Yazidi Female Refugees Have Seizures Recalling Rape at Hands of ISIS

Do you feel bad for these people?


Recently, he entered an English-language classroom in his agency’s building near downtown Calgary, just after a 28-year-old woman had finished describing the screams of a young girl being raped by an Islamic State soldier. Suddenly, the woman fell unconscious.

Her eyes rolled into the back of their sockets, her back arched on the floor and she began to hyperventilate, her voice a rising octave until it emerged as a yelp. She grabbed fistfuls of her hair and snapped her teeth at her forearms.

“I didn’t know what to do,” said Margaret Styczynska, manager of Calgary Catholic Immigration Society’s resettlement center, where arriving refugees spend their first few weeks.

“They were suffocating themselves,” she continued. “They screamed like you are killing an animal. Some lasted 15 minutes or longer.”

“Where is the Canadian government?” said Melkaya, 27, who arrived to the suburbs of Toronto last July with her young son, and spends most of her days in their basement apartment, reliving moments from her 28 months in captivity.

“They told us they would help us with psychologist,” she said. “We haven’t see anything from them. Aren’t we human?”



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I'd rape her

just gas them already. they are part of the problem.

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still Muslims tho

Not a citizen. Never paid Canadian taxes. Entitled to gibs. Huh?

>still Muslims tho

The therapist is in the refugee camp in Damas.

the irony is that they couldve been helped more with the money spent if they had been kept in refugee camps rather than making them liberal party voters

They need sexual healing

They prob, did more than rape these woman, they could of RFID'd them and microchipped them in sensitive places, mk ultra/mindcontrol experiments, drugged them.

By the sounds of it they're not getting help, i guess the government is corrupt. Social welfare was not designed to help people [purpose unknown] there not educated with realistic methods of healing, quite the opposite until the corrupt are removed from power, the situation wont get any better.

Shit is deep.
Dirty war military

they have to go back

So that’s one of the 1000 Yazidi’s that trudeau brought in after he promised at least 1500, but you should feel good that he mainlined the applications of all the other Muslims that are persecuting this group and paying them 10’s of millions of dollars to appease them from the torture of waterboarding after blowing up army medics.
>fucking leaf


We need to create NATO protected city-states in the middle east so that minority ethnic and religious groups can live peacefully and not have to migrate over here.

>Do you feel bad for these people?


They should be ethically put down rather than being forced to live with that

I don't understand anything of this story ?

This woman got raped in Calgary by an ISIS goon when the ISIS guy walked into a refugee center?

seizures are not real. stop acting white kike!

That is not how a seizure presents.
Stop falling for these animal's tricks.

No she got raped back in Syria or Iraq and is now a refugee being resettled in Canada. Apparently these women present with "conversion disorder" aka physical manifestations of emotional trauma when they discuss their rapes or sex slavery and the Canadian government allegedly had no therapeutic element to the refugee resettlement program in place. Also, fuck Catholics hard for this sort of bullshit.

Amerilard education

This article reads like a shitty /lit/ thread.
>desert monkies
>Mk ultra microchips
OK dude

Fuck Catholics for trying to help women cope with being sex slaves to jihadist groups? Are you not well?

Can you feel it? All these tears are flowing. Earthquakes begin.

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Feelin guilty about all those orgasms.

Yazidi is a half breed of Catholicism you retard. That’s why they are killed. That’s why trudeau only brough 1500 of those and 150,000 of their persocutors.

what did king leaf expect? these are women.
this is how they react to real trauma.

Bad memories don't cause seizures

Yeah I don't think we should take in Muslims or people from those areas at all. They are backwards and unfriendly to gays. Their local governments are responsible for getting them help. The West is not world police.

Either way they are backwards and anti-gay. Don't need em here. You want your kids to look or behave like Yazidis? I didn't think so.

I doubt any woman would orgasm to hairy jihad cock.

Those 1500 (well more like 1000 made it here) are the actual Syrian refugees, the rest are lottery winners.

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>refugees escape Isis, flee to Canada
>Canada invites all Isis jihadists into Canada in order to have their voices heard
What did they mean by this?

>anti gay is bad
You would rather have women suffer to help gays live comfortably. What are you a fag?

this definitely wasn't exaggerated and actually happened

Nope I don’t want them here either, just using them as a point of the true agenda of Trudeau. He is the global humanitarian remember.

Are you gay? Then you're gonna get hanged by us anyway :-)

>sing to the tune of Garth brooks friends in low places.

The Trudeau Song.

Global humanitarian with friends in explody places, where the IEDs blow your cares away, what did I say, weeeeeellll he’s got friends, in explody places!

Calgaryians shouldn't give a shit about what someone in another shithole country does. I would have walked into the building myself to pimp slap her stupid ass.

Canada already spends $53Billion dollars a year bringing in unemployable immigrants into the country. I think Canadians need to realize that no matter how much these buffoons cry about what's happening in other countries, they themselves the shitskins are to blame for their problems.

>musims raping women
color me surprised
and they want to bring in more of these subhumans

what the fuck is wrong with sandniggers?

You Shill.


The topic is a zoroastrian you nonce.

I don't want ANY primitive people colonizing civilized areas. Genetically, they are backwards.


Oh no that sucks

Do they want some maple syrup lubed cock to cure what ails them?

>“Where is the Canadian government?”
fuck you, my tax dollars are for my children not for foreigners - go fuck yourself. you have no right to my money.

They need to go back

Islamophobia is not acceptable here.

No. Sand niggers should fight to the death, not be refugees.

