Kek!! On maga Facebook THeY ARE PROTEsTING cOMET FoR 6 MOnThS

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You already have one pizzagate thread, did you really need to make another? In any case this thread belongs on /bant/

BUmp no this needs attention

bump and kek

Can we get a mod over here to move this thread to /bant/ please?

So someone managed to troll the stupider of the Trumpbots into taking pizzabait seriously? Impressive, that takes almost as much skill as convincing a four year old that there's a monster under his bed.


uh oh looks like the shills are going into full swing again

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>You already have one pizzagate thread, did you really need to make another?

yes. I personally find it hilarious how much you kikes hate pizzagate thread as well as the way you constantly try to get them move to a less appropriate forum.

Here, have an international human trafficking organizational overview

Attached: icmec connections chart.jpg (2268x1512, 2.4M)

>Can we get a mod over here to move this thread to /bant/ please?

No, this belongs here. Human trafficking by the political elite obviously belongs in pol.

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Now the shills have pissed me off so I'm going to have to post some evidence. See what happens when you're annoying shill?

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Hey, why is this woman (currently pictured in a haitian jail on human trafficking charges) now working for Amber alert?

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Pedophile spotted.

Oh, it's because she's connected to Hillary.

The Clinton Foundation traffics children. It's their primary business. This is why Hillary Clinton from the 1997 adoption law which began to subsidize courts for taking children from their parents. That's right, send a child to the foster system, get a kickback from the federal government

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ain't hyperlinking that shit naigga

Leans into it. Speaks loudly: "What's in your closet, John Podesta?!"

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In the first photo, this girl is taped to a table at comet pizza. I wonder what's the relevance of a child wearing a shirt that says "pizza slut"?

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It’s clean I’m already registered. Don’t be a pussy

lots of people found dead when they begin investigating human trafficking.

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kniock yourself out, people have received death threats over Pegasus Museum being shared, fucking James is sick motherfucker, bring him down

pedophilia and human trafficking is rampant among the elite.

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pizzagate isn't real

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Laura Ling and Eunuce Lee. Both arrested for human trafficking in North Korea. Like Laura Geyler in Haiti, who was freed due to the efforts of Bill Clinton, these two were freed after Hillary interceded for them

Attached: Laura-Ling--Euna-Lee-and-North-Korea---tweet.jpg (500x473, 49K)

the lead that got pizzagate kicked off...