Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido Arc #3
OP here. Fuck it. Dumping.
I only saw the anime. Should I read the manga, too, or is it redundant.
What the fuck? Fucking imageswap.
Reposting the last page just in case.
Read the manga.
To be continued.
Thanks for the dump OP.
Glad to see cameos of minor characters (I don't recognize the one on the right, but I know I saw him before.)
Isnt that Sano's little brother?
Thanks user!
Sword martial arts demands a muscular fit body that can handle the strain of the swordsmanship like his master's body yet Kenshin doesn't even bother to get /fit/ despite knowing this crucial, important fact and is content with his muscles wasting away.
What a retard.
Yeah, it's him. Thanks user.
Holy shit you're right. Sano told his little brother to take up sword lessons at Kamiya dojo. And those apple cheeks to boot. It is him.
Kenshin's supposed to be retired from fighting. Why fuck would a fighter continue to push his body to the limits when they're retired?
I am still mad over the proto-nazi guy not getting togethe with the ninja girl at the end of that anime only filler arc.
Holy fuck I forgot how fucking cute Yahiko and Tsubame were together.
Rape when?
>tfw tomboy loses
Tomboy? What tomboy?
>if the ever make a new kenshin anime you think they will start from enishi or this new arc?
is that sanos brother?
probably meant Misao?
honestly thought it's Soujiro until I saw the thumbnail.
kaoru confirmed for a stamina-demanding tiger in bed and kenshin for one-shot weakling.
If you saw season 1 and 2, yes fucking read it, but skip to the third arc shita mostly the same
Watch trust and betrayal afterwords if you havent
If he did then Misao won with Aoshi.
big dick is back in town
They'd have to cover the Jinchuu arc. It needs to be done.