How do you go from ruling almost the entire earth to this?

How do you go from ruling almost the entire earth to this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where do all these police BLACKED videos from the UK come from? In the US all these people would be (rightfully) shot

It's a national pastime for brits

A truly broken people

Attached: UKPolice.webm (640x480, 1.96M)

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Any white person acting like this in public would be publicly humiliated and have their entire livelihood destroyed

im not so sure dude about would anymore man

Their male cops are into this shit too.

My UK friend told me that during their off hours they run into the nigger districts and grind on blackies for hours on end

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britain has always been a multicultural mixed race society. this vision of an all-white uk never existed in historical reality.

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If only there were a 2020 policing act of the US to stomp over the bs going on in bongland -man can dream though

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Check out spring break my friend.

Decades of propaganda. People are easily brainwashed

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>what is daggering
>what is the Notting Hill Carnival

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Lack of guns and free speech.

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Oh wow white women really are worthless and to think Sup Forums defends them with so much fervor.

by firebombing german cities

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Truth faith.

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Of course you would say that you stupid sand nigger. You need to understand that you are no better than niggers. You are both literal subhumans. We both know the next big war will be between Christians and Islam, and we both know how it will turn out. The same as it did last time. Billions will die and in the end your shitskin race and religion will be destroyed. .

Love is love.

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If Britain were one giant mouth I'd take a hammer to it until nothing was left but shards and blood.


they are eternally cucked by KWEEN

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Women got rights
Women stopped having kids
Immigrants were neccessary

See pic related. Once you give women rights they stop having kids and your civilization dies.

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it's a trollstation video, this is not a real cop

You know your country is shit when even leafs are making fun of it.

>those ashy nigger toes with big ugly yellow nails
Who would voluntarily put that in their mouth?

Feminism and propaganda

>implying you didnt deserve it
Maybe next time when you want to act tough you will keep that in mind.
Because white women like other races of men and will do anything to be dominated by them?

independent proud white women

Attached: dreams to dust .png (1024x634, 904K)

Stop giving aid to Africa and let them have AIDS instead

>Because white women like other races of men and will do anything to be dominated by them?

Imagine being this retarded.

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Do you have the anime version of this? I've been looking for it

How am I retarded please provide proof the opposite and please dont show me the same overused okcupid study, show me something more recent.

She's ugly and looks like an Italian mutt. Why are coal burners always sub 6 trash?

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At the very least any cop caught doing this would be fired and if not ostracised within the force. Policing is serious business here.

Let's hear your excuses. 1/4

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To a fake police officer 'prankster'? No idea.

better version

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So we should be shilling hard for Feminism in Africa, the middle east and Asia is what you are saying?


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They arent tough its just that you live in a little world in your head and things cant be any different than what you believe.

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shit education/parenting .

kick vee

Yes and fucking chain our own women.
The father decides who the daughter marries at 16.

Just like muslims.

"White women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to exclude black men as dates".

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My dick would look big if I was a 3 foot tall manlet too.

Again posting articles about tinder without any backing data by them so are worthless,saying shit about salary top fucking kek,also posting marriage stats!= dating preferences or attraction to other races so in other words you have jack shit to prove white women are so loyal.

i dont even get upset anymore op, its just stupid to me, let evolution take its course.

Women never ruled any part of the earth. What youre seeing is what women have done throughout history when left unmanaged by their fathers or husbands.

lmao Doutzen Kroes, the cucks token 32 year old model with a half black boyfriend. Why is it so hard for you cucks to find images that aren't reused over and over again? Is it because finding top tier white women with black men so hard?

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israel is so easy to spot!

This. The British lords that conquered most of the world are still around.

Pic related is the red pill about women:
when you let them do what they want they will do nothing useful but degeneracy.

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Lose WW2.

You really want me to start posting beautiful white women with black men, because if you want I can do that for you.

I could post photoshopped images too if I wanted to

>also posting marriage stats
No marriage stats were posted, dumbass cuck.

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White women are our enemy ever since they allied themselves with the jew and if you really want to save the white race we must discard them and find a way to continue our race without them.

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>She's currently fucking a white guy
>so this is ok
This whore will never be loyal and have many kids.

>You really want me to start posting beautiful white women with black men
LMAO proceeds to post an ugly middle aged hag

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>continue our race without them.

The new 14 words are:

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Tony Blair is what set us on this path and there's some retards in this country that still don't realize there's been no difference between him and every PM since.

Blair loves being called a war criminal as it distracts attention from all the things he should be in prison for.

Britain; the land where our government does the biggest sell of of NHS services (under Cameron) in history and the top news story and what everyone is angered about at the time is Jeremy Clarkson punching someone. Then couple of years later retards post street art everywhere saying "save the NHS", without realizing there's nothing left to save.

Not in any city they wouldn't lmao.

White women aren't my enemy. They've been good to me my whole life. The amount that race mix are small. Stop obsessing over that shit, faggot

Fuck le anglo

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Why are you cucks so delusional?

