Who do I deal with the fact that I am sourrounded by brainlets

Who do I deal with the fact that I am sourrounded by brainlets.

My IQ is arround ~123 and I feel weird when I talk to people, is like they always say the same thing over and over, nothing new.

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It's what keeps me coming back to the internet.

120 isn't that high Bro. Also if it was measured when you were younger it's lower now. Measured IQ falls as you age.

Im measured It when I was 20yo. I know 120 is not that high, but beliveme when I say you caon feel the brainletism here.

You think I.Q. matters, you are the brainlet that you hate.

this. Mine was 142 when i was 25.

I just think people are easy to manipulate and dont think of the total sphere of repercussions actions have, but dont delude yourself thinking that you are the interesting thing while everybody else is dull.


Well, they are low energy and have a slow thinking reaction

Also I doubt I have anything beyond a totally average IQ but i have an interest in nerdy topics. People just don't want to discuss the topics you or I find interesting. Do that with your friends.

I used to have this feeling, its a matter of driving the conversation in the direction of interest, getting to the results, i think.....

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My friends cant catch up my power level

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Even that is hard m8. My friends are successful high functioning autists that are into wierd shit and they have no interest in what I am saying half of the time.

Stephen Hawking said people who talk about their IQ are loosers, is probably what he´s thinking of....

Give an example. I have probably two very intelligent friends but I can out match them on a regular basis on certain subjects despite being so painfully average.

That’s not a real 4 way Venn diagram.

Maybe I should surround myself with autists like me

checked, explain

145 here, you are the insufferable kind of brainlet that thinks he's smart. Worst kind.

How do you know I am a brainlet of that kind

try and find likeminded people. hanging around brainlets can be mentally taxing and probably makes you stupider

Thanks user, I will.


When I was 7 - 8 I took an IQ test which came back at 120. This was back in the late 90's. Recently in 2015 when I took it again, even though my verbal/communicative and recollecting skills got lower, but my critical thinking/puzzle acumen reached to 130.

Supposedly it's fact that your IQ would now be measured as lower than when you took the test as a child. I can't comment on your case. Maybe you had a bad day.

he means ~120 is good but no where near the point which you can look down upon humanity

Being around brainlets made me smarter, I saw there retard behavior and it drove me to not do the retarded things that I encountered.

Thish happened to me, some times I say thanks for the lesson.

Listen to this guy.

You will think for a period of time that you are some sort of genius, until you are actually put into the setting with people of comparable IQ. Then you will realize what an average IQ person feels like every day.
You suddenly dont feel like some super smart god being. You are just another smartish guy around similar people, and there is always somebody more intelligent that makes you feel that you are at the baseline while they are miles ahead.

Just enjoy your fucking life. You arent as smart as you think you are and if you pretend otherwise, somebody will put your ass in check


Hahahah. Friends. I learned long ago friends are a waste of time. Raising children is way more fun and interesting. Talking monkeys. They are a blast

But the real question is are they purebreds or La Creaturas?

Nails it.

This is a good red pill for brainlets to swallow

you're not hot shit OP, that's why you're here

The las time I came here was 1 week ago. I came here becouse I feel like this a nice place to ask this kind of questions

I think you'll find your own ego is making you feel smarter than those around you. 120 isn't god tier or anything. Unless your surrounded by niggers I'm not sure it's that large a gap than those around you to make a noticeable difference.

You're just experiencing the dunning-kruger effect. Also you post on Sup Forums so you can't be that smart. You are comparing your back stage to just meeting these people. I doubt you have had meaningful conversations with them or have gotten into the position to do so. They probably think just as much as you do, they just don't tell you. I'm not saying there aren't stupid people, but you aren't some god among mortals. You're slightly above average and nothing special by any means unless you make yourself that way. Even then, it would take years.

Blue eyed white boys. I get Asian women stopping them in the streets cus they are so good looking “oh ma gawd! Look der eyes! O mah gawd! They so beautiful!

>tfw you are Anglo/irish/med mix but you successfully married Anglo and your kids got superior genes

You shouldn't ask these questions in the first place. I thought everyone around was a retard then I grew up and met some new people. One of the people I met which is one of my greatest friends now is a bonafide genius, he makes me feel stupid every day but that is okay. I learn from that man and improve myself.

How does it feel that I could literally kill you with my mind?
Just kidding, friend, I only do that with shills.

you become intellectual restless, deeply miserable and withdrawn, then you kill yourself

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This. I surround myself with smarter people to better myself. I already know my limitations and my strengths, so I try to find people smarter than myself in order to learn and grow. Hanging out with degenerate retards is a waste of time.

I'm pretty sure everyone here except shills are passionate about preserving western civilization and white people, we just need to figure out how to make money at it
We should really be starting our own communities in rural areas and there will be plenty of jobs, even entry level ones as there wont be spic to steal them

Yeah NPCs are a bitch, user.

>Actual brainlet thinks he isn't a brainlet and is above other brainlets
top kek

Find other high IQ people. Simple.

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