So Sup Forums, are you attempting to raise your vibration?

So Sup Forums, are you attempting to raise your vibration?

Eventually the planet will separate into two versions of itself through vibration. One will remain in the lower 3D consciousness of fear and negativity as it is now, while a whole "New Earth" will be created of a 5D consciousness that will resonate with positive vibrations and awakening.

In order to move into the 5d Earth, raising your vibration is one of the most important things you can do at this time. We are multidimensional beings having a physical experience. Stuck energies may be lurking in a past life or a different dimensional existence.

You can raise your vibration in many ways, such as :
1. Become conscious of your thoughts.
2. Find something beautiful and appreciate it.
3. Be conscious of the foods you eat.
4. Drink water.
5. Meditate.
6. Be grateful.
7. Practice acts of kindness
8. Exercise

And remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated :)

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The only people who believe this shit are single mothers and housewives

>raise your vibration
Like epilepsy?

oneness through duality you retard, er, unenlightened one.

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>So Sup Forums, are you attempting to raise your vibration?

Low vibrations = feeling depressed
high vibrations = feeling euphoric

Just admit it you've replaced the name with something else then pass it off as something new

The only thing that's vibrating here is your prostate massager

looks familiar

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>the planet will blah blah blah
>six million d consciousness
Got any proof for that? Any damn way to convince me this is not bullshit? Your thread is shit and should be deleted.


low vibrations = dying
high vibrations = living

Just admit you have the brain of a dog and the less words the better.

Read Zhuan Falun for the ultimate truth. Cheers

>mfw Im conscious of my thoughts
>mfw Im beautiful and appreicate it
>mfw Im conscious of the food I eat (need to understand gains)
>mfw I drink water
>mfw I meditate (not that my powerlevel could get any higher)
>mfw Im grateful Im not a lazy neet like you
>mfw I practice acts of kindness like stealing your girl away from a depressed neet
>mfw I exercise cause Im a fucking tank

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>death is real
Wow, how primitive

Kys Norman

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Suicide is for pussies


Can I just hop over to 2D consciousness and live my life as a NEET

I don't believe it.

OP, this thread is 100% on point. My question is: How did you manage to figure this out? It's all true.

Futhermore, WHEN will the planet seperate? This is important. What's the date you have in mind?



How 5D physics works?

you're very unintelligent.

To raise your bioenergy, first of all, make energetic exercises and watch your thoughts

Are aura photos fake? I’ve been thinking about getting one taken

Just a reminder that racism, sexism, and homophobia will lower your vibration level, which can lead to a cycle of self-hatred, harm, and eventual spiritual death. There's a lot of negative energy in this board, so please be vigilant to not let it lower your vibration.

hippies use side door

I'm trying really hard but it's not easy man. Been meditation for 2 weeks now and I don't feel a huge difference.

i was told that 3d earth will be destroyed
and all souls will have to ascend to 5d
but in different vibrations.
anyways you are brave to share this on %pol%

I only attempt to raise the vibration of my root chakra.

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