>Reddit is mad at Indians for not hating Hitler

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.de/maps/place/Hitler Hair Beauty Salon/@28.621042,77.140094,3a,100.7y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMQ7EUoFhle_4HHnZOQB_r7dY3wPiI6vaEPv0Ma!2e10!3e12!6shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMQ7EUoFhle_4HHnZOQB_r7dY3wPiI6vaEPv0Ma=w392-h522-k-no!7i400!8i533!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x390d032c2d9b7689:0xdd4427554e6aaa63!2sHitler Hair Beauty Salon!8m2!3d28.621042!4d77.140094!3m4!1s0x390d032c2d9b7689:0xdd4427554e6aaa63!8m2!3d28.621042!4d77.140094

>the jew fears the street shitter

Based poos. No wonder plebbit is mad.

How common is it for Indians to admire Nazis?

Very common

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it's common
i've seen the swastika flag t shirt for sale in street markets in asia
mein kampf is a big seller in muslim countries

>perfect ice cream doesn't ex-

The fucking kids are smarter than these cucks

All non Whites admire Hitler for the obviously. great guy he was. Only brainwashed by the Jew Whites/Poles/Kikes actually hate him.



Its a bit like a westener admiring Ghengis Khan or the mughal emperor I guess.
Creates butthurt over there for good reason but over here its just a badass from a distant past.

Most people don't hate Hitler and have the (Pic related ) view.

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>Joo fears poo in loo.

Where is the lie?

Any Nippanons here? I remember a mate telling me a few years ago that Japan have a very different view on Hitler and world war 2 than the west?

Wow, insightful, thanks!

based pajeets

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Bluepilled Westerners in general have a very hard time understanding just how western-centric their views are, even when they're exactly the time who walks about western-centric views (post-modern SJW types)

They really have no idea how admired people like Hitler can be in parts of the world that they think are "innocent oppressed minorities" because they don't see them as human beings with their own opinions and politics, just as some kind of objectified "struggle brother" even though they don't know or give a fuck what they're talking about

But why?

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It's kind of funny how different the view of Hitler is in countries that haven't been bombarded with white guilt politics for the past 50 years.

>What? How could they not hate Hitler!? He was pure EVIL! He was a nationalist! He believed his people were more important than people from other countries!

They recognize him as the avatar of Vishnu


US media controls the narrative in the western world (Including Hollywood, TV shows ).

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Goddamn it, I fucking hate that place.

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Based POOs

>1st Throwing off British occupation.
>2nd Learned to use toilet.
>3rd Openly like Hitler.

Almost makes me not mad that my country is over-run with your people.

>trying to impress a country of BILLIONS with a mere "6 million"

You gotta adjust for inflation and market value

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kek. Hitler discussions are the best way to redpill people. I used to post on Above Top Secret forums but if you mention Hitler at all they basically close and delete the thread with the "zero tolerance" excuse. It became ridiculous and inadvertantly redpilled me. I was one of the first to speak about cultural marxism there and was met with the most ridiuclous resistance and this was before the Trump era. Eventually you find out the site is run by a money hungry jew (Springer). He banned me for suggesting a way for someone to block porn ads when visiting their site.

Honorary Aryans.

This was from a graduation ceremony in Thailand back in 2013.

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Hitler Restaurant

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Oh no! Opinions and individuality! I like you poo. You should run for local office.

Lol this is a tually real what the fuck. Google "indian hitler ice cream" theres been tons of articles about this

If ghandi was alive today, Reddit and leftists would denounce him as the next Hitler.

The absolute state of German Brainwashing

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meanwhile these same cunts would worship people like winston churchill. History really is written by the winners

The amount of propaganda in Hollywood is just unbearable. I don't know how Americans tolerate this.

So why don't we have more Nips here? I wish they would come around more often desu..


not really surprising. during ww2 there was an alliance between nazi germany and some figures in the indian independence movement, based around their mutual enemy of the british.

I'm with the leftists on that one. Fucker cannot be trusted with the nuclear codes.

Hong Kong is not rare


Yeah, it's also the reason why the Chinese don't give a rat's ass about the Holocaust. They probably think of the Nazis as a bunch of massive amateurs for only killing six million, considering how Chinese history is ripe with genocides and famines costing dozens of millions of lives every time. The Great Leap Forward makes the Holocaust look like fucking child's play if we look at the death count of The Great Leap Forward, which is nowadays estimated to be somewhere between 45 and 55 MILLION deaths. It's baffling how history isn't giving as much attention to that as it should do.


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It's for the exact same reason that lefties in the West like Mao and Stalin, and overlook the murders of (aggregate) 130,000,000 people by their regimes.

Also I guess the jews forgot to invest in reminding Indians about the 6,000,000. Or maybe 6,000,000 is just rookie numbers to Indians?

exactly. If the germans won ww2, we would see britain as a monstrous state which pillaged nations and genocided cultures for centuries and view concentration camps with the same lens as people view slavery

>bag of gold
gets me every time mane

How is the war crime education going, Tatsuya?

ive bought all my books about national socialism from indian publications
you guys are alright in my book

>mein kampf
>intentional jew
>gotfried collection
>culture of critque

everything about jews ive bought has come from you guys and your the only people i trust to not kike it up. god bless you poos

Six million is considered rookie stuff in Asia. I mean, the Indonesians killed between 2 million and 3 million Communists in their country in the Sixties after a failed coup by the Commies, and not even the Commies themselves bring that one up. Probably because it is an inconvenient truth to the left that the Muslims will murder Commies en masse once they helped them into power.


I think Great Britain would get hammered endlessly for the Second Boer War, where they honestly attempted to genocide the Afrikaner Boers. They invented the fucking concentration camps in that war for fuckssake.

