Who was in the wrong here?

Who were ourguys?

Attached: Pelop_war_en.png (1800x992, 1.47M)

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idk xD

>who were ourguys?
The only real answer

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it doesn't matter who was in the right, the Athenians were descended from mycenaean Mediterraneans whilst the Spartans and Macedonians were descended from nordic Dorians.

So meds are superior?

Athenians were our guys because they were ambitious and were close to finally unifying the Greek city states under one banner, but at the same time they were too arrogant. They also had some rotten laws that essentially wiped out Athenian leadership. For example some of their greatest admirals were sentenced to death for destroying a portion of the enemy and not all of them at one battle.

At the same time Sparta, while mostly acting in self defense, they set back the entire civilization, preferring this tribal-tier "autonomy for everyone" mindset. They also fought using Persian funds.


I was always under the impression the Macedonians and Spartans didn't like each other. Fucking mice

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Too true. If the Athenians hadn't been so factionalized, Alcibiades wouldn't have been able to con them into needless wars.

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Isn't Athens a bunch of fags tho?

What was the point of going to Sicily?

the Melians
liberty or death

literally cheese

Always was uinder the impression thet Greeks and Macedonian are different people, and Spartan perhaps was a mix of them, and alexander the great was from Macedonia?

Perhaps it was all one culture which led up to the Orthodox Byxantine empire.

>Sparta and Macedonia allied
It doesn't get more based than that.

that's because macedonians weren't greeks, they were macedonians

Attached: Aleksandar_Makedonski_vo_Skopje_03.jpg (3872x2592, 3.17M)

That's fyrom

Modern macedonia doesnt have 1% in common with Alexanders macedonia.
Today its filled half bulgarian half siptar zerg.

Sparta literally single handedly crushed the athenean sea empire

>greek shills
accept it, macedonia was macedonia. Aleksandar Makedonski, not Alexander Makedonisouplogopis

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Macedonia was of entirely Hellenic people until long after Alexanders death when Slavs started to invade

Final redpill: The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales.



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Nope, Athenians were Ionians not Mycenaeans
Dorians, Ionians, Aeolians and Achaeans(Mycenaeans) are the 4 major Greek tribes. Achaens were the first to move down, while Doreans were the last.
The Indigenous people before the move of the 4 Greek tribes were the Pelasgeans
The difference between


This theory was created by Felice Vinci, an Italian man. So it's not actually NORD power fantasies but the humble theory of a honest Medoid. He could admit the Baltic Origins of civilization, can (You)?

Attached: BALTIC ORIGINS.jpg (838x657, 348K)

Türjmo Trärje :DDDDDDD

I didn't say they were slavic, they were macedonian, and later those macedonians got slavicized


North Italians are not meds but Germans, but anyway
If you choose to believe an amateur historian whos only proof is a wet dream he had about fucking an Esthonian girl while reading the Iliad, you know that the KANG mentality is strong in you

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You're speaking to a Troyan. Be humbler, medoid.

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>South Slavs have been around in the Balkans since the Paleolithic, the Slavic migration is a lie
>Modern Macedonia doesn't have 1% in common with Alexanders Macedonia
pick one

>Islamic education

nigger, that sets atlantis somewhere else

Argos, the Pelasgian city.

>t.orthodox t*rk

no. fags had no rights in athens.

You can call Greeks whatever the fuck you want, ill accept it
But calling Germans openhearted, good, invincible, very pious, etc is a mental illness that can only be cured by death
We still beat your ass you dirty nigger Troyan, fucking Greek rapebaby

with some persian ships and gold of course

>t.gay mujahideen

>you dirty nigger Troyan, fucking Greek rapebaby
then finnish refugees founded Rome and got their revange

Sparta did nothing wrong. Militaristic totalitarian societies>>>> gay liberal decadent commercial societies

>mutt education

Nobody. Macedonians were later on.

Don´t know much in detail but i would say Athens was in the wrong from what i know


shockingly accurate

A severely underrated war desu. It was essentially the world's first ideological war. Oligarchy vs Democracy.
It also had great similarities with the cold war. Both factions creating blocs, each dominated by the rival superpowers, coups, aid and proxy wars to increase influence, rampant fanaticism and political propaganda by both sides, first extensive strategic use of navy in known history... only real men of culture can truly appreciate this era.

What's the original name of Aeneas then?
The one that all anti-sauna historians hide from us all these years?
>Don't forget fingolian we fucked you again in 1940, with that Mussolini loser that thought he can take Greece like a modern Väinämöinen

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then you got conquered by superior men, Macedonians

You dont understand the Peloponessian mindset.

Get it though your thick skull, some men would rather live by their own means, not from welfare.

Trojans had hellenic roots.

Athenscucks had it coming.

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Yeah fuck off. But by the time Macedonia unified us it was too late. Southern Greece was a shithole and everyone just left for Asia minor and Alexander's colonies.
Some great men like Pyrrus still emerged, but were unlucky.

i think it´s german

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>nordic Dorians

unlucky? He did great

>mfw Finns (Troyans) founded Rome
>also inherited the position as legitimate heir of Roman Empire
Wow... makes you THINK.

