Spending too much time on Sup Forums and in front of screens isn't the solution

limit your self to one her per day maximum and then, do important shit.

one hour is far enough of what you need.

Sup Forums can be a mind poison, internet can be a mind poison, vidy games too ,...

Break free, commit to NoSurf (or LowSurf) and become a worthy right-winger.

Attached: stock-vector-forbidden-symbol-no-www-internet-browsing-192415925.jpg (450x358, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:


And then what?
I work 8 hours a day, study aside from my work and then at some point in the evening and on weekends i just want to hang around online and relax. should i watch fucking TV instead?

Go to the gym you scrawny german tiny boi

No thanks, the internet is a useful tool for propaganda and you're a fucking shill trying to convince us to give it up. Sorry Kraut nobody is taking life advice from a German.

Get a hobby, fag.

Completely fucked this post up, confused the German with the Swisscuck.

Attached: 1493269692623.png (448x448, 19K)

or is it?

Lifting, swimming, rock climbing, range shooting , bowgoogle.com/recaptcha/api2/payload?c=03ANcjosr1dK9-I8epotV6L1nHpRQ5abwLtY6nCzUNXZOWFC7FstEkwSNuOpouW7WHsXOBLNOAxbDq_XAZJ2WsOGCZcZ5AgcD9pEOXKtHLd9qKXb41tXlHhb_XA2I-cNJqSc28oYlprboE3qwkFR-CDx2j7mJ5a8c6jrg2H0S0cIczRZDAhycApbGdqoXvR5gbwg3-sDMNhvf2uQfh7gj0sfgmdtaPB8WgB53wKG_V7GxgI_MzsaDG7wcwCocKly-2tvcNA2rF_IsLwqPjC6wX2BZiMAigfKIPXyVuq8rRe6HP5bSmSw3IXenLfWyqwLBOZGyNqeVg8vm1GD4DMjg-LIQQqRpVVXj902RzOJg7RL-HDiA8HeiCMzK0i6F9xNNQqdAM3ugYN3SJBCusjWTzPAncZfnZO_LSLhepJk9usceYo-lIKh8rR3aCz7gtCxknIzRRoOm1mB9FgwYDXgmvlz_GLsDFRNvRS59Ziq9hkvoqVO0cmxXZDDU7hNYq63OxzKyIxD3Cvw2WALHsO6gfbXGPqfQFtpaylUfUKwVmUb9EH9z90xBPzCGzPPnZeSkslYbJ-vlsKAvzoRtcYn9XkPCG_2PghgzXV9ZzRg1pGskwJUqFkJhRjAgH9BmGhUOBsZu6bT3H8mzTaoukzjXV52F1Cd-7ISFEPwjVm10R_3jtLlC4IwVc9Jv6XcBvOeiyBPWEdB0BaFzjWLE6s0o4gYq-ivBwpaBvXrCZ-qLCEyR7tg736dlQFy2nyuOl-Eq9DrIRnOwBapoGFmgt32JYP4He0kO7mJ0f8c8CnCA0S7GYlNStUT0ADcohlj4adac8ivkjkFY-dg7CpIzR8iAjSCl9-_4ZZ3MaNtPPZ2yggMuXFNgUXW6BER_4eXcKhawkAsVR7qNUQT4q6Ce_8oMNY24paIGAXkwzBd7pznWM58-5fKRJPrXtVZoGfIlVuwU43rhk9RtHWRIBCkVqoz8dVP3QaeUiQkEDboBlZa9EqX913TmJDgegMYMHjjeSAz-Gd2E7WN9GCqSBGPnB2IIrL8FlkjggrJDRrPdKUZekXsvOTPCkUjPLd5HNO0PxIp-ysAvr03qeNIhj8EbjlfFI26YF5BcQPshZb5-HnXx6qMOKYxdadLfkzKMyMBJEW3GAk7XEXKRmUVfgydoUn2hreAT8t2QnK63k-nKU9rwiwf3VCeo3hNtQ5x-DVtlqh85DoicDteKk3YhMURlkyOyF6X1MSJRADU7VgeJ7x2Ik5dfznn7EZGRgXwkaH_SgkOgF5_TinBUsIKqm&k=6Ldp2bsSAAAAAAJ5uyx_lx34lJeEpTLVkP5k04qc shooting, dancing ,...

Just to name physicial activities. And then, you could read books, draw some things , ...

Attached: 109340-004-91C3EF6A.jpg (550x422, 29K)

get killed you stupid medpakhazar jew, OP

fucked up the post, sorry.

And I recommand just to limit and use it wisely. You could do very effective propaganda and doing actual IRL stuffs that iwll benefit yourself.

i'm not a faggot and do other sports.

Yeah, the internet should be the only thing in your life, I can agree with that.

Attached: Untitled.png (880x880, 26K)

shouldn't* fuckkkk

I hope you don't post links like that when your mom's around.

>time is running out, jews

Attached: 2141234123.gif (342x239, 1.1M)

I don't know why you are so butthurt ?

1 hour of internet per day.

3 hours physical activities per day.

2-3 hours of intellectual activities per day (school, books , ...)

2-3 hours of IRL hobbies that increase useful skills.

Become Sup Forums master, become smart, become chad and muscular.

Attached: swiss-hotel.jpg (725x550, 97K)


bump, fuck computers and phones, so addicted though

Horrible thread full of fucking hypocrites. The internet doesn't brainwash you, what you view on the internet does. It's in your control.
Plus rock climbing or whatever is boring as fuck.

Well, you admit you are addicted, already a huge right step contrary to the other butthurts.

Now, it is...do you REALLY want to change and do the right and hard thing or are you willing to live in this addictive comfort zone, knowing well that you are addicted ?

That's your choice mate.

Attached: 1630566965854288.jpg (873x583, 88K)

In the end every addiction is the same.

spotted the mountain jew

Attached: From+studying+history+i+have+learned+that+it+wasnt+as+_de314fdb9a20c397e521c3705547603b.jpg (500x483, 44K)