This country has never made a good anime.
This country has never made a good anime
try again
>"there has never been a good american anim-"
King of the Hill
cory in the house
America has never made an anime, so yeah.
>All American anime is tra-
my faovirte anome
Finished it for ya.
I thought castlevania was pretty good desu.
Gotta push that race mixing eh Soros
Not anime.
>USA never made good Japanese animation
Are they even trying?
>forgetting about the best anime character ever created
>This country has never made a good anime inspired cartoon.
Fixed your post OP
>japanese animation
Get out of here, newfag. My Little Pony, Family Guy, and South Park are all anime, and Japanese people would agree.
Umm, think again sweety.
what do you know fag
anime just means cartoons
Neo Yokio?
More like Neo Joke-io!
What do they know?
Is this a bait thread? I thought anime referred to Japanese animation.
There is a reason why cartoon shit are on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums.
They don't make anime.
French anime is the best anime.
not really
Asians are the master race, they know everything.
They're honorary master race.
It refers to all animation, but this is a bait thread, regardless. Anime is currently used like you said.
Uhm guess again sweeatie.
Hmmm...... even the Nips like it.
You don't deserve this big toblerone.
This was an american production?
RWBY is like 2hu, they only like it because of the designs.
You may not like it, but this is what the peak of anime looks like.
That was actually a good show, which is exceptional for celebrity bait cartoons.
Avatar: Legend of Aang.
It might as well have been at the end of the day
Nope, white people are gonna be done pretty soon, and Asians are gonna be the real master race in like 100 years. I say this as a white person, too. We're on a sinking ship. China is becoming the new America, America is becoming the new Europe, and God knows what Europe is becoming.
Sure is Filthy Frank kids in there.
Celebrity bait implies the show was being made first and they got Jackie Chan for marketing value. Not true, Chan was the one who pitched the show in the first place.
And yet there's significantly less porn. It's very upsetting.
All of that is unironically anime except Cory in the House.
diminishing returns, I prefer his early work
>Jackie Chan
>not voiced by Jackie Chan
>often has the real Jackie Chan in live-action segments
That's because the French are weebs.
Afro Samurai is a thing mothafucka
That was made in Japan, retard.