Dear working class whites

Stop voting agaisnt your own economic interests

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Dear Niggers,

Go back to africa

t; brainwashed communist who doesn't know the difference between capitalism and crony capitalism

>he thinks he can address the working class in the number one and most popular Burmese board for the genocide of Rohingya scum

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It does trickle down. Just not you in when globalism is the play. Don’t you know how much better off third world nations are now. What you thought it would trickle down to you ?

>my economic interests are gibs for niggers and free entry for every third worlder who wants even more gibs
Wew, nice try faggot

Trickle down economics doesn't exist.


It wuz not real capitalism!!!

What guilt does the tomato have
that is quiet in the bush
and a son of a bitch is coming
and put it in a can
and he sends it to Caracas.

The lords of the mine
they have bought a Roman
to weigh the money
that you all weeks
They rob the poor worker.

When will the God of heaven want?
that the tortilla becomes
that the poor eat bread
and the rich shit, shit.

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All capitalism is crony capitalism.

"Trickle down-" is nothing. Just another dogma from the left. This thread is cancer.

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You clearly don't know the different

enjoy ban

Real capitalism has never been tried.


i vote for smaller federal regulation and influence, as well as tax cuts of all varieties
i doubt that we can ever change our government from what it has become into what it was meant to be
but i vote anyway, waiting for ww3 to hit so we can hopefully rebuild a decent minimalist state in the ashes

gulag for all jew capitalists

they know the time is coming that's why they are shilling so hard against communism

> bootlickers thinking billionaire gibs is better

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>raise taxes
>rich people leave the country or have all their money overseas
>nothing changes for lazy niggers who don't work and receive gibs because they're lazy niggers
>working class Whites are now forced to subsidize lazy niggers
Great plan

Eat the rich.

What do you define as that? My grandfather was Jewish and a corporation owner but he believed communism was coming so he got all his kids into Bureaucratic jobs and stuff so when communism came they'd be ok. I'm becoming a Bureaucrat but will i still be ok even if my grandfather is still a corporate owner? I read communists even harmed family members of bourgoise.

Also i fully respect communism so would i fit into it?

> Stop voting agaisnt your own economic interests

Translation: "Hey you stupid toothless racist rednecks, why aren't you voting for the people who constantly mock you and want to replace you with third-world shitskins?"

That's why you have to be forceful, do not let them escape with their ill gotten assets.

>ban them from leaving
Yeah sure so hard

Dear working class whites,

Today OP is a huuuuuuuuuuge faggot. Again.
He just can't get enough of gobbling down buckets of commie cum.

>he think voting makes a difference

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National Distributism >>>>>> National Syndicalism, solely because class collaboration > class struggle.

>commies want a country so shit that they have to force people to stay

if you survive the revolution, you'll be fine

Yep that's the answer - forceful communism.

It worked so well in the past.

With all these commies ITT let's see if they can answer this:
Why are there no communist companies

Distributists are alright, but syndicalism is more stable and secure.

Free markets are the only path to prosperity.


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Open borders is a Koch brothers prospoal


PS class collab is a codeword for bending over to degenerate bourgs.

You won't even have to, where the fuck are they going to go? Most other first world nations have higher taxes then the US.

Not a single conservative has used “trickle-down economics” as a way to describe tax cuts.
Fuck off.

Because they have to operate under hyper capitalistic parameters

Prosperity =/= poverty and rampant degeneracy

A Liberal created this phrase and they're the only ones use it.
Never heard a Conservative say this in reference to their laws.

>Stop voting agaisnt *against* your own economic interests

The statement that screams "I don't know anything about economics but believe others should pay my bills" statement that liberals always throw out.

Here are my three questions.

The first is: ‘Compared to what?’

The second is: ‘At what cost?’

And the third is: ‘What hard evidence do you have?’

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And syndicalism is far better than most of its alternatives. I'd share the Overton Window with you senpai.

Where are the Communist countries with Communist companies?

Buddies alright?

Back during the 80s when Regan was proposing them this was literally the thought process behind cutting taxes.

why are there no capitalist humans, only soulless drones that need to buy new plastic shit constantly just not to kill themselves out of depression?

first image is for western societies, second image is for communism

What can yankees really do about it? Your Left and Right both are hopelessly corrupt and only serve the interest of the elite.

