Why is it ALWAYS like this?

Why is it ALWAYS like this?

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Depends on what you mean by "Good".

Bullshit map, USA ALWAYS SUPPORT ISRAEL and US puppet states in Europe and Oceania always follow what their master tells.

Australians bleeding to death in far corners of the world just probes that we are the true evil. Defending your own country is honourable, but offensive tactics are always met with revenge.


Has it always been like this? No. Will it always be like this? We can hope so.

Brainlets will say MUH WEATHER.
True is that war and weather made them success over warn shitholes(most africa) and climatic RNG shitholes that lack fighting will (South America)

>blames weather

australia invented bionic ears and eyes and hearts and limbs and cybernetic interfaces to work it all, quantum computers and scramjets, artificial blood and spray-on skin. we did this all within 0.000025% of the history of this nation, and in a fucking hell desert.

If other races can't pull their weight that's not whitey's fault.

checked but Israel needs to be obliterated or retaken.

Wouldn't change my "bad" one for a thousand "good" ones .

Бyгapcкa пoyбaвa

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>I'ts all about race!
Eastern Europe is whiter than Australia.


Because the bad countries doesn't use USD aside from North Korea.

wypipo done been takin' all the black man's gibs. sheeeeeit

Always have to kek when I hear burgers using terms like good guys, bad guys, rogue states and axis of evil in serious political discussions.

Asians have higher IQ

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>Why is it ALWAYS like this?
What the fuck do you mean? There is only one planet earth with organized countries run by humans. What are you comparing this to, a separate universe in which Africa is full of wealthy white people and Japan is an African-like wasteland?


We are in the red, the world bank lied about us to push for zionism.

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this is retarded, Abkhazia is shithole that hasn't been repaired since the war, Armenian is a shihole too,green at best.

Those countries are Aryan in spirit. They were given a divine spark that elevated their souls, destining then for greatness. The Chinese and Eastern Europeans once had that spark but it was slowly destroyed by Communism and genetic destruction from invasions and wars. Same goes for much of the middle east minus the Communism part.

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How does this define 'wealth'?
GDP per capita? Home ownership? What cars people drive?


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I'm not saying technology and agrarianism are opposites, I would love to live on a farm and have access to my own food production.

In fact, that's the difference between Australia and Eastern Europe: We are all serfs, but they own the land. We rent our own backyards from China.

We’re mostly retarded idiots. And all the smart people leave.

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>we’re mostly retarded
Mendeleev, Tchaikovsky, Chekhov, Rachmaninoff, Tolstoy, Landau.... I could go on.


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These are countries controlled by jews. Youve been brainwashed.


I for one, vote for the expulsion of Poortugal from the cool countries club, as they clearly can’t keep up with the others

Slavs have produced some of the most brilliant people to have ever lived, that’s not the problem. The problem is none of slavic countries have been able to form a functional government, free of corruption. Even in Slovenia, our PM just resigned and Slovenia is, I believe, the richest slavic country in the world (per capita).

Superior intelligence.
Not all of them. South east asians don't and only certain regions in china do. As outlined in the image, Japan and SK are included.

>Superior intelligence.

All those countries were invaded at some point by the Saxon menace.

looks like shit

genius sperm exports can make every region on earth wealthy and peaceful by introducing brain boosting dna into their gene pool.

We’re quickly moving forward. What do you expect of us? To be in the elite within 25 years of the fall of communism?

No we’re not man. We’re just growing because the entire world is growing, but relatively to others we are not advancing. For most highly educated people slavic countries job market does not have opportunities to extract their abilities. Emigration is an issue in all slavic countries, including us and especially including Poland. It’s not just the communism, we got rid of communism, but government corruption persists.

That's just because they have a different culture and mentality. China traveled to many places for trade many times in it's history, but never once though to take over the land.

You forgot to add Philippines as a good country. May i remind you that they now have based DUTERTE, the literal terminator sent from the future to kill Muslims and drug dealers?

And he's not afraid of CIA niggers

I assume this map is average per capita wealth. There are two reasons why it's like that.

The countries you circled are western countries. All western countries went through this thing called the industrial revolution over the course of the 19th century which fueled massive economic expansion. That industrial expansion led to higher wealth and quality of life for their residents.

