What's it like having a waifu?

What's it like having a waifu?

You love.

It's the happiest you'll ever be, but also the saddest.

Happy because I love her.
Sad because I still have the rest of my life before we can be together.

Don't be sad user.

Imagine if you will, discovering someone so perfect and magnificent that their existence alone is enough to remind you that this world is worth living in and that life has meaning yet at the same time she will always be just out of your reach.

I don't know.
I've been in this anime business for ten years and have yet to find a "waifu"

>yet at the same time she will always be just out of your reach
I'm cuddling with mai waifu right now.

I think about her when going to sleep, I think about her when I wake up, I fap to her. It's great.

Okay okay, I will answer this seriously.
As an Abstract section in a paper, having a waifu can be summarized as . But putting that aside, there are many other things such as jealousy when someone is posting your waifu in a certain way you don't like, or rage when you couldn't purchase her last figure in a certain /buyfag/ shop because someone won the bid/out of stock right after confirming the checkout, desire when you see your waifu's body or not only that but also when she does cute things in her own show or manga, and many more intense feelings that most people do not actually feel these intense emotions, in which these are one of the many greatest things of having a waifu.
Being alive; again.

Just my .2 and my personal thought so there will be someone who will write a better response before getting this thread archived.

Fucking your hand with a little extra flash.

This is a fairly cogent answer. To be alive is to feel emotion, and having a waifu does just that in a pure manner.
Good taste if she's your waifu, user.

To answer seriously, I find it to be a very comforting and rewarding relationship.
I don't want to have someone of the same dimension anyway, so I don't get bummed out about the lack of physical existence or anything.

Luckily my waifu is literally perfect so no one ever says anything negative about her, but I like when anons post about her.

>in a pure manner
This is a nice way of putting it. It's a clean source of love, nothing can get in the way of it as long as you keep loving her.
I'd go as far to say having a waifu is a very healthy and emotionally independent way to live.

now that the question has been answered, what we do now?

Purge Sup Forums of normalfags.

Luckily were on nighttime Sup Forums so there won't be any shitposting, but hopefully this thread won't get deleted again because of HIM.
>This is a fairly cogent answer
Yeah, I would talk about it more but y'know how's the environment in Sup Forums right now.

Moving to another thing instead of getting into this, I really love how we also get more and more mature in everything overall once more time passes when one's a waifufag.
Me being a source of almost 4 years, from a horny bastard to a husbando.

Well my waifu doesn't get shitposters or anything, but I speak for most waifufags since some of them are not that lucky in that.
What the other user said.

And by "Neat." I meant to connect it with the previous sentence. Fucked up the spacing.

>I'd go as far to say having a waifu is a very healthy and emotionally independent way to live.
It really depends on how far you take it. It's emotionally independent if you internalize it and fall in love with the idea, once you're at this point
>there are many other things such as jealousy when someone is posting your waifu in a certain way you don't like,
It's time to reconsider your life choices. Anything that can seriously affect you that you have no control over is probably not a good thing, depending on what level you take it to. For an example, that one doujin author (I really have no sauce for this) that got his house trashed and death threats was the result of a definitely unhealthy obsession on the part of the fans.

Basically, the way I would look at it is that there are an infinite number of unique versions of the character inside the heads of whoever has watched or read the source material. Nobody can do anything to YOUR waifu, because she doesn't exist in the real world, only in your head.

>Basically, the way I would look at it is that there are an infinite number of unique versions of the character inside the heads of whoever has watched or read the source material.
The ever helpful image to go along with your statement.

>because she doesn't exist in the real world, only in your head.
If the idea exists, then it's real in some sense. To say one's waifu isn't real is incorrect.


Yes, user, "him." Where have you been these past few months?

Not that user, but this is what I noticed when time passed on.
Of course there will be times when I feel it, but I will try to calm down my temperament and never say anything, since I never said anything ever before because of what I said on my good luck on shitpost-less Takao posts.

Since like that ancient Greek said, "Everything in moderation".
The certain authentic authoritarian human beaner that happens to purge anything serious waifuism related.