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He posted statistics, and you posted anecdotal pictures of white women with black men. You're low IQ. Just kys.

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topkek @ "You really want me to start posting beautiful white women with black men"

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The empire with the biggest share of the plunder was the one with the most guilt piled on it by radical left wing academics. They targeted the British heavily in their assault on western values. Britain is also a draconian and rigid build of a society, with an established aristocratic class and their toiling underlings always ready to kick back against the centuries of rigid classism. They were literally the perfect target for the efforts of ((them)) and their Marxist socialist anti west efforts.
Also I don't want to underestimate Britain's premier naval history, which had positioned it as the world's most naval power since Elizabeth I rained in the 16th century until they were out spent by a fleet of floating burgers. This means the majority of overseas territory were on fully functional ports. So when the third world degeneracy began to pour in during the decades long post world War 2 economic slump, they could do so easily by ships. We've literally been shipping in immoral culture every year for half a century.
You could argue that Germany are more cucked given their pathetic anti authoritarian rulebook, but at least they've only been shipping in the third world virus since the 21st century.
Britain has been sick with this anti western culture for a long long time. It's why Britain remains a nightmarish police state with an established aristocratic clique that rule over a cucked middle class, the third worlders they ship in to do their bidding and punish Whites for their sick anti-western desires and a shrinking working class national identity that sits under the boots of government, intellectuals and now the foreign horde.
I can only hope our culture of naval prowess, martial steadfastness and sciences survives in the annuls of history before my precious Albion is engulfed by the barbaric flames of the savages and Hebrews we once dained worthy of our efforts to instill civilisation.

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Oh I am sorry it doesnt enter in your standard of "beauty" I am sure that her mixing with a black means nothing, now how about you go be a good goym somewhere else.
I am happy I am not the only one that see things like this I really do hope we will come to that day faster.
They are your enemy, they try everything in their power to make you a slave to the government while at the same time openly supporting it so that they will have more gibs, not to mention the fact that every year the number of racemix couples,single moms in your fucking country grows more and more.

>white women with niggers

check the Jew quotient on those "huwhite" figures in media portrayals.

>this fucking image board.

This is why you shouldn't give your daughter everything and treat her like a princess.

Nothing more heartbreaking. In fact, it's almost a sign of God / Biology, that giving a women every comfort she needs will be the greatest betrayal and backstab you can ever experience.

Let me break the news to you
I know most of you will ignore this because of my flag but here goes lads

Women like MEN

They want to be DOMINATED

Western men generally act like women or children
Why on earth would a woman want to get with that
Wanna save muh huwhite race? Start by fixing your own shit you bunch of anime watching, vidya playing, weed smoking, porn addicted neckbeards

If it makes you feel any better Israel is not much different

>no rebuttal but pitiful excuses in response to statistics/facts
>claimed to "start posting beautiful white women with black men", failed miserably

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Fuck you jew I hope you get exterminated after the west falls and cant keep you protected and financed, I hope the muslims will massacre your entire vile people both from the middle east and from Europe.

fucking romania posters, never gets old


Even in Israel, Jewish women lust after Arab men. Just spend some time on Israeli dating apps and see how many filter out Jews

Settle down V

struggle is part of making person conservative but not whole package ,there are external factors that parents dont have control over such as social media ,entertainment , information which influence womens personality.
Read this and cry more cuck, see how the interracial marriage between white has increased by a massive margin.Now if that isnt what I am saying then I dont know then what.

Yeah that’s kind of wishful thinking there bud but generally speaking 80% of adult men here act like children

>israeli women lust after Arabs
Imagine fighting in the IDF and having your women fuck Arabs.

Women were fun. We must replace them with artificial wombs and CRISPR technology now!

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By nearly bankrupting yourself fighting a war on the wrong side. You can thank Winston Cuckhill for that.

Fuck yourself leaf everything I just told you its the truth its because of them our worthless women when along with the feminist meme, its because of them we got fucking communism, its because of them we fucked the middle east and the list keeps going on,they deserve a painful death.

>because of jew people psy oping the youths education into hollyhoax delusions. ELOHIM will have vengeance on you timeline manipulating kikes once you lose the media machine.

You tried to imply earlier that marriage stats = dating preferences, now you're sharing marriage stats LMAO. Let me drop a brutal black pill on you: ""The black women who inter-marry are the thinner and more educated in their group; instead, white women are the fatter and less educated" - November 2016 (pic related)

Since you're retarded, here's what it means. Black men literally get the scraps and worst of white women because they're so desperate for white pussy while white men get the BEST black women.

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>no fun allowed

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>Travel to UK
>Get stopped by this
>What do? Do you stop for them? Or do you keep walking?

visual ipecac

It's good you guys are getting a taste of your own medicine you kike

what's the sauce - is this real?


Amazing everyone is so concerned for us

Yeah you're being raped and killed by migrants.
of course we're worried.

You stop them.

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It's kind of necessary when your country is more embarrassing than Canada. You guys are fucked