With the current state of Sup Forums, this thread will likely be slid. But I'm going to try...

With the current state of Sup Forums, this thread will likely be slid. But I'm going to try, can we get some Redpills on the Israel Lobby? How far and how deep does it go? The left has people going nuts over a few million NRA dollars, while almost all of DC is swimming in Jewish money. Keep your Trump is a Like memes out, this is specifically about how Israel shapes our foreign policy. I would like to find some good sources to connect people and money to events and try to spread this information.

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And the 1488 gas the kikes shit isn't helpful. It just turns people off to reasonable discussion. We know who really pushed those memes though.

I don't have any information on me but you get my immediate bump because I would also like to look into it.

Thanks. As soon as I started this thread I saw all kinds of new low effort meme threads pop up. I know this is an open secret that neither government wants out there.


Massive investigation on how they operate in the UK.
Real fucking crafty


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you got a good book there, op
one author was the big professor on campus at U of C
other is Harvard prof
that book is a hell of a start

'The tragedy of Great Power politics' was a better book.
The fundamentalist religious right believing in the need for Israel to fulfill prophecies in order to start the ends times is a more important 'lobby' in form of an actual relevant voting bloc.
But go ahead and just say 'the jews did it' over and over again. that's easy afterall.

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A Marine General in Congress at the time of the book said who benefits from the Iraq “War” etc.
you can figure it out alone at your kitchen table
Iraq was Hell, but someone liked it, won’t apologize, and would do it to us again

yes, they hoodwinked Fundamentalists and others
Americans realize now
makes it even more shameful—there still are good people not used to big city shysters, Machiavellians and other assorted Jews


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I agree. Blaming the Jews was not the aim of this thread. I'm just looking for facts.

shameful post
who benefits from Iraq?
Every last Christian in the Holy Land has been butchered or is in threat of being butchered
American Fundamentalists realize they were hoodwinked

Smedley Butler wrote some things, and he was a Marine Lt General- about as mainstream and high up an indictment against the military-industrial complex (nearly always tied in or leading to Israeli lobby)

it is absolutely mindboggling how folk can see the NRA as some big-bad organization throwing shekels at congressmen like crazy. they donate 10k to each R that runs, big fucking whoop. thats a few steak dinners and mid-grade hookers in DC.

meanwhile AIPAC, Northrup-Grumman, Dyncorp, Lockheed, Boeing, et al throw so much fucking money around there its insane and if you DARE step out of line of the Israeli lobby you will have a primary challenger well-funded every election. you won't have such a thing as a "safe" election from the point you break with them.

can't remember the exact video, but Ron Paul described this either on his show or elsewhere.

recently Scott Horton had some people on his show talking about the Israeli lobby- they have some sort of conference or something coinciding with a big Israeli lobby effort. he's good on most foreign policy shit, although he's an ancap sort of guy so you get that influence.

See, this right here is the kind of factual Redpill that could easily be spread. Billions in donations from arms dealers and the media wants to focus on relative chump change from the NRA.

the Mayor of Chicago is a good example of big city Machiavellianism and their loyalty to Israel
Rahm Emanuel
I wish I could prepare the good people left on this earth for big city Jews, all they need do is study Rahm

That is a good book OP. In the first chapters he goes into the arguments given to support Israel, and he demolishes everyone of them. What is more crucial, is he goes into depth why supporting Israel is a bad move for the US, when it comes to building alliances in the middle east. There are some redpills in the book, like the Israel lobby being the third biggest lobby, behind the NRA and pharmalobby.

well, just about anyone with an IQ above room temperature could arrive here with a google search


pretty unsurprising- you've got your land speculators, telecoms, arms/aerospace, banksters, and medical lobby. in terms of sheer shekels, that medical lobby is killer. looking through the shit is a bit archaic...it can easily verify that the NRA is chump-fucking-change in DC.

im not much for propaganda though on account of im a drunk third-shift anarchist-seccessionist anyway. it sure is a shame that folk aren't more thorough. here were are in 2018 and uncle Ted failed to prevent the rise of The Algorithm (tm), you can get at least modestly reliable statistics of real information within 5 minutes, parse the shit within 10 tops, to decide on some issue thats got your feelies in a jumble.

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