>The ever helpful image to go along with your statement.
Neat, I can see it wasn't an original idea

>If the idea exists, then it's real in some sense. To say one's waifu isn't real is incorrect.
Do we really want to argue about the concept of reality and perception on a mongolian basket weaving forum? Just as a quick counterpoint, every possible idea already "exists" (look to infinite sets) so there is nothing that can be "not real" making the definition pointless. Alternatively, you could argue that "reality" is an entirely human construct, but that would mean that anything not observed by humans doesn't exist, which seems silly. If you want to argue that your perception of reality exists somehow physically inside your head, then when you die do those thoughts become fake? If you die, and then someone else has the same thoughts, do they transition back to being reality?

I think our body reached the tiredness limit to even think desu.
Notwithstanding, sick deep response by the last user.

Sleep tight mina.

This is not your medium

It's the best feeling in the world, a warm and happy feeling that washes away any kind of negativity.
Only problem is that, at least for me, while I'm extremely passionate about her and have already managed things that required an immense amount of mental effort using the love I have for her as source, it works as a double edged sword because sometimes people insult her and that makes me feel really bad; my head freezes, temperature raises and my heart starts beating faster and faster against my will.
Luckily I have those feelings under control now.
I want to be the best I can be for her, so I want to reach the point where I can feel love and or compassion for everything and everyone in this world.

I like that. My waifu's series runs on this concept.

You can't be happy without also being sad if you are a sane man. The dissonance created by you wanting to be with her despite her not existing is too much. You are always aware that your fantasies are extensions of yourself and not her, that the things she says in those are not her actions but yours and so on

You either fall into depression, or become emotionally dependent on some pathetic proxy for yourself and delusional about the true nature of that, which holds you back from true emotional and moral independence.

To really have a waifu ends in the first result
The latter is simply slowly reverting to a pre-human bicameral mindset until self awareness does not exist in the conventional sense and you are a thoughtless automation which can only comprehend "it must be so", it which is administered by the dual natured god which is the remnants of your ego and the "waifu" that grows from it like a very cute tumor.

>if you are a sane man
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

Standard scripted response drawn from a repetoire of simple memes, symptomatic of a degrading ego

Why is your waifu so short?

I see. Our lives not only consists of the positivist reality. There is also a psychic reality. And as human beings, we're always between these two realities. I don't know how to explain.
You're not only pressing buttons on a keyboard that is connected to a machine, you're also imaging and living a lot of fantasies. You're living a lot of things only by that act. And they're as real as that finger that can write a post or trace the path of a fleeting autumn leaf.
Every moment, every dream is a real experience, an embrace that surpasses unsuspected limits. An immeasurable love. Is up to us to accept of reject this condition.
And I want to soak in this powerful, warm, and sincere experience.

Same person asOr you can simply reach a more Buddhism kind of approach and "accept" (acceptance is the key word) that you can't physically be with her, but still cherish the feelings of love and thoughts you have for her.
The MC of my waifu's series drew a picture of his friends together before going on a multiversal journey and he said that as long as he holds that picture in his heart, he will always be with them, he won't be alone in any world. I totally agree with him on that.

You're not even real, don't sass me or I'll delete you.

Reality is real.
Our perception of it is our own construct.
Every thought by an individual becomes real in that's a "thought."
If someone thinks of X, then X becomes extant in reality and in the originator's unique perception of it.
If another person is informed of X but doesn't want to believe it, then X isn't real in this other person's reality; however, this does not mean X isn't extant in reality.

Your twintails are childish, Tama-chan! CHILDISH

Imagine you were playing tennis with someone. Everytime one of you hits the ball it changes it. It changes it's speed, it's angle, and its direction. The ball is ever changing. This is what it's like to spend time with people. Your ideas and your thoughts are flying back and forth like a tennis ball. When you serve the ball you never know for sure what direction or what speed it will be going when they hit it back or if they will even be able to hit it back at all. The ball might even hit you right in the face. Now, if you had nobody to play tennis with you would bounce it off the wall and that's what having a waifu is like. The wall is not unpredictable. How the ball comes back is entirely up to you so it can get boring very quickly especially if you remember what playing tennis with real people is like.

playing tennis alone is fun!

