So I was invited to a home party past saturday...

>So I was invited to a home party past saturday. I did not internd to go at first but then I let a friend convince me and boy was it worth it. At first it seemed to be very formal with an international crowd of business people, so pretty boring. That is until I heard the word Israel and turned around to see the three black people, two of them lawyers having a heated argument with two jews and you would not BELIEVE THE REDPILLS THEY UNAPOLOGETICALLY DROPPED. People started listening in on it and forming a circle around them inserting themselves into the argument AND THEY KEPT GOING AND WENT EVEN HARDER. I have never seen something like that, watching those nigs annihilate those jews and leftist with their arguments and point out their hypocrisy was like a scene from roadhouse.

Which brings me to the question: What does black community think about jews and Israel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shameless self bump.

And one more.

You'd be surprised how many blacks are on this board

Not really, the American flag is the most common.

I know that the intelligent ones are aware of the slave trade and the international money game but they are too few and far in between the majority.


Successful blacks know about the jews

Most blacks just buy into the retarded rap culture sold by jews

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...and I woke up with a fractured rectum and Djibrill sleeping next to me

>shit that nigger happened


Thats because the biggest social hurdle for a nigger is other niggers and the general culture around them. The ones that got out by means other than rap, sports, drug trade, have usually experienced all the negativity their own people throw at them.

Yes because they can't wash the Jew cock out of their mouths now.

Educated blacks hate the Jews (I mean come on of course they do considering history)
Regular blacks hate the jews too, but don't know jews exist and it's just "white people"

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Ohh little Swiss got invited to his first social event .. so cute

So Jews getting btfo by blacks is a regular occurrence?

I'm sorry to hear that. I told you to stop drinking but you kept going. Anyway, I'm glad you're back in Poland.

Nice blog post faggot

>What does black community think about jews and Israel?

who gives a fuck

Shitposting aside, I don't believe that there were niggers ans jews in one place and it wasn't a BLM rally.

talk next weekend about flat earth

Sounds like bullshit. Give an example of a 'redpill' they supposedly dropped. Most likely it was some variation of WEWUZ or GIBS ME DAT.

I've met exactly 3 Jews in my life and they were with niggers Ethiopian iirc

what counts to you as a social event, a fucking bar mitzvah?

Ya'll posting in a mountain-jew thread

>based black men
There is a black community in Medkitland?

Things that never happened.

Is this your first day here, medpack? That's not how you greentext around here.

There is a first time for everything.

Desert Jew vs Mountain Jew, who would win?

A fucking jew

The latter has high ground. Literally.
But then again their forte is defence, while Israel is an invasion and expansion expert.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy Jimbo.

I wouldn't think so either apart from a few occasions. I don't know any black people and rarely have any interaction with them. I kind of always dismissed them as leftist pets in an ideological proxy war, so I was very surprised to say the least. I wonder if there is any potential to use them to our advantage.

We tried that, it didn't work out so well.

there are two kinds of niggers in switzerland.

1. africans who came here for the gibs, they’re useless and keep niggin all day every day. very few so not relevant.

2. educated nigs from mostly good family backgrounds either studying here or working for banks. also irrelevant but mostly conservative and red pilled.

the second group behave like white people. there’s no nigger culture here. gangster behaviour is limited to edgy teenagers. there’s a very small third group of niggers from carribean islands like the dominican republic, the’re mostly drug dealers and overall useless niggers, so few they’re even more irrelevant than the other two groups.

Not at all. They wen't hard on them about the Israeli lobbies, the war mongering, the Jewish role in the civil rights movement and the notion that jews are the chosen people. One specific thing that I can remember is that the former Los Angeles Clippers owner said in a recorded phone call about blacks that " Israel we treat them like dogs..." but although the recording is online, some articles citing this were burried and it was never picked up by the media. It wen't on like this until it got pretty ugly.


white guy here, but grew up uptown nyc (nogville), and yea believe it or not you're more likely to hear blacks talk about the hebs than the pussy white peeps.

It's always refreshing coming across a redpilled brother, like I said whites are too pussy to talk about this stuff anymore, espescially in NYC which is super liberal and you don't wanna be a racist nazi so white faggots just conform and act like "allies", which is the most cringeworthy thing ever.

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How did your potty training go today?

Blacks just want to be the Jews very funny


Vlad style

Christian ones: neutral/like
Muslims ones: hate

It seems very possible to me that the blacks at the peak of their respective racial hierarchy are indeed aware of the JQ.

Honestly, I think it would be beautiful if the plot of the Jew to mingle white and black genes to make the perfect servant race utterly backfired in this way. Imagine it, rather than the desired outcome for the Jews, the dumbing down and elimination of whites, they accidentally elevate the average black IQ through contact with whites, turning the african hordes against themselves when otherwise the nogs would have been content to sit at home in their mud huts.

I think we're seeing the beginning of a powerful alliance. After all, the strongest friendships have their beginnings in animosit. It is time for the caucasians and africans to leave the past behind to face the true enemy of humankind.

I don't know why some of you are so sensitive about this. It's the same with reddit spacing, people have been doing this forever.

ayy lmao

W-whiter than you Muhammad.....

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B-B A S E D NIGGERMAN!!!!!!!!1!!!


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How can one country be so cool?

I would say that about 75% of blacks don't even know what Israel is, if they've even ever heard of.

At LEAST 75% couldn't tell you what Israel was. Too busy doing other shit in their lives to care about international foreign politics.

Of the remaining 25%, maybe half know what it is but don't know enough about it to have an "opinion" about it. If you asked them what they "thought" about it, they couldn't tell you, because while they know what it is, they still won't know how it was created or how it is supported or especially how it's continued existence affects them in anyway.

The remaining 12.5% are what em companies the fellows in the OP.

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>africans who came here for the gibs

That's interesting, the Africans here in the U.S. tend to be people who work hard and go to school for well paying jobs. They also hate American blacks because they are lazy.

Maybe you need more stringent policies on immigration.

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As much as I want this to be true, I know it's a larp.

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That's not anything like the whole reddit spacing thing. That's you trying to meme arrow without any clue of common formatting.

Enlighten me about formatting. You'd prefer an arrow after every sentence to help you with your reading comprehendsion?

Not bad, Nigel

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Mountain any day.