And we paid the jewish bankers to bankrupt your economy. Looks like Finns win again.

Attached: legitimate heir of Roman Empire.png (1600x1954, 367K)

He failed to unify Greece and died a rather stupid death before conquering Sparta. Sure he had a great rampage against the Romans, but in the grand scheme of things it was nothing. Actually it might have even harmed us, as Romans got weary of us and also got to experience how our pike phalanxes fought.

Peka Khan

Aineias, legendary FINNISH hero. Probably a brother of Väinämöinen.

Attached: väinämöinen.jpg (486x503, 50K)

Disgusting, they have no right the pale niggers

they are slav immigrants, i have (((macedonian))) relatives from across the border and the look and act totally different from us

>women's rights
yeah real fucking dindus

Unironically this.

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but finns dont exist

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Joni, the debt.

No that's a Reddit scam we do.

The Greek will pay their denbts for appropriating Baltic kultur.

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B...but if Troyans are Finnish that means Greeks are Swedish.
Charles XII of Sweden is MY ancestor

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The idea that anal or oral sex was a thing between men in ancient Greece is a Jewish myth. The most that ever happened in any context is an older man rubbing his penis between the thighs of a younger man, totally straight. There exists no depiction of oral or anal sex between Greek or Roman men. Anal and oral sex to a lesser extent without drastically cutting your life short is only possible now because of the advances of modern medicine.

Wikipedia's Pederasty in ancient Greece article: "There are no known visual depictions of Anal sex between pederastic couples, (((though this does not prove the behavior did not occur)))... Oral sex is likewise not depicted or directly suggested"

I for a while thought that pederasty entailed buttfucking too but that's because most texts that mention it only allude to sexual behavior where you fill in the blanks. If you actually look for direct sources it undisputedly did not happen, nor could it have since they'd be giving themselves full blown AIDS.

but first the germans give us their denbt

>Greeks are Swedish
yes, but unfortunately you got turked, destiny far better than being blacked. Wanna switch my brother?

Well ancient Greeks USED to be Swedish and Danish... but probably racemixing with thicc Anatolians created ''the modern Greeks''.

Please, we have enough trouble with the roaches and the slavs. Stop trying to WE WUZ because your part of europe is fucked

Ever heard the term Phyric victory?

The man was an exceptional general, i will never rate him as a leader or ethnarch.

Not only did he survive and lived a long life, he never lost any battle ever.

He messed up with Rome because he didnt have the manpower, guy shouldnt have been there in the first place, any success he had is a testament to his leadership and talent.

The fact that you even mention Sparta shows that you need to revisit his story, man was old as fuck and just started campaigns for sport at that time.

You say he harmed us, i bet he would respond with "fuck you".

Fucking hell, why look at history in such a dull way. It happened, it was awesome end of story.

If anything, It was Carthage that made Rome into what it was, the moment the Romans started to dominate the Phoenicians at sea it was all over for us.

The empire had started, and accessing Phoenician wealth and trade routes was far more important than Pyrhus.

Acording to this amazing accurate map only niggers from Ithaca, Aetolia and Helike (that doesnt even exist now, them niggers) were Danish subhumans.Peloponnese is a rightful Swedish claim as everyone knows. My Attican Superior Sweden genes are pure 100% Svenkar phenotype.
Bow before your king you mixed raced wanna be fin medoid scum and black wanna be swede

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Sorry, I already took the Baltic Origins pill and you can't untake the pill.

It all fits so perfectly...

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Generally, if someone was fucking men back then he was subject to ridicule and shame. Fucking men was "partially" okey, if you made sure you made a son. Back then fags generally still made families and making children was short off "mandatory".

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except for the fact that they are literally on other sides of the continent

>Troy is finnish

except for the fact that they are literally on other sides of the continent mr finn, also i dont have squinty eyes

1) Genetically 'northern italians' (aka Lombards) are overwehlmingly Celts not Germans
2) Felice Vinci is a Siculo-Neapolitan and his theory is not even worth a rat's dejection

Athenians were in the wrong and got wrecked as punishment for their hubris. Also Alcibaedes was fucking retard and Athenians were retards for believing him.
If Pericles lived longer, Athenians could have maybe pulled some decent win off

syracuse...it whas a trap


Oh, you mean the guy who decided to build walls around the city, only to be trapped in it and die from typhus.

Pericles was better at making friends with the mob than winning wars.

lombards where trans-alpine niggers

>We wuz Gauls n sheeittt

Rome literally called North Italy Cisalpine Gaul

You know Balticoids had great boats and it literally took only a few months for them to resettle into the Mediterranean? Some of them decided to relocate because it was getting full in the Baltics (they relied on hunting-gathering and needed massive lebensraum) so some of them ended up in Greece.

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Athens ofcourse. Athens vs Sparta is like Nato vs Soviets