A reminder that this is an important day for the occult. It is spring. The season of sacrifice and occult death rituals...

A reminder that this is an important day for the occult. It is spring. The season of sacrifice and occult death rituals. The Shock and Awe bombings. The 2011 Libya invasion. March 24th is the anniversary of the Westside School massacre of 1998 death ritual via brainwashed puppets. March 26th is the anniversary of the Heaven's Gate mass suicides of 1997. March 29th is the anniversary of the Moscow Metro bombings of 2010 in the occult season of death. April 4 is the anniversary of the MLK assassination of 1968. April 14 is the anniversary of the Titanic sinking death ritual. The day after, we have the anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 in the season they choose to inspire fear with death. On April 16th, we see the anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre of 2007. On April 19th, we see the anniversary of the Baltimore Riots, the battle of Lexington and Concord, the Oklahoma city bombings, and the Waco Massacre. The next day is the BP oil spill and the Columbine shooting.

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ye got my attention
what do you expect to happen? more deaths rituals or maybe not this time?
oh also
>titanic sinking death ritual
please explain, never heard of it

I only speculate. It is known that the occultists a) rule and help each other out in secret and b) conduct fear spreading events to further their individual goals or larger goals to keep humanity on the bottom of the pyramid. Disgenics, fear, taxation, brainwashing, etc.

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But don't worry. It's just a coincidence.

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how did they get to such high position they can manage these disasters and how it's reported?

They are an elite group that has run the world for a long time. They "manage" these events by taking part in brainwashing people to help cause them. Giving orders. Staging them. Then, because they probably run or even own most television media companies, they market the fear.

what i know about the sinking of the titanic it’s that is kind of related with the creation of the federal reserve


Right. The fed is a System of Control to keep us enslaved. If it keeps us dumb, satisfied, and brain dead, it is probably a system of control. For example: the gender war currently at hand, big pharma, the Vatican, the public education system, Hollywood, the military industrial complex, and more. They medicate us, poison us, work us until we are too tired or don't have time to rally, they run our courts, and they do just about everything they can to breed us into slavery.
If you research into Sandy Hook, you will see that was a hoax. No one died. Crisis actors. This isn't a supernatural issue. It's a council of powerful people at the top giving orders down a hierarchy to keep their identities private.

Hi Styx, love your work

nothing will happen.
you know shit.
you are a nigger.

>On April 19th, we see the anniversary of the Baltimore Riots, the battle of Lexington and Concord, the Oklahoma city bombings, and the Waco Massacre. The next day is the BP oil spill and the Columbine shooting.

alo the birthdays of Queen of England (19th) and Hitler (20th)

4/20 blaze it yall

>They are an elite group that has run the world for a long time
ever since the royals died during the plague have we experienced this filth

>The fed is a System of Control to keep us enslaved
it's purpose is to enable extraction of over 35% of the wealth produced by the nation

Nah, Styx is ok for entry level and niche topics, but he won't delve as deep into the primary problem of the world as much as Mark Passio does. Give Mark a chance.

And to enable war. The fed is the creator of fiat currency. Fiat is what enables war. Without fiat's ability to print infinite amounts without the consent of its users, war and the debt required to pull it off would not happen. If they did not have the ability to give us any amount of debt they want to, they would have to go door to door and say, "So you hate x country and want to go to war with it?" "Yes, I do!" "Well, thank you. Your individual bill is $30,000. Thank you for doing your part." "Actually, I don't hate that country that much. Maybe there is another solution." No fiat, no large scale war.

don't forget the
the real holocaust

You are wrong. The articles of the Constitution allow Congress to coin money and determine it's value. It also allows congress to go into debt on the nation's credit and declare war.

We have been doing debt and war long before the Federal reserve.

Right. For those who aren't familiar, please refer to the documentary "The Greatest Lie Ever Told" for a redpill primer.

You may be right, or partially right. Maybe I could have worded it better, but the point is still somewhat the same. If we can go into debt, if we can't trade in our paper bills for gold, if the bill value is greater than the gold amount kept "safe", if the gold kept "safe" can be kept away from their owners, then we have a recipe for the enabling of war.