Be honest Sup Forums, do you honestly think the future looks good?

Be honest Sup Forums, do you honestly think the future looks good?

Every generation becomes more pussy whipped and far left trigger words have become norms. You can't take a shit as a white male without offending someone and this generation is just so fucking stupid.

What kind of future do you honestly think we have? These tide pod eating fucking morons are going to be running the country in the next decade. The civil war you always joke about is never going to happen. I fear for the future of humanity and my kid. I'm going to try my best to teach them right and keep them away from the mentally ill left but it seems so hopeless sometimes.

Hollywood, the mainstream media and our fucking schools are nothing more than an indoctrination facility for mental illness and pussification. What's the future of this country honestly going to look like when these fucking Furrykin/Wolfkin special snowflakes are the ones writing laws and running the politics? You can't even lurk Sup Forums anymore without a bunch of shitposters posting race mixing porn.

Millenials though... they're stressed out 20% of the time? What in the fuck is so stressful for these little brats? Did they go over their iPhone's data plan? Did the WiFi go out?

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the future is unironically blade runner tier

millenial here
honestly i go about 60% of the day
my girlfriend is a roastie boomer thats always trying to console me
i feel like a ptsd faggot with a good mommy and its just stressful even for me to decide what to eat
in her days she ate whatever her culture ate
i have to choose over 30 fucking restaurants serving different cultures of food and i have to decide what i feel like
i can't do it guys

>millenial here
>my girlfriend is a roastie boomer thats always trying to console me

Nigga wat?

He's shitposting. It's the new thing to pretend you're a cuck or your gf/wife is being blacked.

i didn't say she was blacked
she's just older than me and had a lot of previous relationships before me

The school system indoctrinate kids into being mindless drones.

You won't get taught the real deal, and you can't do much to better yourself except go with the flow. Doesn't help that they shove down piles of homework down their throat each days despite a full eight hours of school time

And what they don't tell them is all the people making profits all around them. Hell, here in Canada, good luck finding a house because of all those damn chinks buying everything

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user. do not give her your seed. do not let it pass through the flame. run.

she's the only one that can calm me down when I freak out and she makes a good dinner
I don't even care about sex its too stressful

your hormones are just going nuts. they will chill out in a couple years, i promise. you should occasionally use marijuana (indica) if you have had good reactions in the past. dont go to a psychiatrist or therapist. dont take any fucking pills. learn to meditate right now. it will seem strange, but if you can calm your mind, you can order your thoughts and feelings instead of being ordered by them.

Yeah. Shit is not as bad as it all seems, we just have to keep on fighting for a better world.
I've been depressed recently because if being a neet in a poor East EU country and shit.
I got mostly over it with creative work and trying to find an online job (no success yet, but I keep trying).
Anyway, what I've come to realize is when you get put under pressure long enough, you either succumb to it or retaliate by looking for a better way of living. In which case all the pussies under all that stress will either neck themselves out of worthlessness or go look to validate their worth.

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What pressure do millennials have today? They have far more rights, access to better jobs and far more freedom to do whatever they want.

Maybe that's the problem. Too much privilege and freedom has created complacency and lack of perspective.

Try 365 days a fucking year being stressed out because our race is be destroyed.

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>access to better jobs


Please elaborate. Are you one of those "I can't find a job" whiners even though you're not looking?

Not him, but where I live unemployment for millennials is around 30%, with under-employment being an additional 30-40%. Only 30-40% of my demographic (20 to 26) is gainfully employed, none of them own houses, we're all poor. Every single shitty entry level job like washing dishes 5 hours a week for below minimum wage gets 200-500 applicants from what I have seen.

I would say I'm in fear about 70-80% of the time of losing my job. I absolutely cannot lose my $14/hr wage at walmart.

I have bad teeth and not enough money to fix it, student loans are due soon. I'm not sure how I can survive when I can't chew food anymore. Let alone work. Good thing my front looks OK I guess, I miss smiling big....

I can't advocate enough for good dental hygiene. The costs of doing otherwise are fucking insanity. Everyday I wonder I think, everyday I worry someone will see.

Just some basic fucking affordable healthcare would be nice.

I know that feel bro. My folks never took any of their kids to the dentist growing up. I haven't been to a dentist since at least 1993. I know I'll have to pay thousands seeing how all my molars are fucked. Over 14 teeth need to be removed and I'll have to need dentures in my 30s.

