In the 1990s I was in high school and our liberal economics and geography teacher

discussed “Fortress Europe” with us, the concept of keeping immigrants out of Europe through barriers and walls. I didn’t know she was against it and so I talked about the law and that it makes sense to keep out illegals because why not just use legal immigration procedures. Many kids agreed and she hated it. Only one kid, her favorite fat libtard hipster pupil, said we should all chill and be one happy family kumbaya. She then explained for 10 minutes why this was the right approach, referencing the Iron Curtain, world hunger and fascism.

I shrugged my shoulders and didn’t think much about it. This was in Western Austria and the only foreigners we had were Balkans (who we called Yugos and hated) and Poles and Czechs (who we were told are servants and lowly construction workers). I only knew blacks from the movies.

Thinking back, I now know what this was all about.

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children are unnecessarily politicized

>being mean to Poles and Czechs

But I did not realize it back then. Did you? I liked Haider as a kid, once mentioned it and didn’t expect the sheer horror in one teacher’s eyes. My family was all OeVP, my father was in the party and had a function in the Kammer as an OeVP man. I didn’t think it was bad thinking Haider was a cool guy who had the right policies.

They were poor and lowly workers. We felt superior to Eastern Europeans, even to some of the younger cuteys who came to study or work in the late 90s.

>who we were told are servants

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>In the 1990s
This thread is now a 1990s thread

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A time when it was fine to sexualize 16yr old kids.

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It's ok the tables are turning now

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I can relate, I fucking hate those Yugos. Balkan nigger scum.

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did I realize it?

not in the way that i view it now as an adult. I'm eating give me a sec

i don't think they even mentioned immigration. It was like a non issue back then.

This shit was also a thing here during 2000's and every white kid was vocaly supportive of isolationism i think it part of beeing European when you are told all that you are and all that your people did and have done is inrelevant and bad we shrug up our schoulders and tell them that it's their opinion

it also shows a divide between Americans and Europeans American white youth are completely subjectable to this as they have been born on a continent that is defaced and that has no culture of its own its all the culture is from somwehere else thrown in this big melting pot while European countries aren't like that

well there wasn't barbarian hordes looking for a place to live back then. streaming into places by the boatload.

In 20 years everyone in Europe will have known migrant ancestry of just a generation or two

It's impossible to get people to vote against migration at that point

The flow has largely stopped and with Austria and Italy now beeing far right i'm more then sure that it wont re open in the near future the only entrance is Spain and he Spanish are usless completely disconnected from European politics apart of demanding GIBS to keep their shitty econony afloat same for portugal you never hear them in European Politics only about GIBS.

Unfortunately the flow has not stopped. It is still 300 percent of what it has been before the crisis.

They tried it at least as far back as the seventies. It didn't go down well.
I've always had a sneaking suspicion that this comes from ugly white women well past their prime being quite happy to fuck over the country just to get a man. Even if he is fresh off the boat and smells like a dead goat.

But we could all agree that the political climated has shifted 300% further to the right, and policies are beeing taken to force Migants to either WORK for their living or fuck off back home atleast in most parts of Europe with exceptions of Sweden and France this will not only influence the intake but also the outake of the migrants because we both know they didn't come to Europe to work they came here to collect money which they think we OWE them.

Twice a month and then once a week in 7th and 8th grades respectively, so at 13-14 years old, we had to do "current events", where we went on a news page, found an article to comment on, and commented about 250 words on it.

Looking back on it now that was a pure politicization exercise where the student's comments were slowly wrought to shape.

It was an easy A though, fortunately, and I did steer clear of politics and pursue inconsequential stuff like military tech news instead.

We did a political compass test in 8th grade and I scored way off the cluster in the lolberg area, literally outside the teacher's competence and said that it was a weird result. Most of the kids were neocons or pseudo marxists.

My family votes ÖVP, but I vote FPÖ and ultimately am eyeing creating a political movement that is explicitly pro-White.

Lay off the PewResearch and Breitbart,

Breitbart and PewResearch are masters at pscyholigical games they reinforce and overdramatized excisting things with specific words and sheeple eat it and start becoming more right wing this is great dont get me wrong we need sheeple but we can't all be sheeple we need people who can accuratly asses the situation.

What i do is i take my personal experience with these things, read the alternative media version of a topic then read the MSM version of the topic and come up with my own conclussion why because both sides of the news love to exegerate the topic to fit their political narrative within the news cooperation except the right wing altnerative outlets are a lot better at this game then the left news outlets

Also common sense and looking at the political figures track record on policies can be great factors to filter in to get a good conclussion.

I am also a 90s kid
Realized very late that i got the black acceptance propaganda through music in my childhood.

All the music I like is made by black actors.
Also get indoctrinated by school to be a libtard now.
I am an russian german, so tradition and family is very important and propaganda from outside didnt work against that.

To bad for them they try to break the traditional form of family, this way they redpilled me.

Never voted for cdu or spd, got my parent to vote for afd

Huh, coincidentally I picked this up in a charity shop the other day. The few pages I read on the train home made me want to throw it out of the window, the author absolutely embodies soul-deadened ethnomasochist bugmen.

I remember seeing my first black man in the 90's. I thought he was a white person who got freckles all over.

It wasn't as bad for me here, but it was still pretty bad. I grew up just a little ways outside Vancouver, and there we had all sorts of multicultural shit shoved down our throats, but in the end there was still a strong recognition that Euro where equal, and we never got taught 'the ebils of colonialism' until about grade 10. At that point most kids had plenty of exposure to chugs, and nobody really absorbed it. I also remember frustrating my teacher in grade 5 when we had to do a project on an African nation, and I got Somalia. I pretty much just turned it into "Black Hawk Down, an Elementary School Presentation."

Kek! I probably would have done the same.
I never argued with my teachers, because I never did any of the work or assignments they gave me. I saw it as pointless. I wish I was as red pilled as I was now, I would have mentally raped those queers.

In grade 10 we had to read the book night, as a class. Me and friends would turn the book upside down, just to piss off the teacher. Looking back, that was my first defiant act against the kikes.


ah, to be so young again.

no they arent you retarded mutt. poland is a poor wasteland that 90% of poles are desperate to escape from to clean toilets
all albanians must be murdered

>Thinking back, I now know what this was all about.
Ficki ficki.

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