Hope returns to Zimbabwe

>Ululations, tears as white Zimbabwean farmer returns to seized land


more info on this story: reuters.com/article/us-zimbabwe-politics-farmer/ululations-tears-as-white-zimbabwean-farmer-returns-to-seized-land-idUSKBN1EF2US

Attached: MjlWti[1].png (881x531, 606K)

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give it about 5 years when he has a profitable farm then the blacks will kill him and take it back



they didnt take anything, they work for him or are his neighbors
it was mugabe's police who stole his shit

Now the new president seems to be changing course

> Ululations
> to howl, as a dog or a wolf;

mugabes police may have done that but it was the black workers and neighbors who put mugabe there, didn't do anything to get im out when he started doing that shit, and stood by while the police took the land because they thought they would benefit. Niggers, like jews, are primarily driven by greed. They just lack the intelligence to do it properly

mugabe was elected 37 years ago (wouldnt be surprised if thats their life expectancy)
the rest is true of literally every dictatorship in the world, including south africa where afrikaners handed over power to teh ANC and havent done shit as they lose their stuff

Yes, and what makes you think it's going to be different this time?

What an awful word

btw everyone, you'll notice how most people talking shit about this are spoiled black american wewuzers and south africans, who are begging to starve too
he's back to his land and people starved to death for 40 years because of that marxist faggot
seems like some people learned the hard way
in all online discussions i've seem, it was always americans and south africans being against this move

I'm hoping you're right that they have learned, I just don't think they have. Looking at what's happening in south africa right now I don't think anyone has learned

south africa didnt try yet, its like the old "this ain't real socialism" mantra

The main word there is "yet". The fact that they are even debating taking land without compensation doesn't seem like a good path to be on

I really do hope things get better. Everyone there has had to live a shitty life for the last four decades. Hopefully, they invest in education, and tell the Chinese to fuck off.

its not, they'll get fucked if they do
one of the few things done right there is respecting private property better than most african countries, but with this change even blacks will get fucked
this new guy is acting ok so far, but he WAS mugabe's VP and backed some of his retarded policies for a long time

there are rumours Chyna helped the coup to take mugabe out tho

what do you mean they'll get fucked? By who?

by poverty

at least this fag youtube.com/watch?v=SbiPrEUfE7o says so, and there are articles about it too google.com/search?q=China Back Zimbabwe Coup&rlz=1C1GCEA_enBR760BR760&oq=China Back Zimbabwe Coup&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

well yes. But they don't seem to care. It seems like they're more interested in blaming the whites for the current levels of poverty and that will end in them taking the land to try and address that rather than doing something smart

they're in the delusional stage

but are they going to get out of that before they do something colossally stupid? They've been in the delusional stage for a while now


Its "jubilation" you dumb fucks

dunno, maybe, maybe not

They'll have elections soon and the historical trend has been the ANC getting less every year.

They' may still win but not get 50%+ for example, so it'd be harder to pick a very retarded president

say this to reuters

show your flag you black shill

Ululation refers to a particular noise savages make

euskadis do it too, according to wikipedia at least

Well could that mean that the rest of the country could come together and exterminate the ANC ??! (Recommended )

Unlikely, they dominate the eastern part of the country (the one with no coloureds, few afrikaans speakers and so on).

But they could stop being a party that can rule 100% alone without taking other's opinions into consideration

It could backfire if they made a coalition with the EFF tho


what did he mean by this

Best case scenario this retarded boomer fuck lives out content that the niggers 'learned their lesson' only for another generation to come and rape his daughters and torture his sons.

his daughter would be dead by then, he's rather old

That's my point. HE gets to live out a life of happiness, content that they 'learned their lesson' but in the end it's all cyclical and his children or his childrens children will suffer for his hubris.


Found the Jew

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exact thing happened in Haiti - nigger Dessalines killed all the whites - then they waited and invited whites back - and then killed those whites that did!

plenty of them around

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you realize that a large portion of the Rhodesia army was black. There were niggers who sided with whites and wanted to keep the status quo intact, however, they got btfo just like Rhodesia did in general.

>Do you realize that a large portion of the Rhodesia army was black.
of course the niggas on pol dont know this

>returning to Zimbabwe after having left
>name is Darryn Smart

Well that's ironic

He was actually kicked out

There's pretty much only one thing anyone can conclude from all this crap, which is that niggers are retarded and cannot into civilization. They have zero long-term thought and live day by day.

In addition to that, they are communists at heart.

Precisely, he gets kicked out just like that and decides to return. Should have opened his eyes after the eviction, but hey, maybe nigger IQ infected him.

And just lose his land?

He needs to dump toxic waste on his land and burn any structures if niggers pull this shit again.

Attached: pol_was_right_all_along.png (710x572, 635K)

Yes. And don't start me on how he's doing all this DESPITE the niggers, there's literally a video where he's dancing with them and hugging them all and just blaming Mugabe.

that 100 yard stare, years of liberal brainwashing gone

They'll probably kill him in a couple of months. They'll be unable to understand that crops take time to grow, decide for themselves that he must be hoarding the food and then go looking to appropriate what is "theirs".

Live among coal...

That makes no sense. Memeflaggots should always be called out

Zimbabwe 2 electric boogaloo when?

Do you know da wae?