>hyper capitalist
but we can ignore this for now.

lets just look at the core of your argument.
communist companies cant exist within a capitalist community.
how will a communist country survive in the presence of other capitalist countries?

where do you think products were produced in communist countries, genius?


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And what countries are Communist?

That's just because that phrase has become a parody and people know the theory is flawed. They know not to call it that but they still use fancier ways of saying the same principles.

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Also, how can you have a company in a Communist country when it's all state owned?

If conservatives understood economics they wouldn't be conservatives anymore.

Programs like food stamps always goes right back into local communities. Programs like medicare and medicaid allow lower income elders and families to go to the doctor thus spurring a larger health market.

And when did Reagan or any other Conservative use the phrase?

If we didn't vote for trump, I wouldn't be getting a raise. Fuck off, I've been more comfortable that I ever have.

it's a regular factory, just that it's managed and owned by the government

>Programs like medicare and medicaid allow lower income elders and families to go to the doctor thus spurring a larger health market.

Except when they don't eat healthy or exercise in the first place.
There's always going to be the excuse that they can't make it to appointments as well.

I'm part of the 1% and got my job through nepotism.
Voting for the left is voting against my economic interests.

Quality of society is defined by how it treats its poor. If you got plenty of homeless, drug abuse and millions of people existing outside basic health care, your country has seriously gone wrong somewhere.

This is how trickle down works. If you keep working for another man, you don't get a glass to collect wine.

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Capitalism is a different word for consumerism.
The word consumerism sounds a lot better because you're an emotional guy and when you hear it you feel a connection. Because you're a consumer yourself.
Businesses are consumers too.

is trump your boss?

if not, how did he give you a raise?

We want our job to stay at home and to not let porky deflate wages with immigration. We are already doing that. Please stop fighting working class resistance against capitalism.

You’re part of the problem

'it's not REAL capitalism'

literal communist tier argument

So you’re saying that after 1940’s we had communists take over the entire country despite McCarthyism?

I’m genuinely trying to follow your train of logic here since the rich use to be taxed way higher before.

Why? It's better than voting against my racial interests.


Too late, its already trickled down to me. Get bent.

That's shit logic, m8. Use some inductive reasoning. Trump's tax reform is the reason my bosses are giving us raises and bonuses, they literally put it in the email.

Because we have a massive population that doesn't even bother cleaning their room.

Actually, everything that we learn about "Trickle down economics" is from the left, who invented the term to keep people too angry to think critically. (This is called ignorance).

Compared to what your bosses get, your bonuses are mere scraps.

this is why mika brzezinski is a republican.
also debbie washerman shultz
also amy schumer
my list of republicans who got there jobs through neopotism is nearly endless should I keep going?

Why do you think I care about what bluecollar wageslaves think?

post the email

I'm not a ceo or top manager, user. I got a 3 dollar raise for a job most people can do with little to no training.

>enabling trannies, niggers, and spics is in our interest

If there is corporate welfare then its not a free market.

Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred.

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There were cooperatives in the USSR that produced lots of different goods (until Khruschev banned them). Communism doesn't mean there's no trade just that it's illegal to be a capitalist (profit off other people's labor).

>if there was no regulation or taxes or checks at all then it'd totally be fine!

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Not ancap, I can see by your strawman that you forfeit.

Damn straight.

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Would you rather give money to 100 Jews or have 100,000,000 Africans move into your nation?

Free market is only a benefit to those that are already wealthy. Wealth is power, and power corrupts.
Therefore, a free market is corrupting, unethical.

>waiting for the trickle to reach you
That's where you went wrong.

> tfw Muller will make Drumpf his bitch once Drumpfie gets indicted

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>hurr durr trackle durn ecornomics means rich guy will hand me mo monayyy!!
Why do Commies not ever bother to even learn basic economic principles before they try to make arguments? I bet you think that the rich literally have big money bags in safes and that's why that cup just keeps on getting bigger.


This is not true, something like 90% of wealth is lost by the third generation of the rich.

Fuck off commie

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