No different to when you're really head over heels for a real-world celeb.

Intense love toward the subject, but completely one-sided. Having a waifu is basically the definition of loving without the expectation of being loved in return.

In that sense, yeah, it feels downright awful from time to time. Probably not as bad as unrequited love for an actual person because there's no direct rejection, but... yeah.

You can interact with a real world celeb though. It's possible.


> I'm extremely passionate about her and have already managed things that required an immense amount of mental effort using the love I have for her as source, it works as a double edged sword because sometimes people insult her and that makes me feel really bad

Can't relate. My character of choice is very, very popular so I feel relieved when somebody doesn't like them.

Less competition.

You sound like a nice person user I hope you have a nice life.

you posted her. its a good feeling

stay the fuck away from my waifu though

Yeah true, I was just referring to the concept of parasocial relationships, since almost all writing/discussion on them is about fans that are intensely love with actors/musicians etc.

It's technically possible to meet them since they actually exist but in 99% of cases anyone falling for a celebrity has to realize that they will never ever be in a reciprocal relationship with them, most of them will never get the chance to meet them either.

I find it upsetting because it partially serves as a reminder of the way her studio treated her. She has a bunch of fanservice scenes that were forced on her and are just a wink to the viewer, detracting from her character. And some people can't see past them and try to claim that's the only thing about her.
But even the Megami magazine featuring her and her series advertised those scenes as if they were her character, so it feels like they kinda contributted to people holding that view of her.
Even though they don't say, I think a lot of people don't take me seriously for having her as my waifu. It doesn't get in the way of my feelings though, that only makes me want to love her even more.

I can understand your feelings, given the situation. My last waifu of 7 years was easily the most hated character of the series -- to the point that the authors actively started cutting her out of later materials. It was a cycle of shit between the fans not giving her a chance because they were still hung up on other characters, and then the authors changing things to suit fan whims.

By the end of it I think I was the only person around who had that character as a waifu and I did feel like defending her, since there was nothing wrong with her from the get-go.

Very much the opposite of my current situation where my waifu is arguably the most popular character in an extremely popular series.

To those anons who love their waifus and give thoughtful responses, I hope you stay with Sup Forums until its demise. You're the reason I come here after all of these years, and you'll be the reason why I'll never leave.

You too

OP here, thanks for all the responses, guys.
You're all good people.

Why are all the best girls either taken or gay? I'll never have a waifu at this rate.

She can still be your waifu if she's got a canon love interest or is a lesbian.

It's just somewhat harder to imagine yourself with her/imagine that she could reasonably have feelings for you, if she were real.

But that's what stops the waifuing. Thou shall not covet another man's wife and all you know?

twintails are cute

> Thou shall not covet another man's wife and all you know?

You're very thoughtful for an user.

Though to be fair I probably couldn't develop an attachment in similar circumstances, my waifu is single because she's a loser.

It's like having a constant wind in your sails. It's like eating a fuckton of Double Stuf Oreos and milk without getting fat. It's like having an Aurora Borealis in your heart at all times of the day. It's strength personified. Can having a waifu make you depressed? Yeah, but so can a lot of other obsessions. It's pretty much all in how one approaches waifuism.

If you let your life revolve around your waifu, you are going to find a lot of sadness and depression. But if you let yourself be empowered by your feelings for your waifu, you can live happily ever after.

The character isn't real, but your feelings for her are. And if it makes you happy, and it doesn't hurt anyone, that's all that matters.

Depends on whether she is going out or not. My waifu is from an harem like series of 5 girls, 11 in the source material not counting her female friend's paralel world selves.
She only has some romantic feelings for him, but she mostly seems him as family. The series ends and she doesn't become engaged with the MC.
It's pretty hard for me to imagine her being his girlfriend or wife in the future. Especially with all the other girls whose feelings are more romantic in nature.

Are you implying you aren't a 2d girl with a lesbian wife?
What the fuck?

Most of the time you only know she's a lesbian because she likes a girl to begin with.

Yeah, and that girl is me!

>My waifu is from an harem
>She only has some romantic feelings for him

Yep. Most people that watch the show don't even consider it an harem at all due to the way the girls act towards the MC.