ITT: Bad character designs
ITT: Bad character designs
I agree.
I agree.
You thread just died, are you autistic or something?
The anime butchered all of the character designs though.
Are you retarded?
I never dropped a show faster than when the MC casually finger banged her to see if she was wearing panties and everyone acted like it was nothing
I disagree
>implying you wouldnt fuck her silly
When did he do this, you pathetic white knight?
low test
The character design in HxH is fucking garbage throughout the whole manga, not just during CA arc.
What were they thinking?
Bad design, yeah, but she's still a qt.
about my dick
Bad opinions. She's cute as fuck. Only her clothes were bad and she changed those.
Elizabeth was made for fucking.
Polka dots, eyepatch AND piercings? gimme a break.
I swear in gods good name i can't get off to Elizabeth.
Lord knows i have tried too.
Granted i think she is the most boring character in a series with mostly great characters but i should AT LEAST be able to get a hard on, but nope, no such thing.
What a fucking clusterfuck
You're just gay .
I like her design because I've known skanky teenagers who accessorize like that.
>polka dots
Where ?
But i have jerked off to Diane more times than i can count?
Fuck you Ikishima-san is a pure good girl.
literally dropped in the first episode as soon as i saw this character
Everyone in Aquarion Logos
Advice, read the manga from chapter 1 so that you can't hear her voice. She gets better in the second arc and recently she's become pretty likable. But that's entering spoiler territory.
Are you even trying, OP?
ugly on purpose villains dont count
Has Toriyama ever said something about the SSJ3 design?
Is the waist cloth, right?
What's bad about it?
>make yuribait female cast series
>make the MC fucking ugly
Most of these guys are even worse
How the hell did this come from the Yu Yu Hakusho mangaka? Did he run out of ideas?
end yourself right fucking now
The zodiac designs are legit terrible
Shit taste as fuck
In season one, I agree. G and onwards? Can't say I do.
ants are great, zodiacs are retarded
Retard-kun, please come back to the bnha threads, I missed you
all chibi characters that are the only chibi charater from their respective anime
I know it's closer to the manga, but fuck you.
Most of JoJo.
Oh yeah fucking this. Hiatus x Hiatus has the worst designs I have seen in any shounen.
JoJo has the worst designs I've seen in shounen.
I want her to sit on my face
I love HxH and I'd agree that the designs are questionable honestly. I like Meruem and Pitou though.
Elizabeth is my wife, stop talking shit about her.
Also yeah, I hate the Zodiac designs outright. Bunny girl is okay.
Good character. Bad design
Eat shit buddy, Subete and his dad are dapper as fuck.
There is a pretty good mind break doujin with that bitch
Emily is perfection
QUALITY isn't bad design.
Fuck man, it's not even hard to pick a bad design in the same damn series, the first form of the Netushan armor looks like an explosion in a quilt shoppe.
I love the doujinshi where she gets tricked by the old man with his supposed sickness.
That fat chick from dragon maid. Her fucking design is just plain shit.
All the characters from kek la kek
Where are they ?
The bun in her head.
>Dog girl
And I thought Ikishima design was stupid.
Is there a reason why she dresses like this?
Elizabeth is cute!!
She may be cute but her design is awful.
What's wrong with that ?
That's were her polka dots are, unless user is mistaken the squares on her skirt as polka dots.
So there is nothing wrong with that
DBS strongest fighters from other the universes.
Her whole combination is a mess.
>School uniform
>Wrists bandages
>A fucking eyepatch
I think it's alright except the wrist bandages , they never explain why she is wearing them
Also the piercing and an eyepatch look great on her
You have shit taste
Bad character. Good design
I agree
This is a good example of how modern anime designs don't always make everything better. Or they need to hire better anime character designers.
A fucking submissive sluta useless like orihime, Fuck you
Some are good but others are "clothes designer rejected ideas" esque later on.
Most of JoJo characters.
It's supposed to be flamboyant and over the top, but most designs are just straight horrible.
Shit sitting on the toilet
All about her is pure bullshit
Moods please ban to that stupid edgy shit
Outstanding design for a boring tool of a character.
Looks meh.
That's perfect cuckboy
Do you come into these threads just to shitpost ?
The one who's getting banned is you faggot
Your taste is pure fucking garbage.
What went wrong?