Little Robert Deniro the midget superhero

Robert Deniro has played many characters in movies. He has successfully posed as a Taxi Driver, Mobster, Tycoon, Deer Hunter, Boxer, Comedian, Cop, Fireman, Sports Fan, Focker, Gambler, teacher….etc. Robert Deniro is none of those characters. Little Robby Deniro is a delusional, spoiled, Hollywood bitch who thinks he is the embodiment of all the heroic and powerful characters he poses as in movies. Robby Deniro is nothing more than a self-righteous, hollywood jerk off who can lie and pose well in front of a camera. He thinks he is the emperor of the world because movie going citizens treat like him like he is actually the bad-assed-motherfuckers he plays on camera. Fuck off Robert Deniro! You are exactly what’s bad for my USA! A hypocritical midget troll of a human who happens to be a good liar in front of a camera. Why the fuck does Deniro think anyone cares about the drivel and diarrhea that constantly oozes from his putrid little lips? Because we continue to watch his movies. The American people keep this little faggot on a pedestal because we keep putting change in his pocket which allows him to continue his opulent life of Hollywood faggotry. Robert Deniro has stepped over the line. It’s time to boycott all of his movies and all of his work. Just like Hollywood cleansed itself of Harvey Weinstein the USA needs to cleans itself of Robert Deniro. Boycott Robert Deniro. Do it faggots!

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>t. Robert DeNiro
Also, I haven't watched anything with him in decades.

He sucks now anyways. Look at all the trash movies he has been in as of late. Another liberal faggot.

Deniro the hero

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I just imagine what he could have been if he married a proper Italian-American woman instead of being a cuck.

amen brother

here is a list of his debris, fucking nuke that shit from existence.

Robert deniro with his hot wife.

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Problem with idiots like deniro is he spends shit loads of his own I'll gotten money to fund lefty marketing bullshit....similar to Soros but smaller

Deniro is a fitness buff.

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Hes only a quarter italian. But i agree. I used to be a hug deniro fan until i learned he married an ugly black woman and had retarded oreo kids with her. Like what the fuck is his problem? He always plays a capitalist badass in his movies. I really dont respect him anymore. Go give all your money to the poor, deniro. If you dont, your larping.

2 me I dgaf about his choice of cunts to stab his gnarly penis into...or the shit copies of himself he makes breeding with her... it's the hypocritical bullshit he regurgitates from his CELEBRITY pulpit.

He's a grumpy old pothead. He's also about to die because he has dementia and alzheimerz..and he has aids

How much do shoes like this cost? I'm asking for a friend.

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Race mixing trash.

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Jesus christ Sup Forums. Help a brother out. Give a bump or something ..

They will cost you your soul.


Poor De Niro is angry he's ruined his legacy with 20 years of c-grade comedy flicks.

A legacy of b grade, overrated crap like Taxi Driver. That movie actually sucked.

>hasn't been in a good film in the last 21 years