What's up my fellow Ireland fags happy St Patrick's day

American's don't know shit bout Ireland ama I'm an ireland fag btw

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Hello, fellow Irishman

Lá Fhéile Pádraig faoi mhaise duit!

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Hello, Irishman. Having a good day?

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The Irish are the niggers of Britain.

No one cares about your shitty country and culture besides LARPing Scots-Irish white trash here in the US.

Anyone going out today? Weather is shit down south so I'm gonna watch the match with the lads at home this afternoon

Remember, that America is so thoroughly jewed that we think corned beef and cabbage is an Irish dish.

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Ireland isn't part of Britain

Why'd you choose to single out us yanks?

Britain, UK, British Isles, Cucktopia, all the same.

when we think of "plastic paddies", Americans, and to a lesser extent leafs come to mind

Don't bring the Scots into this. Scots are based.

Death to the Germanic usurpers.

California is the same as Texas.

Whiter than you, Padraig

Can we drink a fuckton of guinness, eat boiled cabbage and corned beef and talk about how were 1/4th Irish? That's what I'm gonna do.


so you admit to being jewish ?

Do you have the shamrock shake over there? BTW one of my great great grandparents had an uncle from Dublin so I'm pretty much Irish XD


The Irish are a race of scoundrels. Case in point: Saint Patrick's day.

Incorrect. Scots prosecute people for recording themselves teaching their dogs to Nazi salute.

Scotland is even more cucked than Ireland.

Happy St. Patrick's day you Fenian bastards.

Enjoy it and make it count - 22 years and 1 million more non-Irish on the way as planed by your government and it'll never ben the same again.

You have a stunning country, it pains me to see it rotting from within.

Yeah, it might as well be.

well the actual meal is bacon and cabbage other than that do what you want for all I care

UK is more cucked than Ireland

This is true, sadly Stain Patrick would be disgusted to see his namesake being turned into a day or drinking, instead of a day to praising the Lord.

So cloverboy, whats this shit Iv been hearing about, Ireland 2040, or some such shit, where y'all are getting millions of niggers, chinks, and sandies?

Where'd corned beef come from then?

Scot here. This is absolutely true. But Ireland 2040 project might just put them in 1st place.

Scots are a bunch of fucking cucks who think they are an oppressed colonized minority.

There's a difference between people living in Scotland and those who descended from Scotland. The UK is a lost cause right now. However, Scots in the US compared to Irish. That's a different story. Irish are niggers no matter where they live.

Here’s to a long life, and a merry one. A quick death, and an easy one. A pretty girl, and an honest one. A cold pint, and another one!

Spoils of war taken back to Britain from the Argies.

government have a plan to import 1mil brown by 2040 people and are masquerading it as "infrastructure renewal". gov also caught paying newspapers to report positively on it because the population is against it

America - no on on this side of the pond has ever heard of it. By the way, 3 drone highland bagpipes and tartan kilts - also not Irish.

At least you have a more impressive history and heritage than the potato-niggers.

The Scot-descended population all along the South and South-East aren’t much better than northeastern paddy trash.

Glad at least 1 Irishman has heard of it. Few seem to realise what's going on

also most people a skeptical about it because
>we can't afford it
>local gov corruption (already huge) will be further enabled

Try voting against it.

Other user is right, no fucker ever ate corned beef and cabbage in Ireland. It’s cabbage and bacon, I was force fed it as a kid. Corse now I can stomach it.

Are you speaking Australian? Argies? Talk American buttmunch.

(OP) #
(You) should know that anyone who shills against the Irish and doesn’t know the most basic facts about Ireland are proxy Jews.

know your shill
>predominantly posts from American flags but not limited to them by any means
>organized shilling campaigns with multiple kikes spamming thread
>rarely know anything other than the most stereotypical memes about the country flag they are hiding behind.
>shilling jews are insular and have EXTREMELY limited knowledge or contact with non jews-that’s why they actually believe everyone else is sub human.

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>At least you have a more impressive history and heritage than the potato-niggers.

Well nothing can really come close to our history... that's a big shadow. But early Irish history is pretty amazing up till Cromwell. It all sort of went to shit after that.

Are you fucking retarded? Underage? Both?

Is that a joke?

Mutt posting is best posting
BTW my wife’s son is actually 5% Irish and 7% Jewish gorrilion

I've only ever heard of eating corned beef on st.patricks day WTF this is world shattering! Do you boil the bacon or fry it crispy?! WTF I can't handle this, this shit is going DOWN TODAY!!!

Sure, but whats an Argies?

WTF has that got to do with Americans?? Are you drunk ag?ain??

I dunno man, never lived in either place. I just know one of my friends is Irish and he's the epitome of a nigger. I'm 25% Scottish and the rest German / Dutch.


Here is the government propaganda video for those not in the loop

some fry some boil, try to find rashers if you can, they work better than american bacon

Kek. Yeah it was.

dude, wtf is that picture?
you could of cropped the shit around it out or saved the picture.

Jesus Christ. So its true after all. You glorious fuckers have no fucking "past sin" to atone for, unless we want to get fucking pants on head retarded, and call up the failed Celtic expeditions to North America. I mean I guess you could auger for Iceland, since I am sure the rocks there still cry for past Celtic Christian transgressions. Or perhaps the fay folk who live underground still being but hurt, cause if this is for your part in the British Empire, then any Irish who supports it should be killed, rather they be Catholic, or Protestant.

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So is Connor McGregor like a god over there or what?

By chance, do you have a dick in the middle of your chest?