However, there were some countries which industrialized in the 19th century, but not to the same degree as "western" countries. But they don't have the same prosperity the west does. The reason is what happened in the 20th century, the rise of communism and the Cold War. Countries like Poland, Czechia, China, and even Russia could've reached western levels of general prosperity, but they didn't. Some have reached western GDP, and China's GDP even surpasses that of the US by some measures, but wealth distribution will never be similar to that of the west because of how power is centralized in those countries.

I don’t know what you mean. The job market here is doing great, we were growing when everyone else regressed or stagnated. We’re doing well in all kinds of industries- 66% of all EU industry workplaces were created in Poland last year of both foreign and native companies providing us with lots of diversified job opportunities.

The amount of people moving back is larger than the amount of people moving away. Sorry, Slovenia, but my country isn’t a tourist resort. Come and see.

What they have it's the jewish money lending system that they took directly from the talmud and turned into global capitalism under the flag of the commonwealth.

Expanded through genocide the anglo/saxon/jews took over the world trade by using pirates an waging drug wars, after that the robber barons created the modern central banking system, Israel was created years after the Balfour declaration and the rest is history.

Kick out spain , p*rtugal and greece. Then it'll be good, those countries are still shitholes that have debt

>robber barons

We’re doing fine and the average Poles life is getting better.

You also have debt, what difference does it make?


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Only 54% to gdp. Spain has 99% Greece has 179% and P*rtugal has 126%

Slovenia’s GDP based on tourism is neglectably small and we had the highest job market growth in the entire world last year. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Besides, that’s not the point.

Ironically, some sort of liberalism seems to be required for actual distribution of wealth, even though the whole point of communism is wealth distribution, because liberalism vests the power of government in the hands of people through the vote, and because people will usually act in their own rational self-interest, the best way to spread prosperity over a population is give everyone a say in how things run. Authoritarian countries can industrialize far more efficiently than liberal countries, and get to a decent level of development, but they usually get stuck there and can't get much further. This is called the middle-income trap, and authoritarian countries are very likely to get stuck in it.

The middle-income trap is not exclusive to authoritarian countries though. There are many democracies on your map that simply aren't that wealthy. And that's the reason they're there - their geography or possibly their history means they can't compete with the west. So they're stuck in mid-tier without a way to pull themselves out, whether because they lack economics of scale, significant domestic academia, or a good geography.

Finally, there are some outliers on your map. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Greece, Cyprus, and Israel are examples of countries which embraced the liberal economic model during the Cold War period and thus succeeded in reaching high income. Qatar and the UAE are only considered wealthy on this map because the bulk of their economic workforce are foreign guest laborers whose destitute conditions aren't counted for the purposes of this map - and the wealth they have is based on resource exports. A very fragile economy which is a textbook outlier. Armenia is a state that is successfully navigating the breakdown of the Soviet order though it relies heavily on foreign aid. Finally there is Portugal which honestly I don't know enough about to explain, but I hear they're called Poortugal on Sup Forums so it's funny to see them yellow.

Add Russia to good. They have been nothing but excellent lately

Are you claiming that they don't exist or that they don't own the central banks?

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What's worse. Being a (sand)nigger or being 56% white?

only for the last 300 years ?

USA has the worlds largest debt and Japan has the worlds largest debt compared to GDP. Whats your point?

You had the worlds biggest job market growth? Tell me how that happened.

It is where Christianity thrives!

We are working on Africa while the jews and muslims focus on Europe and the middle east.

Christianity will overcome all the other false religons. You'd be smart to convert today ;)

I love you and so does God!

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Im claiming that the myth of the „robber baron” is just that- a myth.

>We’re doing fine and the average Poles life is getting better.
Yes, I think in a decade or two Poland and other countries that used to be behind the Iron Curtain but successfully transitioned to a self-sufficient liberal economy will be red on that map. The major economic shifts that would change this map have been the industrial revolution, the post-world war order, and finally the post-Cold War order which is still developing today.

>wealth level determines goodness

not even taking into account the average cost of living, this is a fucking retarded map. The idea that tunisia and poland are equally good is nonsense

Hm... this matched almost perfectly with race. Who would have thought?