I hope you're safe. This shit can kill you. I've come close to death a few times before I discovered self care.

Where do I begin with this?

It's not because there's a shortage of jobs or a surplus of applicants, it's because millennials are fucking lazy and would rather live with their parents. No rent and no responsibilities. If people are applying to be dishwashers, then that's their fault. If that's all they aspire to be, they can't be helped.

What do you do at Walmart that you're in fear of being fired over? They hire mostly middle-aged fat women who can't do anything else, old people to stand at the door and teenagers. You'd have to really be trying to get fired from Walmart.

Stop fixating on how bad you've let your teeth get and start practicing good hygeine now, to prevent further damage. Also, there's some dentistry offices out there who will give you fake teeth for free, as long as you agree to be a case study and say "yeah, Dr. Fuckstain really fixed my teeth!"

>Just some basic fucking affordable healthcare would be nice
They mandated people be on that medicaid shit for this reason. It's easily affordable and your options will be limited, but at least you'll have health care.

>You can't take a shit as a white male without offending someone
At that point you should just offend as many people as possible.

There actually is a shortage of jobs here, though. My city of 1,100,000 people or so only has 800-1000 job openings available at any time, while a nearby city has 10,000.

>Just move to that city!

With all this money I don't have due to not finding a job?

world is a vampire

The future looks pretty much the same as the present, which looks pretty much the same as the past.

The technology changes but people don't.

>What do you do at Walmart that you're in fear of being fired over?
I've seen managers literally start shit with associates on the floor which leads to termination. I'm also in a right-to-work state, so I'm more disposable than what's commonly acceptable.

Believe me, I do what I can in order to guarantee that I won't get fired. That includes working 5-7 hours a week for free. This is the best paying job I'll ever have, so I have to do what I have to.

You have internet access, am I wrong? I mean really, help me understand the mentality.

When I was dead broke, I took up article writing and ran social media accounts for shitty bands I would never listen to. I'm definitely not an expert but I needed money and realized I had access to the internet.

If any of that was true, you could have that Walmarts' ass on a silver platter. That's illegal. Store level management may not care and they usually don't, but corporate does.

Fuck off boomer

I'm starting to believe that worshiping the Chaos Gods is the only way out. Kill Maim Burn when?


Was that why that song was so popular?

In what world do you live where you can get paid for that?

You're joking, right? You do realize most of these eCelebs and bands don't actually run their own social media? Look up 'Social Media Manager'.

You can get paid for anything that people aren't willing to do themselves. No fucking wonder people are so broke today. Access to the greatest invention of humanity with billions of websites at their fingertips and all they can do is whine about how life's not fair.

Yes, but they also require actual experience and qualifications now, champ. The thing is that the employment situation where I live is so spectacularly bad that even volunteer agencies and the like have 6 month waiting periods before you can start working for them. I apply for jobs, I never get responses, that's just how it is. I don't blame the employers, since it must be hard to handle literally 300 applications from desperate young people at once.

Thanks gonna go brush my teeth so I never end up like you

Maken sure you get dental treatment. No ammount of brushing can prevent crowding/impactions.

>Yes, but they also require actual experience and qualifications now, champ.
No they don't. Most tech jobs like developer/social media manager/seo consultant don't require shit but an ability to sell yourself.

If you really want out of your situation and you obviously have access to the internet, you'll figure it out. Or, keep waiting for that pot of gold to show up at your door. Your choice. I don't care really.

You're the type that constantly finds an excuse as to why they're so miserable and not doing something about it.

Bitch i am stressed 90% of the time,so i am drunk 70% of the time.Kek when the welfare will run out we will kill and eat the old people,fuck em.

That is wage theft and you should be logging it. Use some gps logging or checkin shit on your phone to prove when you got there and when you left, vs the hours you were paid for, etc.

Being stressed out is bad? Nigger I am infruiated %100 of the time. My country is an absolute joke , everything is in shambles our futures are grim. Millenials as always act like they are hotshit and the ones that matter. Cant wait to fill their mouths with bullets. I would see the world burn rather than spiraling down to this orwellian dystopia.

The story is like bullshit. Walmart is super strict on hours worked and time clocked. No fucking way a manager would make anyone or even let someone work more hours than their scheduled to work. The store gets in deep shit with corporate for that.

No doubt corporation pressures store management to keep labor hours down with efficiency metrics, the managers are being dicks in response to expectations and incentives from corporate who know this shit is going on.

