Look at the amount of people killed by drunk drivers each year...

Look at the amount of people killed by drunk drivers each year. The damage from alcohol makes "muh opiod" crisis look like joke.

How come booze is not seen as a hard drug when it literally does more societal damage than all fucking hard drugs combined?

If you partake in it: why? Can drinking ever be justified?

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>pic related

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Go back to the mosque, Mohammud.

Booze generates revenue. Even in the event of drunks killing people with their cars. Insurance pays the family, the driver is placed in the court system, and money flows from hand to hand.
Heroin addicts just sit someplace and zone out until they need more drugs. Then they die. Net drain.

>not taking into acount the amout o people that consume the drug
ovbious retard

it's fun if you can handle it, just like every other drug
Libertarianism is generally stupid BUT I agree with them on drugs

You need to run rot gut through a water filter.

Sorry Jorge, that doesn't discount the wholesale damage left in its wake. That's like saying the 30 million Soviets who died under Stalin don't matter as much because one does not take into account the number years over which they died. A death is a death.

I haven't drunk booze for 8 years now.

There are many vastly superior drugs out there. I use cannabis to socialise and psilocybin if I want a really interesting experience.

Alcohol is for niggers. It is literally a Stone Age drug for retards.

Drunks are pure degenerates and deserve the gas chamber.

No Drugs. No Alcohol. No Cigarettes.

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Haha I get that joke

>psilocybin if I want a really interesting experience
Sadly, the psychologically healthy drugs that can inspire personal growth are illegal. It's most conservatives that demonize the decent drugs and promote tbig pharma, (and thus opiates) along with booze.

This is one are where future conservatives need to step up to the plate and change things.

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We should execute drug dealers and niggers too

I swore off alcohol and went fifteen years without a drop. Joined a co-ed beer league team and realised alcohol has its place. Not a performance enhancer as such, but it keeps the rest of the world from crowding in on me and helps me react on instinct and not overthinking it.
I prefer drugs that "sharpen" consciousness, not "dull" it like alcohol can.

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because it allows profit to be made off of peoples poor decision making.

>Drunks are pure degenerates and deserve the gas chamber.
I agree it is degeneracy, but you are likely to have a loved one struggle with a drinking problem in your life. It will probably happen, sure you would want your mom to go to the gas chambers if she developed a drinking problem?

We need a better solution

Both are poison. Pharmaceutical drugs, psychedelic drugs, both are trash for the mind and body. Don't fall for the false dichotomy.

Holy shit. You totally changed my mind.
Based illegal.

>why is this extremely hazardous substance allowed?
Oh wow, I wonder ((why)) user. Anf FYI, despite their illegal status, if you want to buy crack or whatever you will be able to. But anyway, why would they bother with drugs whose reputation is already destroyed if they can legally put shit inside you with prescription drugs? Much more profitable.

Correction fellow human, malt liqqa is for the nog. Could use a nice stoli screwdriver right about now

If by drunks you mean those who have no self control and have let alcohol use ruin their lives, I can agree.
But if you mean folks like me who enjoy a whisky now and again and imbibe responsibly, I respectfully disagree wholeheartedly.

>Both are poison.
Not totally true. Many people take LSD or Mushrooms once and that's all they need, it changed their prespective, they become more responsible and better communicators and realize there is something beautiful and profound about life. Those cases are common and fine. If you do it all the time then obviously that is fucked up, however. Regarding them being "poison", most psychedelics have been shown to be completely non-toxic.

Because beer kills goyim and is profitable

Weed is less destructive and thus less profitable

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It's too easy to produce, thus it can never be illegal. Opioids on the other hand can't just be made in your bathtub with your smegma and some sugar.

All of ((((Hollywood))) and the kikes advocate for legal weed. Stay off the herbal jew.

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It does so much damage BECAUSE it is legal and therefore easily obtained by the masses you fucking sugar cookie.

Ask how 100 people of they have tried heroin. Ask the same people if they have tried alcohol. I will bet you the amount of men you have had sex with * 1000 dollars that WAY more people will say alcohol. It is completely possible that in a sample of 100 people not a single one has tried heroin, especially if they are white.

I hope you are just pretending to be retarded.

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Ask 100 people if they have tried*

I'm so angry at what an autistic moron you are that I can't even form a coherent sentence.

Not to mention the fact that the money spent on alcohol funds legal stores and industries while money spent on hard drugs usually just disappear to black market trading or back to the shithole countries producing it. Definite net loss of money in our market

Settle down there little timmy.

I simply said alcohol is more profitable because it is destructive and thus even more profitable.

Weed makes you slow and paranoid.

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Because just as the drug war is a total failure, prohibition was a massive failure. Humans are farmed and brainwashed due to this.

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most major alcohol companies are held by zionists

kys mahmoud

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Someone opposed to degeneracy = muslim? That's seriously Sup Forums's logic here?

Not trying to bump, just wondering if anyone is having trouble posting on the other boards? Getting gateway error

>The damage from alcohol makes "muh opiod" crisis look like joke.
Yeah because when police seize crates full of illegal spirits they wind up nearly dying from an overdose when a small amount of it spills and comes in contact with their bare hands.

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That's only because opiods are illegal, so chemists make super potent varieties easy to transport in small quantities (like carfentanyl (sp))

If booze was seriously made illegal these days, no doubt that nerds woukld find some ethanol analogue that did the same shit at lower doses. Carjackdaniels or something. They could easily do it.


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Even so, how does it refute what I said? Alcohol takes ounces to get people drunk. Were it illegal, chemists would find a more potent drug. Fentabooze. Never underestimate the ingenuity of organized crime.

Because it's too socially entrenched to ban.