It's a very way to describe 19th century noblemen turned into transnational capitals.

They had access to the government through nobility and blood relations, and they also had a hand in foreign investments, Chile itself still has problems with them doing mining under glaciars and stuff like that, and we can't persecute them due to their relations to the centers of political and economical power, we protested their evil deeds and they changed the numbers to make it look like our economy did worst than what it did, so we couldn't elect another socialist president.

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no dude, in that very chart the wort countries on the planet in south america and africa are firmly christian. A nation can survive in spite of these retarded jewish superstitions, but only for so long. look at what europe is doing to itself because they believe all negroes and arabs are special children of god and equal

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because the same western establishments/groupthink make all these (((studies))). they’re alwayas tied into gdp/capita and its derivatives, to push the ”chad western world/virgin shitty 3rd world”-narrative. don’t for a second question the endless degeneracy you’re seeing is the pinnacle of human civilization! we have the largest economy and our city has the most bright lights and large displays of ads in it.

do a map on how many adults are on antidepressants. or how many children are on amphetamines. or the numbers of suicides. or the number of spree killings. or male’s sperm counts. or their testosterone numbers. or the number of abortions. or the number of women under 30 who have already fucked over 30 different guys and are incapable of loving and respecting a man anymore. or the number of permavirgin young males who have seen over 10000 pussies and assholes closeup watching porn. or the % of that gdp that is used just to make all the porn/bad tv+movies/shitty music/more pills/more useful (((studies))) and other bs academia/cats/waifu pillows and everything else that is not just useless but literally harmful to individuals.

what has come of the current western world aka the ”GOOD COUNTRIES”, this endless worship of personal freedom and nothing else, will be a butt of many jokes in the next centuries. after all of this mess has been cleaned.

>Good country

Even their doggos can't pay debnt

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This map is bullshit



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Prove me wrong then

>the best way to spread prosperity over a population is give everyone a say in how things run.

Not enough data to make this conclusion, may be mistaking correlation for causality. With the exception of colonial nations, the nations that are welathy today are almost the exact same nations that were wealthy 300 years ago, before the advent of liberalism. There are far, far, far more poor democracies in the world than prosperous ones. Meanwhile, in the high IQ, historically succesful areas of western europe and northeast asia, authoritarianism doesnt seem to necessarily negate economic success- illiberlism is rare in western europe but the monarchy of Liechtenstein, while a small case study, is the wealthiest (and arguably nicest) country on the entire continent. In China, thheyve gone fsr beyond simple industrialization and are seeing the emergence of s true middle class. Id be pretty surprised if they dont match the genersl prosperity of Japan/Korea relatively soon.

In my country you won't assaulted, robbed, killed nowhere near what the US or europe has to deal with on a daily basis an we have healthcare and clean air.

To me your countries are bad countries.

>muh money

is it possible to be this much of a kike

Its also worth noting that even the wealthy liberal regimes of today didnt give "everyone a say" in running the country until relatively recently, well after the time they had already achieved the highest economic success in the world. In some westen democracies, women didnt have the vote until the 1970s.

Japan has 200% debt and same gdp per capita than Spain. Kicked out also I

It's mostly about biology.

>Your country is shit because you aren't white...

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what's the deal with croatians in chile?

Can you RT shills take a break from work for one fucking day

The law of nature

During the turn of the XXth century croatians gypsies were hired to kill the remaining natives of the deep south in exchange for lands.

Those with no morality took the lands and the money and made a fortune that lasts to this day, those with a conscience left the land to the state and the remaining natives.


Do you understand how % works?

Nope, God himself commands me to shill for Putin

based gyppos

Build the transatlantic wall

Subhuman roma detected.

I was making a point. Learn to read

Found the native

I've been to "bad" countries and ""good" ones. In many of those "bad" ones, you are far less likely to be raped and mugged by some nigger (unless of course, you're in one of the nigger countries). Money can't be the only thing that determines good and bad.

all of the smart people moved from europe to america from 1800-1950

a black and white conception of "good" and "bad" is the mark of a child.

But its true

I guess Poortugal is not just a meme.

Not really, it's just the racist brain that can block conflicting evidence.

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This. Is so childish.

Two hundred years is not "always"