This is a leaked list of things sorority girls have to do before 1am

This is a leaked list of things sorority girls have to do before 1am.

- have sex with Uber driver
- ski pole handjob 2 guys at once
- fit two cocks in your mouth at once
- have a threesome

you DO know all girls do this stuff right?

Attached: O036Fwe.jpg (450x800, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Don't let anyone find this list
Women can't do anything right.

>73. Flash Michael Brodsky

Who is this guy and how’d he convince a bunch of whores to constantly flash pancake tiddies at him?

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when are we gonna take women's rights away? it's the only solution. not like they can physically fight back if all the men are of one mind

>not pooping back and forth forever

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'have to do' - American University culture is just to weird for me.

maybe he's the richest and most connected guy on campus.

Either the King of Chads or they are meming the nerdy kid. Either way, he won... in a sense. Just roasties and tinder-whores doing this.

girls have dumbest fetishs

>take a bong rip and then drink the water
sorry what the fuck, that's not even fun in an edgy way, that's just fucking disgusting

American University Culture is complete garbage like everything else.
Studying and learning is literally the last thing these people do at school.

Lol a TFM post on pol this is great

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Any larper could have written this.

jesus fucking christ
and here my family wonders why am I still single at 25

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the sorority was banned by the university for like three years because of this. it's legit

its real, TFM only hires interns in fraternities or fraternity alumni.


lmao imagine being one of the frat guys who ends up marrying one of these whores

dude its an american sorority, it's just an american thing. Go do what young people in your country do and meet a nice girl

It's a cycle of power. The older girls did it and now the young girls have to do it so they've got control over them - they can fuck up their lives by saying "unless you do X for me, i'll tell your boyfriend you got fucked by the football team."

benefits of university for women:
