How come best girl is usually the one with visible fangs?

How come best girl is usually the one with visible fangs?

best girl is allowed one fang and one fang only

One or more fangs is a sign of a girl being the worst actually.

what if it's a series about vampires and literally everyone has fangs, how do you decide worst girl then?

Confirmation bias. You have shit taste, therefore you end up liking shit girls.

What's wrong with her eyes ?

Can't believe the competition for her childhood friend is a titty ojou

One is wealthy so she got more nutrition.
The other is a country hick.




sanpaku eyes

I thought I'm the only one who remember this flop.

because subconsciously you understand that vampire girls are the best but you haven't quite come to terms with it yet.

One fang girls are fakes.
Two fangs are guaranteed best girls.

There's that one gif of nanana that's shared a lot, that's how I came to hear of it

Tensai was worth remembering
the trap too

You want your offspring to need braces.

I haven't watched the anime but i feel an urge to marry this girl.

This. I have a fang and I'm an awful example of a human being.

It's perspective



Makes sense OP