Should women be treated as sex objects , or as people ?

Should women be treated as sex objects , or as people ?

Of course , The western woman becomes the nation-breaking whore and invite us to breed them , you like this?

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Check your privledge shitlord thats someones daughter

Why not give the ability to switch back and forth? Or not expect them to be either?

Feminism doesn’t have the ability to deal with flirting... their power structure is built around rape and multicultural mental illness. Flirting with women is the one thing that will bring down their house of cards.

Just saying if you were a man you'd have no problem having a woman but those are hard to find these days poor girls being lied to all their lives, told that it's wrong to be a woman. Men being told it's wrong to be a man.

>Feminism a poopy stinky fart barf
Stop talking shit you know nothing about, nerd :)

ofc this question would come from a mudslime, savage fuck.

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Depends on the context - mah boy.

That being said pol prefers to not treat women at all.

women are property tho, we just pretend that they aren't for some reason
what happens in a war when you get invaded? you goods get pillaged and your women get raped.

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Frog post best post

Muslim women should be treated as workers and sex objects. They should be bred by christians and atheists. No muzzy men should be allowed to breed.

We are treating them as people and look where it has been getting us all the last 60 years.

There is a measure of individuality and self actualization that can happen in women...but it is VERY fragile. As it depends on society, its trends, its laws, its habits. One of these things break, and they go fucking rampant again.

It is possible for them to have a measure of freedom though. More so than in your nations. Take puritan era europe for example. They could still somewhat go outside (though heavily covered) and still do things somewhat. But that was also because most men did not bother married women and thus there was a framework of sorts that carried beyond, as the safety network for them.

It also brings up the problem of the main difference between christianity and islam. As one has polygamy, and the other one has monogamy...if each and every male is somewhat satisfied with one woman, and it is the rule...then you eliminate most conflicts and your women are mostly safe. But if you take a lot of wives, and your neighbor does so as well...then your third neighbor may be with none of them. And there the huge controls on them come in as you will now have wifeless men prowling the streets, being frustrated.

and then there is the "benefit" of polygamy, to that of better genes being spread around. Which if in abundance, and probably beyond 2 wives, will cause link related

but also other generic higher rates of inbreeding. Add in to the fact that there are huge failures in each generation, about 20% of both men and women...who should not breed again, but some only so light that its a fringe case...and many of them are not even to blame for it. This also causes conflict. (in vitro selection is getting to a point of eliminating a large swath of these problems though)

And there is also the instinct of women to only breed with the top 20%...while they completely ignore the average men WHILE THEY THEMSELVES ARE AVERAGE TOO. Quite frustrating and also causes conflict. The way to deal with this is quite easy: religion to cause the alpha males to make the proper rules. Those alpha males are quite the trouble though since they can also fall to vices and become huge fagfaces as we have seen so in the west.

also one bump for myself lol?

woman are innately sexual objects because biology in it's normal function makes the oppersite sex desirable so we are driven to screw and reproduce.

most woman at some level know this and so do men which is why we wish to be desirable and often takes steps to do this.

for this reason beyond innate sexuality women who choose they sexualise themselves are making a decision and are responsible for that decision and it's consciquence in terms of responses too it except for those who transgress legality because of it which is there responsibility.

however you can't complain if people notice deliberate provoketivity even if you don't like the people doing it or what they say. it's just stupid deluded entitlement.

mind you i believe in personal responsibility so maybe i'm wrong here.

Why do women want to be treated like people in the first place? I take super good care of objects I own with maintenance, cleaning and repairs. People are a dime a dozen, half are assholes and the vast majority you will never see or hear from again after the first time. You take care of an object and it benefits you by working when you need it to. With people you can help all day and they will turn around and spit in your face for it if you say something they don't like. Let's face it women just cant make good decisions.

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Only if they can cook

a quick google immediately disproves this.

Once the natural order is righted we will understand that women are our most prized possessions. I think we should bring back the dowry. If your daughter is chaste, educated, healthy, devoted etc. she has a much higher worth than a tattooed slut with multiple piercings and purple hair.

This also addresses the cuck aspect of the daughter being given to another man. You recoup some of or all of the investment.

>Muslim can't stop thinking about sex
You people are Quranimals, this is why you need the bin bags for your women

Women are lower than men. Either bring them back to where they belong or make artificial wombs

a quick google immediately disproves this.

get in here →
mods suppressing discussion about baby dick mutilation because amerimuts and their jew masters get offended

I think males are already threated as objects and it worked for more than a thousant years

Women should be treated as dangerous leeches, letting them vote means votes for cucked presidents and prime ministers such

Think who is the replaceable trhought history?
U send males to the war
Females are better suited to stay home and receive food. Create clotes and suchin compqrison industrial revolution fucked the social sistem.

So now you try to jew us using reverse reverse psychology?

Cunts are property, first owned by her father then her husband.

>Flaggot hiding behind flag, probably a muhammad/tyrone himself
Yes goy, men are equal to women please let them vote.