Stormy Daniel's is a whore
Just got done watching this. What a fucking joke, they are trying to blow a storm in a glass of water.
Basically she's a porn actor, that alledgedly had sex with trump, I assume after trump divorced his ex wife. She signed some kind of confidentiality agreement probably for the sake of melania and the kids. Melania in all likelyhood knows and they've worked through it together. But this slut of a woman and her opportunistic lawyer apparently want to make a big show of this and pretend it's some kind of amazing and terrible thing. Bitch agreed to a contract, she's now proving that she's not just a whore for porn dollars, she's also got a whore of a mouth and apparently wants to violate the agreement. Simply google Stormy Daniel's porn and see if you can take her seriously. The lawyer is pretending it's some innocent virgin pure of the purest of a woman that is being violated by trump the bully. It's fucking bizarre the makebelieve her and her lawyer has got going on. This isn't Bill Clinton getting a blowjob from an intern in the white house. This is a porn model who's taken it in every orifice on camera for money many times, pretending to be some pure driven snow innocent person who's being bullied. Someone who deliberately takes money to get fucked, is the very definition of a whore.

Attached: stormy_daniels.jpg (463x260, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>this pornstar is a whore

duh thats why whores always get murdered

>Stormy Daniel's is a whore
My surprise

redundant eh

>giving a fuck about some sloppy old fart's sex life
you're gay

5 person panel discussing a whore

>shits away on March 25th


>>giving a fuck about some sloppy old fart's sex life
You mean like the entire media is doing?

Nobody cares. Buahahahahahaahaha

>signs a confidentiality agreement
>breaks it
This will totally end well, I'm sure.
And boo hoo, Trump fucked an elite hooker in the distant past, so what? He ain't no John "Skippy" Podesta (whom the estbalisment intentionally swept under the rug)

Gay porn expert panel

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you're worse than teenage girls
or OP is a fucking shill who keeps creating threads about some whore who fucked trump
who the hell cares
there are important issues to discuss

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this lawyer should be disbarred for leading his client into financial ruin for his own career advancement

Fuck and kill your own kid Podesta gets off the hook. But Trump is bad. What a time to be alive.


First post i ever made about it.

Trump curse, when?
I invoke the powers of Trump to strike the whore down. Whore. Thou shalt regret trying to fuck over the God Emporer. Whore. Semen Demon. By the Powers vested in me and by the Great Dong of the Trump, you shall rue this day.

Yeah OP no shit

Hopefully in the end her and her jew lawyer end up getting fucked and ruined financially. I have zero fucking respect for pornstars and other literal whores and this is exactly why


Why does the president of the United States consort with whores so much? Is he some kind of degenerate or is he insecure about his dick or what?

Attached: Trump being fat.jpg (580x743, 58K)

show me that BBC

As opposed to Pizza?

A porn slut is a whore??????

No way

>As opposed to Pizza?
The president has some serious pizza issues too. I really wonder what's wrong inside his head.

Attached: Trump pizza crime.gif (644x472, 3.38M)

The lawyer want to take it to court to get trump to admit that he fucked the whore sometime in the past, probably after the breakup with his ex wife, that's basically his entire thing with 'the people deserve to know' what that he had sex with a pornstar? Wew what a fucking disaster. Eventhough trumps family already knows and have worked through. And she signed an agreement so she couldn't use it later on to try to jump it at him or blackmail him. Now she tries to breach that agreement regardless. And shamelessly uses this as a PR stunt for her own career and to get media attention her way. She'll probably write a fucking book that'll be on amazon's best sellers list of leftists feverishly purchasing it because it might say something negative about trump. And she wants to put baron through this so she can make some easy dollars, because the porn business is probably not doing good enough for her liking these days. The whole thing is so fucking transparent.

Attached: stormy_daniels2.jpg (2500x1788, 401K)

It's a commercial for deep pan pizza with cheese crust you moron, that's why he says crust first. What do you expect?

No need for threads like this. Everyone knows, OP. No one is paying any attention to the whore nor will they

First of all, there's no real evidence these two even had sex other than the word of a fucking pornstar whore. But even if they did who the fuck cares? The sad part of this is that this woman is trying to act like she's this innocent victim that wants to "tell her story" and the POTUS is trying to silence her, as if Trump even did anything wrong here on top of that she signed an agreement not to talk about this. Hopefully someone throws a hot cup of coffee at her face the next time she's sliding down another pole for money.

I can't tell if the "hur dur Trump wants to fuck his daughter because Stormy looked like her" stuff is meant to promote incest or make it seem bad since it relates to Trump

There on video so there actors. "Your cute baby let me make you a star"!

You have a more thorough knowledge of US culture than your fellow European, the meme flagger

>who cares if the president is a degenerate lowlife

>What do you expect?
Someone who knows how to eat pizza.

Attached: Trump Weinstein.jpg (710x473, 119K)

>Someone who knows how to eat pizza.
Oh because he once ate a pizza with a knife and fork instead of getting your hands greasy? Wew, it's over for trump this time. I remember seeing that John Stewart show before he retired. Fucking knife and fork eater, what an asshole right?

Are you mad, perchance?

Trump is a very weird fucker. I don't trust someone who can't eat fast food without making it an exercise in retardation.

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>Are you mad, perchance?
No i'm just insulted that you come here to sperg shill talking points that paid hillary campaign people were spewing in here back in 2016 and doing it in a thread that i made. Either talk about the topic ITT or piss off.

The topic is whether Trump has any taste or judgment, and why he spends time with massive whores. It's all very nasty, in my view.

Attached: Trump Coke insanity.jpg (750x883, 130K)

It's not retarded to eat with utencils. It's what humans do.
>>I don't trust someone who can't eat fast food without making it an exercise in retardation.
I don't trust anyone who thinks eating with utencils is an excersize in retardation. Just because you normally take a pizza slize and shove half of it into your mouth after which your fingers gets all greasy. Doesn't mean everybody has to. It actually shows that trump is more used to finer dining, rather than sloppy pizza eating from dominos. What you are doing here is trying to do a character and competence evaluation based on if someone eats a pizza with utensils or not, it's an insult to my intelligence to even suggest that.
>The topic is whether Trump has any taste or judgment, and why he spends time with massive whores. It's all very nasty, in my view.
No the topic is not whatever the fuck you say it is, it's what I say it is. And the topic is clearly the merit of stormy daniels trying to break a confidentiality agreement by talking to 60 minutes in a piece they are airing on march 25th.

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Is her lawyer a kike?

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Even faggot Spencer got a FSB honeypot. How come anons here dont get one too?
Fucking FSB! Cant do shit right.

>muh diet coke.
Every single post you have replied with have been with shill talking points and ridiculous misrepresentations, from the first one with the pizza which is clearly a cheese crust commercial anyone with reasonable intelligence can figure that out in about 1 minute. Even if trump drank 20 diet cokes a day, he's more healthy than the average american. He doesn't smoke, doesn't do drugs, doesn't drink alcohol. Go make your own
>it's over for trump now, look at that diet coke
Post and stop shitting up mine with your nonsense.
>is his lawyer a jew
Idk look him up his name is Michael J Avenatti.

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>tfw you also drink 12 cans of diet a coke a day causing you urinate at least 8 times a day

no wonder dude tweets so much