier roads
>Cheapness attracts niggers
>Gov.Abbot is a racist.
I wish I lived in NYC

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I just hate how all these transplant faggots just keep moving here.


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You are correct, mostly. While, the area surrounding DC is an unholy combination of wealthy Libtard politicians (Montgomery County) and Nigger slums (Prince George’s country). I would consider Baltimore to be a Northern Industrial City.
Locations like the Eastern Shore (around Ocean city) and around the Appalachian region (around Fredrick) have Southern qualities (those places are actually decent). Even the lower part of Central Maryland (Below Annapolis, I would say) have Southern quality.

I suppose I should be hating my country vigorously but I don't. You love your mother even if she's not pretty. Also if she's quite a bitch sometimes. And doesn't care about you all that much. Yeah.

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Seriously, it's headed to hell in a handbasket.
Hiring fucking illegals to the government... I hope Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris get HIV and can't do anything about it legally


Illinois. Pretty fucking self explanatory.

I live in NYC for a job and it's bad, but NOTHING is worse the Chicongo. Fuck that place.

How is New Hampshire and Maine? Looks very white.

Shit sucks, user. Eastern Maryland should secede and Western Maryland should join West Virginia. I just want to crab with the good ol boys and now I have to deal with niggers in my county

Georgia, we have more niggers than any otherr state. Not on a percentage basis but on an absolute basis. Thank God I moved from Atlanta to Dawsonville last year. And not because of the niggers. It's the smug millennial hipsters that have taken over Atlanta that was the final straw that got me to move.

Now that you mention it same for RI. Trashy French descendants in the rural north around Woonsocket. Italians and Irish can be bastards but they're successful and put together

how the fuck can I hate south louisiana its fucking awesome...errr I mean its horrible dont come here

>Rural rhode island

>comparing Chad African Niggers to Virgin American Niggers

I remember walking around Providence as a lad when he was in charge. It was beautiful and bustling. Walking to Trinity company for a show at night felt like being in Vienna with everyone dolled up and ritzed out. Now walk through Kennedy Plaza and you get aids if you inhale too sharply. He was like our Guliani.

Burrivile scituate foster Gloucester. Comfy living desu.

Very true in regards to anything east of Baltimore County. Central Maryland is liberal as hell. Western Maryland (the pan handle) is pretty much West Virginia.

Oh sorry, is that a US state? It appears your superiority has lead to some controversy. So no, you don't deserve self state hate because:
a) You all think you're better than us, so hating yourself makes us even more shit.
b) You're all cucked into the same union, just move to another state you tard.

hang yourself soyboy
trump can fix texas easily he just isnt trying
>be me texasfag working in grocery store
>95% of spics use EBT
>impossible parking
>packed as fuck
>weekends were so busy i locked myself in the bathroom for hours to catch my breath
>quit around election time
>come back after trump wins
>grocery store looks abandoned
>its quiet inside
>i can actually park in the front for once
>no mile long lines
trump just needs to send in an ICE army and do away with discriminatory laws and gender/race quotas and bam, texas is heaven again

I have to agree with you OP, ole Miss is not a place that l would even think about living in.
I'm in Az and love it. Our only bad points are illegals if you live in the southern half, Cali being our neighbor, and some of them moving here. But hell not many blacks, and open sidearm law, and no need of a conceal carry if you want to hide it. I make good money in my profession, which takes me all over the northern half of the state, and the Four Corners.

Nothing bad to say. My state is literally perfect.

we're full btw

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Northern half has a high schizophrenic injun population. Stay safe.

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You goofed by becoming the Amsterdam of the US.