Karl Marx

Did you know that Karl Marx was an anti-Semite? Why is everyone always going after the Jews? Poor Jews.


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Karl Marx was literally a fucking Rabbi. Fuck off.

But Jonah Goldberg says he was a Jew-hater.


No wonder Sweden has turned into such a filthy Islamic country now

>this is honestly and unironically American education

Finally, Marx was right about something other than dialectical materialism

he wasn't a rabbi but he's descended from a long line of rabbis

Bakunin called him out for being a Jew.

>Marx was ancestrally Jewish as his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi, while his paternal line had supplied Trier's rabbis since 1723, a role taken by his grandfather Meier Halevi Marx.

His entire family was composed by rabbis, try not to go full stupid.

Bakunin was a Jew too.

Except fascism, all our current ideologies were created by jews. That's the reason why only fascism has bad optics nowadays.

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Socialism and Communism are basically a Jewish ideologies.

That article is a joke

Well... Marxism is a joke too.

chill out Franco

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THIS. The rich, warmongering, exploiter jew elites don't fear communists, they fear FASCISM.

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Really interesting dichotomy here.
>Marx born into a long line of rabbis and Jewish leaders
>Marx on the surface very much against Jewry
>This anti Jewish Jew created the methodology Jews use to take over the world in the 20th Century
His anti Semitic writings were either subterfuge for the true motivation of Marxism or he genuinely believed the "equal distribution" doctrine and was opposed to Jewish deception-based rule, and his plan ended up working against his vision.

I think the former is more likely, also that there's a good chance the elites just used him to front the idea of Marxism meaning the Elders of get of it, and he was just executing the (((plan.)))

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Marx was mostly just against Judaism as a religion, and intended his Communism to replace it. It largely did, even most religious Jews today (with the exception of the ultra-orthodox) believe more strongly in the Marxist future of humanity than in anything directly from the Talmud. Millions of Jews willingly gave up on religion altogether when presented with Marxism, no communist regime had to really persecute Judaism to get rid of it like they did other religions. The Jewish religion was always more of a tribal survival strategy than a faith, it is totally materialistic and endlessly reinterpreted for practical gain. Marxism is really just a branch off of Judaism that can be believed in by Gentiles, although of course it always somehow benefits Jews over the Gentile adherents. It is no surprise that a line of rabbis produced the great rabbinical teacher of Marxism.
Marx's non-religious criticisms of his fellow Jews do not really stand out from other intra-tribal criticism over the centuries. He didn't go anywhere near as hard as Spinoza or any of the writers on the Judenübel like Zunz. Calling him an 'anti-Semite' is just an attemlt by dishonest kikes to distance themselves from Communism (while still believing in all of its core tenets). Neocons like Jonah Goldberg are just warmed over Trotskyites.

The strongest anti jew language can be found in private correspondences with Engels. He's talking to his best bud. It's not subterfuge.

>It is now quite plain to me — as the shape of his head and the way his hair grows also testify — that he is descended from the negroes who accompanied Moses’ flight from Egypt (unless his mother or paternal grandmother interbred with a nigger). Now, this blend of Jewishness and Germanness, on the one hand, and basic negroid stock, on the other, must inevitably give rise to a peculiar product. The fellow’s importunity is also nigger-like.

This is pol tier shit.

Coral morx is dead so no biggie.

That's not anti-Jew at all. Just anti-nigger. Nobody likes niggers.


Does anyone have that image of the list of countries jews have been kicked out of?

So many slide threads.

I've never met a jew who didn't hate jews, but they're still jews.

saged and hidden

Literally /our/guy

>trusting Jonah Goldberg to spell things out for you
Karl Marx wrote a paper called On The Jewish Question, and his solution was basically that jews should be put in charge of everything under a communist system. It's just a bait and switch, him trying to lull the jew wise asleep, but we all know the truth: the bolsheviks were jewish, and wherever marxism has been put into practice, the jews are behind it, and that continues on today.
If Marx was really an anti-semite, do you think you would find jews subverting western governments under his name, like they are at this very moment? Highly doubtful, and it doesn't pass the smell test.
The fundamental element of controlled opposition is hatred of the jews. The jews know that they will be hated for what they are doing, and they know a resistance will form against their efforts, so they go ahead and start the jew-hating resistance movement themselves, so that if there must be one, it will be in their hands, where it can be rendered harmless at the appropriate time.
A good example of this is Mike ((Enoch)) and TRS. He's a jew, and he's running around talking about putting jews in ovens, why would he do such a thing? Controlled opposition. Same shit, different day.

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Corneliu Codreanu was the best fascist leader.

>Karl Marx wrote a paper called On The Jewish Question, and his solution was basically that jews should be put in charge of everything under a communist system.
Blatant lie. Show me source.