Imagine going through all that and finally escaping the nightmare to Canada, but you just wake up in an even worse nightmare where you still live in poverty and have your culture destroyed to make way for faggotry. Oh and I almost forgot they also let ISIS in to take refuge as well so it's like getting double raped this time. Yay Liberals!

Trudeau has a relationship with the CIA dating back decades. He invited Isis jihadists to Canada so the CIA could train them.

Wow, what a skilled immigrant. thanks libs.

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I feel bad but think ISIS should be pursued and destroyed by Muslim armies.

>Do you feel bad for these people?

Isis was funded by multiple parties including USA, Saudi Arabia and West

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>They prob, did more than rape these woman
Women have evolved to find ways to be okay with getting raped. Some women have trouble dealing with it but not at this level. So yes, definitely more than rape happened

I'm a straight white guy and reading "hairy jihad cock" gave me a boner

>thinking bout getting dicked again sent her into convulsing orgasm.

>boohoo they put a penis in my vagina where it belongs boohoo
I'm sure if they were attractive these whores would've been perfectly fine with it.

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Here's something that made me think, why is she crying when rape fantasies are apparently really common?

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Or maybe she is a shitskin and making up bullshit.

>oh noes look at me, da seizures are me remembering rape.

Wow that's a first for me. I've actually known several actual rape victims and they seem pretty normal for the most part.

Shitskins gonna shit.

You see my friend, rape is subjective to race. White rape is not the same as shitskin rape.

>Her eyes rolled into the back of their sockets, her back arched on the floor and she began to hyperventilate, her voice a rising octave
Wow. Imagine raping a girl so good she has aftershock orgasms


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Isis is a front for mossad to operate as a human/organ/weapons trafficking ring as well as to incite war in goyim countries (see europe). I would genuinely not be surprised if they really were chipped, or injectedbwith a pathogen and given the mkultra treatment to transform into a cell for when (((they))) need them. Sexual abuse, especially brutal rape and childhood sexual abuse makes you prone to Dissociative identity disorder, which is needed in mkultra to create a new personality for you and you will not even be aware of that other personality.

she can't go a day without thinking about cock. what a fucking slut

Oh you guys.

I do feel bad for women and children like this, these were the people who cried out and needed help that got left behind so we could import pic related because the goal was never about helping anyone, it was just about Liberals looking to stroke their virtue cocks to atone for their perceived sins every time they buy a spiced pumpkin latte knowing the niggers are starving. I hate Liberals so god damn much I just want to see their faces getting stomped in until there's nothing left but a bunch of blood soaked hamburger with bone fragments sticking out.

The nigger in question.

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histrionic cunts should be slaughtered


>Sup Forums being edgy about an actual persecuted refugee that got raped at gunpoint

All muslims should get gassed and its their own fault for tolerating these animals but theres no reason to deny a helpless women help aslong as shes sent back when the country is safe again.
Seems kinda entitled tho, shouldnt expect the canadian healthcare to wipe her ass.

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Jews absolutely hate Yazidis for some reason, that's why they sicced their ISIS pigdog on them. If Jews hate them, they must be good people.

WIKILEAKS: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Funds and Logistically Supports ISIL
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is evidently a clear sponsor of terrorism

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>black don't crack

>Calgary Catholic Immigration Society’s resettlement center
Very based christkeks very based
Thanks god you guys are active here on pol otherwise I might think every real life christcucks is just that

Jews sicced ISIS on the Kurds too though, but I guess the Kurds are now all buddy buddy with Israel

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They can have seizures in the middle east just fine, no reason to bring them here.


Rape during childhood does wonders for mind control.

I've heard Gloria Steinem might have been a victim of MK Ultra.

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- The Yazīdī religion includes elements of ancient Iranian religions as well as elements of Judaism, Nestorian Christianity, and Islam.

Unlike jews and their mahometan siblings
christians don't hate Yazidis

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I've heard that Donald Trump might be a victim of Gloria Steinem

You think she came during the """"rape""""?


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>women cum so hard from "rape' that their eyes roll back in their head

Really makes you think.

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The posts in this thread really point out that most of /pol is absolute human garbage and should kill themselves.

does that hand symbol indicate her cunt size after dragging a dead child through it?

>Do you feel bad for these people?
Not to the extent of wanting them to be in Canada, or having any sympathy left for them when, having been provided refuge in a country which isn't theirs, they also demand expensive services on the taxpayer dime rather than beg for them as charity.

Refugees should not get flown overseas so they can step upward in life into a rich country. Poor countries are wretched because they're full of people who make countries wretched to live in. The wretchedness limits their population growth, and it's a sin to relieve it so their bad nature can proliferate, and a worse one to allow them to get a foothold in healthy cultures.

Isis is from Islam and Islam is from a jew

- Notably, the fourth Muslim Caliph Ali (lived 602–661 AD) was at least one eighth Jewish
- Ali was Muhammad’s cousin and adoptive son and Abd Al Muttalib (three-quarters Jewish) was the grandfather of both Muhammad and Ali
- Ali’s father was Abu Talib (died 540 AD) (one-quarter Jewish) and Abu Talib was the brother of Muhammad’s father Abd Allah (one-quarter Jewish)
- This means Muhammad was one-eighth Jewish, unless of course Muhammad has still more Jewish ancestors unknown to early Islamic genealogists

- quod erat demonstrandum -

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That's my fucking tax monies cunts, stop GIBS GIBS GIBS

Honestly, every non-taxpayer should be gassed

>unfriendly to gays.
I agree they should fuck off, but so should the fags.

I shall heal them with the head of my peenis

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I think the sign you see is the Diamond, numerologically it also equals 33.

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How do we know she and her tribe are not lying to gain refugee status?? Canada is full of lying refugees from Asia and Vietnam etc. etc.


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