Liberals Killing Themselves

Oh the humanity.....hahahahaha

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>I don't believe in Christianity and I have nothing but contempt for it but Trump is the anti-christ
I hate leftists so much.

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he really takes it to the next level by bringing up the antichrist.

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Man libshits are so far up there own ass they have lost all grip on reality

Oh hahahahaha!!!!! Their agony is delicious tonight. They continue to post cosmic size retard memes. Keep them coming leftardos.

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The juxtaposition of the amount of anger with the complete and total lack of anything to back it up with lol

>any day now guys any day now Trump is gonna hang

>Mueller was Trump's guy all along, the indictments are for a case involving the unlawful wiretapping of a (lawfully elected) presidential candidate and american citizen approved of by basically every level of the Democrat establishment

I think on some level most americans understand this. They watch the propaganda war in heaven and know they arent getting it straight from the news actors

>trust me
>behind the scenes i'm sure

This faggot's writing is shit, uses too many cliches.

Remember when all the news sites were pretending "cool hillary" was a meme that people just couldn't get enough of?

>Trump wants to bring jobs back, have the norks sign a denuclearization treaty and deport spics
>therefore he is the anti-christ

Reminder the anti-christ is supposed to be well-liked for no good reason, meaning Obongo fits the bill far more than Trump except of course Obama is a failure and a fucking idiot.

What's really funny about that is that cool hillary is just a rip off of the old brobama memes from 2008

>liberal meme process
>don't bother to create new thing, just reuse ancient memes from a decade earlier


if you celebrate this some of this will alter course out of wrath. better to minimize celebration and nature run its' course. traitors, cowards, totrapers, all deserve hellbent affliction and abyssmal afterlife. kill quietly

Why does everyone still think Trump is a Nazi again?

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>admitting that you believe the deep state is trying to take down a president

If Trump is the anti christ then he’s going to rule the whole world before the second coming

Bible illiterate faggots like this guy shouldn’t talk about the Word of God; it puts their stupidity.

Hillary: 1
Drumpf: 0!

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So fucking gay and kiddie

Better than you

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Why do liberals care so mich about this fag. They never cared about anything he did before.mis it simply because trump fired him?

McCabe was integral to the dossier and wiretapping if I’m not mistaken. I think theyve been holding the sword of Damocles over his head waiting for a good time to shit can him. Now he doesn’t even get his pension! LUL

Was that what caused this?

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He/She/Xe is right you know.

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God I wish there was something to fix these people other than .45acp

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If Obama were the antichrist, it would be like Satan cramming together his midterm project three hours before class when it's due.
if if if if if if if if if if
Also, the antichrist is Satan in human form, and he will promise to unite all religions and nations with himself as a "god-emperor" type of figure and having himself worshiped in the Temple in Jerusalem. Most revelation studiers also sag he also microchips everyone with 666 somehow, because no one in the world can buy or sell without his mark in their hand.

Of course his final stage of the plan is to kill all mankind as a big middle finger to God. The bible says that if Jesus did not return before that happens, then no flesh would be left alive.

The antichrist can't be Trump, becauase Trump is a nationalist... and ehh, not really the spiritual unification type. No one's saying he's the return of Buddah or anything. Plus normies would love him if he were the antichrist.