And see

You want me to do your homework for you too, kid? The document is readily available on the internet. You are one search away from it.

So you have no source? A quick check on the wiki page presents this:

>A number of scholars and commentators regard "On the Jewish Question", and in particular its second section, which addresses Bauer's work "The Capacity of Present-day Jews and Christians to Become Free", as antisemitic;

Well, i guess a work that defends jews should be the ruling class can hardly be defined as antisemitic, amirite?

>So you have no source?
Since you have trouble with search engines, I guess I'll just have to carry you, but just this once.

I don't care what these scholars say. The words of Marx speak for themselves. There's nothing in that document which suggests that Marx has an adversarial position toward any jews.

None of this is anything but a characterization, the fact that some Jew or another saw fit to call Marx anti-Semitic is meaningless.

>Karl Marx was an anti-semite

Wew, he wrote a tiny criticism of jews while penning the most jewish ideology in existence. There is a reason even modern jews love communism so much, because it was designed specifically with jews in mind.

>article says he's anti Semitic
>literally telling gentiles they can't be merchants and news have to be
How stupid is the kike writing this

>How stupid is the kike writing this
It's not stupidity. It's chutzpah. The goyim don't know. They really don't. So if you have the guts to keep cramming down untruths, eventually they will crumble into a slave like state of mind. They've been doing this for 2000 years and counting. It's a proven strategy.

So how should we organize the economy?

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Marx was a Jew

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I was asking for the source concerning your particular assertation, not the link to the book. But you are too dumb to know the difference between them.

>posts made by anonymous users on Sup Forums are credible

Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Judaism, would be the self-emancipation of our time.

An organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huckstering, and therefore the possibility of huckstering, would make the Jew impossible. His religious consciousness would be dissipated like a thin haze in the real, vital air of society. On the other hand, if the Jew recognizes that this practical nature of his is futile and works to abolish it, he extricates himself from his previous development and works for human emancipation as such and turns against the supreme practical expression of human self-estrangement.

We recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the present time, an element which through historical development – to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed – has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily begin to disintegrate.

In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.

The Jew has already emancipated himself in a Jewish way.

“The Jew, who in Vienna, for example, is only tolerated, determines the fate of the whole Empire by his financial power. The Jew, who may have no rights in the smallest German state, decides the fate of Europe. While corporations and guilds refuse to admit Jews, or have not yet adopted a favorable attitude towards them, the audacity of industry mocks at the obstinacy of the material institutions.” (Bruno Bauer, The Jewish Question, p. 114)

This is no isolated fact. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner, not only because he has acquired financial power, but also because, through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar as the Christians have become Jews.

Captain Hamilton, for example, reports:

“The devout and politically free inhabitant of New England is a kind of Laocoön who makes not the least effort to escape from the serpents which are crushing him. Mammon is his idol which he adores not only with his lips but with the whole force of his body and mind. In his view the world is no more than a Stock Exchange, and he is convinced that he has no other destiny here below than to become richer than his neighbor. Trade has seized upon all his thoughts, and he has no other recreation than to exchange objects. When he travels he carries, so to speak, his goods and his counter on his back and talks only of interest and profit. If he loses sight of his own business for an instant it is only in order to pry into the business of his competitors.”

Indeed, in North America, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of trade, and the bankrupt trader deals in the Gospel just as the Gospel preacher who has become rich goes in for business deals.

“The man who you see at the head of a respectable congregation began as a trader; his business having failed, he became a minister. The other began as a priest but as soon as he had some money at his disposal he left the pulpit to become a trader. In the eyes of very many people, the religious ministry is a veritable business career.” (Beaumont, op. cit., pp. 185,186)

Judaism has held its own alongside Christianity, not only as religious criticism of Christianity, not only as the embodiment of doubt in the religious derivation of Christianity, but equally because the practical Jewish spirit, Judaism, has maintained itself and even attained its highest development in Christian society. The Jew, who exists as a distinct member of civil society, is only a particular manifestation of the Judaism of civil society.

Judaism continues to exist not in spite of history, but owing to history.

The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails.

What, in itself, was the basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, egoism.

The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money.

>Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it.

>The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.

fuck off worthless nigger

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The catch is that if you take what he says seriously, as if he actually believes it, then you have allowed your worldview to be shaped by a jew, and hence remain under jewish control.
I stand by what I said: nothing in that work can possibly be construed as being anti-semitic, because reliance upon it as a founding document puts you at the mercy of a jew, and hence a subject of judaism once again.
>but why won't you buy into my controlled opposition, goy?
I'm not interested.

Oh... You're retarded. I'm sorry.