Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?

Could sex be used to counter the declining birth rates?

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Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-5163331,00.html

jewish conspiracy; thread saged

It hasn't worked for me thus far...


Only fags have sex

Elliot rodgers take on sex would be more preferable Hans.

Not the kind of question you should ask on a board filled with frustrated incels

just play along asshole

how in the world could heterosexual sex solve declining birthrates?

All it does is spread cooties.

The Jews are doing it.

>Stats show Israel has highest fertility rate in the West,7340,L-5163331,00.html

It just might be crazy enough to work...

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Sure. It could be used fur a lot of things. Some people do it for fun (gross!)

Absolutely not. I'm afraid there is absolutely no way sex can lead to children being born, sorry.

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Globalization demands ever expanding "economic growth".
Without globalists declining birth rates would be non issue.
Instead of scrapping failed globalization they just fill your Country with shit skins who breed like rabbits and entirely abandon the parent population and culture.

>le incel me-me
This isn't /r9k

Understanding the notion that women use their sexuality as power is a theory that dismantles, unfortunately, their very identity. Sorry roastie.

No, there’s sex everywhere already. In our TVs, in magazines, in books, even in elementary schools. It has done nothing but desensitize us to it and push us further down the path of degeneracy. What people need is LESS sex and exposure to it. Sex used to be special and marriage used to be normal/common. Now marriage is rare/special and premarital sex is normal/common.
Make sex special again.
Make marriage normal again

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Almost 3 kids here. Stop playing video games faggots and start caring about your nation.

Look at kids as your clones. Would you want a clone of yours to grow up in a nation of strangers who share none of your values?

In order to boost birthrates, we first have to create a world it is worth living in for us again.

We first have to conquer the world.

It's not an easy task, but it's what the white man is best at.

There are no boundaries but your fear.

>implying Jews are human

>the west

aint happening shlomo

At this point we should try anything. Why not sex?

You tell me; Is Darling in the Franxx a successful propaganda campaign?

>almost 3

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His wife is pregnant, are you retarded?

I always make her swallow, so probably not.


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Edgy. My wife swallowed once and I felt like vomiting from secondhand disgust. Told her to never do it again

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more likely he was cucked by some palestinian subhuman

I only cum in my girlfriend's ass. Children are for niggers.

Why ? Should they be ashamed of being sexual creatures ?

Birth rates are not declining globally.

They are only declining between White man + White woman. And that's because of interracial & cuckold porn turning white women off white guys.

Sex is a jewish trick

You are gay sir

I cuck arabs. We rule supreme

I have a lot of sex with my boyfriend, but it's in the ass so no babies made. works for me!


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How detached from reality are you?

Birth rates are declining globally. Just sharper in more developed countries.

Lay off the cuck porn faggot

>caring about your nation
>your nation
Nice spooks my friend. Collectivism is for retards.

are you a child?

No. People are having more sex than ever before yet the birth rate is the lowest in a millennia.
Even if we discount all the people having sex with plastic bags on their dicks or using the wrong hole the statistics still prove that sex doesn't lead to a rise in birth rates because many women and some men intentionally make themselves infertile so that they can put penis in vagina with no barriers and still not produce a baby.

The real solution to the birth rate crisis is to force a fertile man and woman into an enclosed space with no drugs or plastic bags then tell them that they can only leave when the woman is pregnant. You then don't allow the woman to leave until the baby is born because baby killing is a popular hobby among modern women. On a large scale this method can produce millions of babies with very little effort using a confinement system that is already in place.

sex is a myth. No one actually has sex. The vaginal hole cannot possible fit into the vaginal canal.

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Uh. Okay. I like to make my lady friend blow me on the way to whatever function or party we're going to because we both think it is hot to have my DNA sloshing around inside her as we dance or talk to other couples.

Plus, then she doesn't eat a ton of garbage food at said party/event.

Once humanity can travel to space and colonize other planets within our solar system, genes won't matter anyway. After 300 days, the space people will all have different genes than when they were on Earth.

no but MGTOW could

Ya dude, just make sure you nut inside the vagina.

Is sexuality something you associate with children ?

oooohhhh got me look mods call the feds
no but reducing a person to a single quality without seeing what the problem with that is

This guy makes sense when you understand that the majority of French are fine with their wives/girlfriends having an affair.

There can't be more sex in movies, tv and the internet.

You had an entire century of perfectly well promoted heterosexual sex, yet you still manage to fail at it.

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but completely correct

Unlike A*glos, who are only okay with them getting raped by pakis
They are sexual creatures, doesn't mean they don't have other qualities, ever heard of nuance you stupid ape ?

>step 1 fuck a girl, not boy or trap
>step 2 cum inside
This is too complicated for Germans

I think putting your dick in a plastic bag is more autistic mate.

>They are sexual creatures
not an argument to force cuckoldry on ourselves when we could establish better norms you fucking dunce. Men are sexual creatures too so we should let niggers rape everything that's how your argument goes.