Individualism is jewish tricks

>Israel literal ethnostate
>has a wall
>despises the goyim
>tells us we need to embrace multicultural individualism
>one day your government decides to proclaim tyranny on your people like in the UK.
>alternatively you get invaded by arab alpha muhammads who consider your society weak and degenerate
>no one has your back and everyone is looking out for their own individual selfish interests.
Proof me wrong.

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I don't think you understand what individualism means.

I think I have a pretty good idea but feel free to elaborate.

Also which I forgot to mention is that dividing the people of a country into groups and dividing those groups down to the individual inevitably leads to degeneracy and weakness.
Without a tribe you're chances of survival plummet.
This is proven fact.

However the collective beats the individual everytime.
Nationalism and individualism couldn't exist without each other because every group is made up from individual members who couldn't survive on their own in times of crisis which is my point.


there is a difference between coerced collectivism and the individual possessing capability for recognizing his responsibility towards the community

notice that leftists and socialists are all about collectivism coerced by the state but when it comes to individual actions they are a bunch of selfish, narcissistic cunts who couldn't care less about anyone else

it's the opposite with right wingers - they tend individually be all about community, order and hierarchy but it usually stems out of each individual's conscience

I would argue that both ways of thinking are ultimately weak because neither of them have a specific code of honor and lack a tribalistic mindset. The left indeffinately more than the right but if shit was to hit the fan I'm fairly certain that many right wingers would simply think to themselves that it doesen't concern them right before someone kicked their door down.

Bullshit. Individualism is a Anglo-American phenomenon. Read Hobbes you knob.

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In a conflict these people will unfortunately be among the first victims.

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Caring about the group should be put above caring about the individual because people aren't of equal intelligence and abilities.
This is like saying we should send soybois to the frontline instead of letting physically able soldiers who can run 5 miles in 40 minutes or less do the fighting.

Boddington's > Carlsberg

You fuckers can't even drink warm flat piss right.

>Israel literal ethnostate


>drinking beer
>drinking estrogen

Rugged individualism is the ideology you are supposed to link to those words.

However they really mean is cultural marxist indivualisation. Its a subterfuge a double entendre meant to mislead.

See the cultural marxist want individualization. They want to tear down and destroy any enclave of white male brotherhood be it churches, secret societies, country clubs, freindship.

They target each of these institutions decaying them to the point where their functionality is reduced.

It is a powerful form of pacification.

French revolution coffee houses
American revolution lodges
hitler beer halls.
American presidency skull and bones.
The Goldmen Sachs revolving door.

See the pattern. Only idiots dont align themselves with a collective.

>drinking estrogen
What did Hrvoje mean by this?

I mean ofc a collective meaning a group made of like minded individuals will always be stronger than the fencesitting individual.
Kind of sad you have to explain that to people.
Maybe we're too far gone in decadency and individual rights in order to comprehend that.

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Meaning having tits and low testosterone as a man shouldn't be smth to aspire to.

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If Israel is an ethnostate, which ethnicity is it that exclusively lives there? And how does Israel (the people? the politicians?) promote multiculturalism? As far as I know, Netanyahu, the Israeli Head of State has called mass immigration into Europe an invasion, not to mention that he is cooperating with Orban, one of the biggest opponents of EU/Soros enforced multiculturalism.

True, but that only really applies to semi-alcoholic middle aged men.

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There are many young men drinking on a regular basis all around the world.
Or do you think someone in their 40s just wakes up one day and decides it's time to get wasted on a regular basis.

Holy shit. They aren't jewish jewy Jews at all. They're a doomsday cult. Multiculturalism is being pushed by a vacant-eyed doomsday cult that's calling itself jews.

What connections does this American "Jew" (she's a Jew turned atheist IIRC) have with the Israeli government? She is not relevant to the argument whatsoever.

Pure coincidence right?

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Pure coincidence. Israel is based.

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Embrace god emperor netanyahu.

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Okay. Stick with me for a second.

Soviet-era Communists operating as Jews to destroy the West. A phantom spy network acting akin to Scientology, but with a jewish invisibility cloak. A succession of slav spooks. Literally Hydra.

>muh communism
So you're implying the jews didn't murder Nicholas the 2nd the last russian tsar?

Is Merkel a Jew? Is Hillary Clinton a Jew? Is Jean Claude Juncker a Jew? Is Emannuel Macron a Jew? How about Matteo Renzi? Or Theresa May? Jeremy Corbyn? John Podesta? I could go on, but I hope you get the point.
Yes, there are Jews behind the push for mass Islamic migration to the West, but there are also many whites and blacks and asians behind it as well. Singling out Jews alone helps no-one, especially when the Head of State of /the/ only literal Jewish state is strongly against this push for mass migration. Jews have differing political leanings, ideas and opinions just as much as any other group of people. They are in no way a hive mind.

This is what every Jew says

Kys kike and leave Europe

Macron is a rothschild shill but regardless I firmly believe the world would be a better place without jews.
>They are in no way a hive mind.
Well I guess in that case they're shit out of luck in my book.

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Another thing. Why don't you give back Palestine?

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Not an argument.
How can you possibly believe that without any sort of evidence? The West would be much poorer without the Jews, possibly degrading it in power compared to the power Western countries held historically. Trade would decline, and thus prosperity and innovation. Over 170 Jews have earned a Nobel prize for their contributions to our civilization. This would all be done away with. Europe would probably remain a Pagan shithole without Christianity. Are you sure the world would be that much better off without the Jews?

Imagine my shock.

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Great argument.

It's a great argument because you're either willfully ignorant or you shill for Israel.
>stupid goyim
That is your argument.

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I can only see one willfully ignorant person in this thread; you.

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Also this is EU day/pol/ where mutts are sleeping tight like little babies.
I prefer night/pol/ tho.

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