With Kale getting Friendzoned last episode and Caulifla trying to avenge Cabba how long until they become a couple and Caulifla gets domesticated?
Dragon Ball Super
>getting domesticated
hopefully never
Male Saiyans are femdom lovers.
Even if that was to happen, Caulifla is the one with a cock, not Cabba.
cabba doesn't need caulifa, hes apart of his planet's defense force elite. i'm sure his selection is not limited.
Soon. Caulifla is already confirmed to want Cabba's cock.
>Kale getting Friendzoned
That never happened.
Cabba looks very young, or is he just very short and young looking?
saiyan aging makes it hard to tell
He's still a shota fuccboi.
I see you skipped last episode
Caulifla is definitely a lesbian, but she isn't attracted to ugly girls like Kale.
Nice headcanon
Leave Margarita alone, She is not retard, She is pure!
Watch 114 fag
>Muh pure
Fuck off from Sup Forums already. I’m tired of your shit.
Reminder that Kale is beautiful.
the angel? what does she have to do with this
He's probably going to date and bang both Kale and Caulifla at the same time when he's older.
Those lips on your dick
A lot of people consider their spouse to be their best friend.
So headcanon it's not even funny. The only reason Caulifla wants to avenge him is because he owes her one from earlier. It's called honor. The best Cabba can hope for is coming to U7 and hooking up with Tights.
Caulifla hasn't given a SINGLE impression that she's in love with or would fuck Kale.
No spouse calls their significant other familial terms like sister or mentor/apprentice terms like protege either.
She owes him one*
>threads completely taken over by seasonal waifufag subhumans
this thread has finally become completely irredeemable trash
I want to be blown by Kale.
Caulifla obviously loves Kale, but none of it has been romantic. Meanwhile you can tell she's falling for Cabba. The way she "rejected" him when kale first went Berserk is a common trope in anime. I guarantee you she's gonna kiss him, or hug him when they get erased.
>No spouse calls their significant other familial terms like sister or mentor/apprentice terms like protege either.
Yeah, but fucked up relationships are an anime staple.
Let me rephrase that,
No couple calls themselves brother/sister, even in anime, unless they are literally brother/sister and share parents.
So if current Goku & Vegeta fused and became Super Vegito, would they beat current Godku?
Whats the problem big boi? Scared of some girl power?
THICC Kale literally makes my mouth water.
We don't really know how she uses the term 'sister'. Wogs like to throw around the word 'brother' even when referring to complete strangers.
That battle stance is great. Such a cheeky staredown.
What the fuck are wogs
>meme goku y jiren
what did he mean by this?
All I wanted was for Cabba to get a SS4-like form (that makes him buff)
Cabba doesn't even seem to like Caulifla romantically and same applies to Caulifla towards Cabba.
Dragon Ball is nothing like your shitty teen dramas faggot
Waifufagging > power level wank
What fucking else is there to talk about?
Did you miss him whiteknighting in episode 112?
Someone post THAT Caulifla picture
Post Kale.
Caulifla only belongs to one person.
How is acknowledging they're the best hope to save their universe and doing what he can to keep them safe white knighting?
Based Cabba will tame her.
What's his name again?
>bases cabba tames her
>she becomes videl 2.0
cant wait
I'm gonna go ahead and assume Cabbafags are crypto Gohanpedos, who else would be attracted to such a spineless cuck and pretend he's manly.
I front understand why they didn't just use super buus design. Fuck this skinny fat piece of shit.
Kefla is going to get eliminated by frieza surprise attacking her because goku "was playing around too much OHOHOHOHO"
cap this
When will best bun fight again
when he rings out Vegeta while he's fighting Toppo.
Oh I'll be capping the humiliation alright, yours that is.
Toei is so fucking retarded, the only reason Buu had his eyes closed was because he was fat as fuck, when he slimmed down, instead of looking like Super Buu somehow still had his eyes closed for no reason.
Who will defeat Jiren
Significant others are often described as best friends
>Cabba turns Cauli into a submissive docile housewife that gets on all fours when he comes home from work
Fucking hot
I really want to hug her.
How the hell did he hit ssj2 without even unlocking the intermediate levels?
>open eyes are tiny black dots
That would completely ruin his design.
>wanting a literal layer of fat for a chin
kys insufferable furfag
If you cum inside Kefla and they defuse, who would end up pregnant?
He's a u6 sayian he just does
is it foreshadowing for permanent fusion or would that be too obvious?
pic related
I genuinely love super
people just come here to shitpost nothing else.
You've posted this image at least 3 times now, and haven't gotten a single reply. I feel bad, here's a (you) from Caulifla.
what is going to be the big threat after jiren
y-you too
i assumed they're going to be vegeto blue tier so their shit had better run out toward the end of the tournament
If it doesn't happen your mother will die in her sleep (if you don't answer to this post too)
I want Caulifla to beat me up.
This arc is really boring because all characters other than Jiren, Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Toppo and Hit are too weak to be significant.
Still, the scenes with Krillin and Roshi were very good, because they were trying their best. 17's fights were good too, because there was no holding back bs and he was giving his best.
But Goku's fights have been shit. He's the second most powerful fighter and he often struggles against jobbers.
if anything Cabba the Cuck will be the one on all fours. Remember that Saiyan men are canononically submissive.
ChiChi after Goku kicks her out of the house in favor of Caulifla
What happened this time?
Goku will. The show is still firmly in it's own tropes, he's going to master the ultra instinct, maaaaybe some other new form, and beat him in a big final brawl just like he has before.
Actually wait, there is one other possibility. They both team up against the gods to save all the universes. Good money is that happens after goku beats him though.
Put some clothes on auntie!
caulifla will be a good tamed housewife, she will focus on cleaning, cooking and taking care of the kids. She will also gain some much needed weight so Cabba can smash her more often and not feel like hes grabbing a stach of needles.
I give it until February for Jiren to become just another jobber.
Stop, you will attract the pedos.
Caulifla is for 18