Kill maim burn brother.


closer to neuromancer, desu

Stressed on what?

$20 Avocado sandwiches?

Its general manager trying to make district manager by juicing his performance metrics, and getting away with it because shitty employment opportunities in that specific area.

Until they learn or we ran out of faggots to maim and kill.

There's no use at this point. I probably have thousands of hours of unpaid work since I've been working there starting in 2004.

They're strict in the sense they sperg out if you go over 40 hours a week. As long as the job is getting done, they don't give a fuck.

This. I would be a dick too if thousands of dollars in quarterly bonuses were on the line.

>implying they'll learn
You're too hopeful.

Have you ever considered that some people just aren't cut out for being self-employed?


I hope some will, they will understand what happened and why it happened. The rest is beyond us, to the rest we can only give death.

they're probably stressed because of all the chemicals and hormones pumped down their throats. Most people don't really care what they eat or expose themselves to. And when you've been exposed to that shit from birth, it fucks with you way harder than the later generations who were only introduced to it after adulthood.

>grow up in a generation where you can't find employment without going into massive debt for education, starting job pays shit with degree because it is flooded with people just like you.
>Can't buy a home because income is going to pay off debt for worthless degree
>Women still date up but they are totally whoring themselves to chads and you aren't on their radar
>didn't have a father in your home because mom was a dipshit roastie
>everything shoved into your gourd about how the world works was a complete lie for 24 years
>feeling stressed about dealing with the consequences of it all
>get called worthless by every generation from before who refuse to retire to open up jobs
>get called a faggot on Sup Forums

Glad I dodged all that shit. Retire in ten more years, house and land paid off before marriage so my wife can't fuck me out of it if we get a divorce, but since she is a happy as hell stay at home mom she has no desire to leave.

College is a waste

>understand what and why it happened
For fuck's sake, these people would be okay with the creation of a Soviet union like world power, and you're telling me they could understand the error of their ways? Kill them all I say. Set fire to them. Maim their accursed bodies.


Oh we are talking about those guys, I was thinking more of an apathic community that would side with us when shit goes down or sees through their bullshit and just steps aside as we mow (((them))) down.

We're in the decaying stage of a social order. We need it to die so a new one can be born.

Those guys at the only ones that should be spared. There's no reason to kill them, even if I find their apathy infuriating

>do you honestly think the future looks good?
I think there is not gonna be a fture to boot, so...

I hate to break it to you, bit your kid is going to be a twink. Also, there will be a civil war. Look at Syria right now. That is precisely what is happening there and you think it can't happen again here?

All it takes is one Tunisian street vendor to set himself on fire and an entire country starts hunting faggots down and hanging them from bridges.

Why the fuck am I laughing at the idea of a guy setting himself on fire?

sent to drain

>t. le 56% face neet
Almost took you seriously kek

The competition has grown, STEM is being outsourced by Indians/Asians with visas. Traditional retail jobs for the sake of minimum wage are dropping like flies, people won't be able to have these as temporary back-up plan in case they get fired from their main job unless it's fast-food related. People are becoming more independent by doing DIY projects learned by the internet. You got your head up your ass if you think they've got more job opportunities. The bar has been set higher, and every sector is becoming oversaturated as college is still being pressured. Millennials are not that lazy, they're actually all just more depressed and harder to come out of escapism knowing that reality is shit. Notice how every fucking meme revolves around suicide (drinking bleach/tide pods/ironic emo shit that people share because they think it's funny when in reality they probably reflect the same shit in their own head). The dollar has way less value, wages haven't really adapted to it much. Costs of education is rising (compare tuition costs from fifteen years ago to now) and when some grad comes home realizing they can only get entry-level jobs to pay off some shit and can't live on that wage for the x-amount of years it takes to actually get to a mid-level job in they studied for, then they're fucked.

Your lack of empathy won't help you see a plausible answer for yourself.
If you made this thread just to play the blame game, then I can't help you.

I know, you will say, "When I was X, I did this and that was it." The world doesn't revolve around you and every situation is different.

Times have changed, assuming you're a much older user, and it seems you're only interested in explaining how you've made it for yourself instead of the bigger picture. Also, if you were more aware, people like yourself are definitely contributing to the stress- millennials know the pressure from the older generations and nagging just eventually makes them crack.

I dont buy this at all

Smells like anti western propaganda