Ancient Liberal Values
>Liberal Values

Carter Pride types talking about brainwashing unironically

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Hitler's ice cream, Hitler's restaurants, Hitler's bar, well I'm starting to consider I might visit India one day.

Not much dwelling on past failures here. Nobody denies bad things happened, but bad things happened to everyone in WW2. The allies killed more people than the Japanese, after all.

I guess in the west people obsessively remind themselves of their historical evil; here history is taught more neutrally, it's not overly patriotic but it's not self-flagellating either.

Howbout in India, patel?

You are either speaking to a white european or an american on a base

There's a fascinating documentary which I highly recommend everyone watch that consists solely of an interview between the director, Errol Morris and former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. McNamara was in the war rooms as a young sergeant in military intelligence during WWII and he stated in the documentary that the things he saw the Allied command do were equally as horrendous as the Germans executed for war crimes and had the Axis won that war they would have been on trial in Nuremberg rather than the Nazis, and they would have had the exact same legitimacy as the Nuremberg trials.

I knew there was a reason I don't mind poos

people shit on japans war crime denial, but I think their system is a million times better than the subtle and subversive shit in britain or the us

>I'm glad I'm a brainwashed fag here and not in India.

interesting, will check out

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they just banned ZA DOM SPREMNI this year for us. muh hate speech

I think I saw the same documentary. It was about the Vietnam War, wasn't it? McNamara mentioned that about his World War Two days, and I think it was General Curtis LeMay who mentioned that, if they lost the war, it would be them getting charged for genocide and crimes against humanity in Nuremberg.

its threads like this that make me believe the world can be united in a fight against the international nose

this thread has redpilled me i might actually visit this shithole just to see all this hitler worship

google.de/maps/place/Hitler Hair Beauty Salon/@28.621042,77.140094,3a,100.7y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMQ7EUoFhle_4HHnZOQB_r7dY3wPiI6vaEPv0Ma!2e10!3e12!6shttps://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipMQ7EUoFhle_4HHnZOQB_r7dY3wPiI6vaEPv0Ma=w392-h522-k-no!7i400!8i533!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x390d032c2d9b7689:0xdd4427554e6aaa63!2sHitler Hair Beauty Salon!8m2!3d28.621042!4d77.140094!3m4!1s0x390d032c2d9b7689:0xdd4427554e6aaa63!8m2!3d28.621042!4d77.140094

>the international nose

Something swept under the rug is that Nazis helped start up freedom movements to destabilize the colonial empires they were at war with. Hitler was in contact with ghandi and wrote letters. The victors wrote history and Hitler helped and had millions of volunteers from asian countries britain occupied and they still love him to this day. India would have been free without him and will never cuck out on him. Its his least known legacy t b h.

Indians love Israel for some reason so I find it hard to imagine that they like Hitler. Then again the country is a shithole with an average IQ fo 82, holding contradictory views would be the least of their problems.

Count me in burger

which one do you like better Hansmed?

exactly. i think its understated just how much of a symbol he was to the indian people at the time.

India does not care about political correctness that's a white man problem

From one side, Anglos were colonizing and genociding Indians, Nazis challenging the Anglos is a positive.

Also Anlgos were racist against the third world, but Nazis were racist against the third world but other Europeans too.

To acknowledge that both were the same evil is fine.

But for an Indian to like Nazism that's just laughable. He would be the first to be made into soap probably.

Lol we do, but its about muslims and lower castes and not jews or blacks or whatever.

As Hindi myself I have great distain for the English for obvious reasons more than I have for the Nazis.

The absolute state of shills, not even a good D&C attempt.

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Well yeah obviously because they invented the loo.

Pretty sure the swastika is sold as a religious symbol.

>this fucking thread

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Japanese flag shitposts are very common on this board

Yes, Hitler isn't considered to be the ultimate evil of human history in this country. In fact most people have a tendency to intentionally avoid thinking about such types of value judgments because otherwise they might remember which country vaporized the entire populations of two cities with experimental super weapons and incinerated large portions of the populations of countless more with jellied gasoline and trinitrotoluene, then came and raped the survivors in their hospital beds
these and other indignities are unmentioned but not unremembered

Well, he did pull Germany out of a dire situation, although that is easy to do when all your economic problems are solved by stealing other countries money.

(((((International nose))))) good name user


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Literally this dalits and pig fucker have hijacked the media narrative about how bad hindus are. NDTV reporters should be gassed

It’s literally only the West that hates Hitler. This is thanks to one hundred years of Jewish guilt tripping- yet over half of Americans are still nationalists and hold socially conservative views. I’d say over 90% of people in non-Western countries hold conservative social views, but economics is another matter (the Marxists’ first entry route). I don’t even know if it’s nature or nurture- I loved Hitler from minute one and I’m Asian.

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are you a frequent poster in a specific chan or reddit board which I will not name?

if your ever on kikebook. i spent all of last year testing accounts to figure out how to shill without the algorithm picking up "hate speech"

saying the international nose is the best way to shill without the algorithm picking it up and if you get flagged the bots that review the flag wont find anything racist because nose and international arent hate speech yet

Nip, you know as well as I do that those actions were honorable deeds of war. You also know that Japan's greatest shame was sneak attacking Pearl Harbor leading the US vaporizing your cities with divine wind and fire.

There is no proof Hitler was going to order shitskins to be genocided if he won the war, ya fucking mongoloid. That is just a meme

most aussies like hitler. we had heaps of debate in school about how powerful a speaker he was. our teacher even suggested to the kid with depression that he look at hitler and study his speeches the kid got an A so i guess it worked.

i think this was because i was friends with a mudslime and he was very vocal about hating jews and he redpilled every class he was in on the evil of the jew and turned an entire school pro palestine

Based Poos were even part of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS


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Fuck reddiots they literally deserve to be gassed