Hasn't the 1 million figure been debunked though because a majority of that 1 million figure will be coming from native population growth. At least that's what Computing Forever says: youtube.com/watch?v=B7gZqqw5rTM

that's okay, we don't care.

the fact that Europeans delude themselves into thinking their tiny state sized nations matter is so funny. it's like you live in pretty new jersey.

our day of being 98% white are numbered

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It's mostly extra Irish people you mong. We have one of the highest birth rates in Europe.

maybe, but I've no doubt (((they)) will open the borders within the next 10-15 years

Not familiar with that meme. But no. I'm a pretty average dude.

Yeah because the shitskins will breed like rabbits, it's still a deathknell for ireland.

Hope you're all having a nice St.PATTY's day

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I'm sure they can think of some people of color to say modern irish stole the land from. The original Europeans were black. Even if that doesn't take hold the Irish are white. That's plenty of ammunition. White people did slavery and the holocaust and the Irish are privileged etc.. After two decades of racial integration they'll change the history books and portray a bunch of black celtic warriors and celtic gods in the media. Bam! Ireland has always been multicultural.

i wish i was irish but im italian instead


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Low quality bait.

Get a roll of bacon, not fucking rashers, throw it in a big pot with your cut cabbage and a bunch of spuds. Boil for an hour and half.
>pro tip
you may wanna leave the house during cooking, as it STINKS.

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Sorry you just sound like my one friend who has the exact same ethnic heritage, like literally down to a T and the same views. He has no right to claim hes better than anyone else though since
>he doesn't lift and has been saying "tomorrow', for 5 months
>has something wrong with him that there's a giant dick in his chest which makes him scared to go to beaches
>works a shitty job for nothing
>worships hitler and slavery but doesn't understand a mutt like him would be killed
>has never had a gf and hates black ppl
>has no real claim to be better than irish ppl yet hates them even though an irish lad me red pilled him which i regret

I agree. (((They))) want to make us a minority in every western country. I'm trying to red-pill people on this, but they either don't care and say "So what." or just say I'm a tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy theorist even when I show them actual evidence.

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Rolls, rashers, is this fucking lord of the rings? I've got thick cut bacon from a luckys deli lol.

I've been making Shepherd's Pie desu, is that a jewed dish too or is it true blue Irish?

No. He’s like an gippo wigger, but fair play to the cunt.

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How is that bait? Try reading it like it was written by an exasperated white man not a rejoicing hebrew.

Op here this is an ama ffs ask some questions
>Btw not singling out amerifags just an example

not jewed afaik

Remember to celebrate St PATTYS because on this day in boston (most irish place in the world) the first burger patty was invented

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I'm both, Italian is better than Irish, you are more handsome, have a larger penis, aren't so pale or freckly, and have a far better cuisine.

True y'all ain't got no snakes?

Yeah we ain't got no snakes some people got pet snakes but there ain't none in the wild

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nuh I'm ugly as fuck.
There was this blonde blue eyed polish girl last year that liked me but I didn't want to ruin her genetics.

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Why ain't you got no snakes?

Idk it's to cold it's 2°C out now and it's 11:38 in the morning

You should study english before you post. Everything you say is incomprehensible.

So how do I cook the cabbage, just boil it?
No bacon, but I'm making some pretty kicking beef stew and fresh soda bread. Got some Guinness extra because of tradition, but have more of pic related (literally better than any dark to come out of Ireland). Did get a bottle of Jameson to make some whiskey punch with too.

Shit forgot pic.

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Easter's coming up what do you have planned ;)?

You should always attempt to spread your mutt genes. All that matters ultimately is the spreading of your seed, we live after we die through our offspring, literally.

Our politicians are the snakes.

Is that really cold? It's spring time here 6am and it's still -1C outside. That isn't even cold that is just average low temperature. We'd be lucky to see this as a high temperature in the winter.

I was in AP English classes in highschool. If you can't understand my prose then that's your failing as a reader, not mine as a writer.

too cold year round

Patricks day and rugby match. Don't drink yourselves to death.

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Do you support the IRA? why or why not

im not mutt

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>be me
>sitting in an Irish airport having a pint
American Soldier walks up to cashier and motions to her saying cookie
>American Soldier does not know Irish speak english
>Have to tell nice young black that they indeed do speak english and you can use your words

"Clifford Worley: You're Sicilian, huh?

Coccotti: Yeah, Sicilian.

Clifford Worley: Ya know, I read a lot. Especially about things... about history. I find that shit fascinating. Here's a fact I don't know whether you know or not. Sicilians were spawned by niggers.

Coccotti: [He does a double take] Come again?

Clifford Worley: It's a fact. Yeah. You see, uh, Sicilians have, uh, black blood pumpin' through their hearts. Hey, no, if eh, if eh, if you don't believe me, uh, you can look it up. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, uh, you see, uh, the Moors conquered Sicily. And the Moors are niggers.

Coccotti: Yes...

Clifford Worley: So you see, way back then, uh, Sicilians were like, uh, wops from Northern Italy. Ah, they all had blonde hair and blue eyes, but, uh, well, then the Moors moved in there, and uh, well, they changed the whole country. They did so much fuckin' with Sicilian women, huh? That they changed the whole bloodline forever. That's why blonde hair and blue eyes became black hair and dark skin. You know, it's absolutely amazing to me to think that to this day, hundreds of years later, that, uh, that Sicilians still carry that nigger gene. Now this...

[Coccotti busts out laughing]

Clifford Worley: No, I'm, no, I'm quoting... history. It's written. It's a fact, it's written.

Coccotti: [laughing] I love this guy.

Clifford Worley: Your ancestors are niggers. Uh-huh.

[Starts laughing, too]

Clifford Worley: Hey. Yeah. And, and your great-great-great-great grandmother fucked a nigger, ho, ho, yeah, and she had a half-nigger kid... now, if that's a fact, tell me, am I lying? 'Cause you, you're part eggplant."

im not sicilian kys mutt

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