Christianity was the greatest Jewish trick in history

>Slows down Whites' scientific progress by millenia
>Convinces Whites that seeking Wealth which is the de facto Power is Sin
>Convieniently makes Jesus a jew and jewish nationality the Chosen People
>Disgenics through celebacy. Individuals who care and take responsiblity for the community(priests) are prohibited from passing on their genes

Attached: ss.jpg (657x768, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:

only the ignorant mistake traditional catholics for Zionism/Judaism, go educate yourself in some trad catholic theology please.

I think it's odd how Christianity is built to be submissive while Judaism is built to be exploitative

It's also odd how Catholic Church allowed Jews to prosper by letting them be the only ones running inns and doing usury.

>Christianity is submissive!
>muh Northern Crusades! muh Inquisition!

Christianity's for god's will.

Odd, or convenient?

>>Slows down Whites' scientific progress by millenia

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>Slows down Whites' scientific progress by millennia [sic]
Christianity was the primary driving force for literacy among whites in the western world. lol, clearly paganism wasn't if your post is anything to go by...

>Christianity was the primary driving force for literacy among whites in the western world
literally banning everybody who wasn't a priest from reading

intentionally leaving the Bible untranslated so regular people couldn't read it

Attached: comped sushi lifestyle.png (858x617, 571K)

Christianity is pretty lame. It worships a God so weak that he could be killed by puny humans.

Imagine instead of Christianity Europeans had some badass religion that taught values that align with masculine behavior, like to be strong and defeat your enemies. Europe would've been way better off. That's one thing that towelhead religion Islam does right.

I'm somewhat of a cultural Christian. I think it's a nice idea to have a God who loves us, but do I really believe it? Ehh, not really.

Quick rundown

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek; later, the Levites would receive tithes from their countrymen. Since Aaron was in Abraham's loins then, it was as if the Aaronic priesthood were paying tithes to Melchizedek. (Heb. 7:4-10)

The one who blesses is always greater than the one being blessed. Thus, Melchizedek was greater than Abraham. As Levi was yet in the loins of Abraham, it follows that Melchizedek is greater than Levi. (Heb. 7:7-10)

If the priesthood of Aaron were effective, God would not have called a new priest in a different order in Psalm 110. (Heb. 7:11)

The basis of the Aaronic priesthood was ancestry; the basis of the priesthood of Melchizedek is everlasting life. That is, there is no interruption due to a priest's death. (Heb. 7:8,15-16,23-25)

Christ, being sinless, does not need a sacrifice for his own sins. (Heb. 7:26-27)

The priesthood of Melchizedek is more effective because it required a single sacrifice once and for all (Jesus), while the Levitical priesthood made endless sacrifices. (Heb. 7:27)

The Aaronic priests serve (or, rather, served) in an earthly copy and shadow of the heavenly Temple, which Jesus serves in. (Heb. 8:5)

>Slows down Whites' scientific progress by millenia
Explains the hatred of transgender people. Christcucks just want to be like African niggers and live in the stone age.

>Slows down Whites' scientific progress by millenia

Before Christianity you had... mortar? concrete made from seashells, phalanxes, and roads. Pagan roman society... all that scientific progress up to that point... wow.... damn... it's not like science just actually exploded after Christianity took over Rome.. it was rapidly growing and expanding before Christianity became the center of Roman life... I mean, look at how rapidly we were discovering things in Rome beforehand...

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>My wife's son: the religion
Don't bash the thinking man's religion senpai.

Christianity is the prime target to always be attacked when jews begin the cultural subversion because it's the pillar of the west.

So fuck you, kike

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whoa nice

The masses weren't even in the national language for centuries, only in Latin.

You're retarded. The intentional act of making books inaccessible only happened during the middle ages, under the Catholic church, and is one of the main things which led to the Lutheran reformation. Which wasn't really a problem prior to the middle ages, because most of the civilized western world, spoke Latin. In fact the language you're speaking now is a bastard child of Latin, and original English.

This, and no one was ever "banned from reading."

>hurr pagans were illiterate muh bible taught peasants to read
Biggest disinfo ever, universal literacy wasn't a thing until late 19th/early 20th century, and pagans all over the world have developed written languages without the bible.
Kys christcuck

Fuck yes saved, praise the Lord!


>most of the civilized western world spoke Latin
>56% education

Fucking nobody spoke Latin outside of convents and mass, that's why French Spanish Portuguese and Italian became a thing.

However the bible was banned from translating so meanings don't get lost in translation. Even then, peasants still couldn't own let alone read bibles because there were so few in circulation since the printing press didn't become a thing until mid-15th century.

>and pagans all over the world
"all over the world" meaning not in Europe. One of the main reasons historians don't know many specifics about pre-Christian European history, is that while they had a primitive written language, it was so seldom used that not much info could be drawn from it. Most historical records actually come from the Romans, who were at war with them.

"prior to the middle ages"
>Irrelevant nation education
Guess what? Prior to the fall of Rome, even nations as far as the UK, were Roman provinces.

>be jew
>"hey shlomo, how do we subvert the rest of the goyim?"
>how about this, silvergoldenstein! we create a character, right?"
>"then we make his the son of god, right?"
>"i like it..."
>"then we put him in front of the romans as a sacrifice, so he will be a martyr for a holy cause."
>"but he'll be a jew..."
>"but wait!"
>"how could it be any better?"
>"our fellow jews condemn him to die!"
>"but shlomo, wouldn't that be counterproductive?"
>"nah, someone in the future will figure it out."

Lol Mary's husband literally got cucked by God and then had to raise the child.

"All over the world" most definitely includes Europe.
>it was seldom used
What's Greek?

Again, nobody spoke Latin dumbass outside Church, that's why the aforementioned languages came to be.
Stop your Mericasplaining, it hurts my head.

,and yes. They mostly spoke Latin. After the fall of Rome, they regressed into being shitholes for a while, until they finally built themselves back up, in the early middle ages. By that time, their native languages had merged with Latin, and produced the languages you're talking about.

I honestly don't care one way or another about faith or lack thereof but for cutting me and millions of boys every year, all the religious circumcizers deserve death

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wrong wrong wrong:
kikes post these threads
yes, kikes post all the "this is a kike trick" posts
that's just a fact
this load of bullshit that it is, weaned us off the evils of the semitic nigger shit
that's why the jews always say
"judeo-christian" it's BULLSHIT the jew kike shit is completely different

>Disgenics through celebacy. Individuals who care and take responsiblity for the community(priests) are prohibited from passing on their genes
catholicism is a joke. find me one place in scripture where it says anyone can't have children. high priests of god have children but not priests? oh shit i always forget they are gay.

Lingua franca within the Roman empire remained for the most part Greek, not Latin. Hence why Byzantium made the switch to Greek; it was more commonly spoken and there was no inherent need to preserve Latin.
Please stop already.

How can so many have no idea about christianity?
It gave us the greatest 1000 years of humanity, and it is only now, with its abandonment, that we see everything collapsing.
Fucking heathens.

>What's Greek?
The first western nation to convert to Christianity?
>Again, nobody spoke Latin dumbass outside Church
,also once again, you're talking specifically about the history of the middle ages. Completely ignoring the fact that most of Europe was absolute shit after the fall of Rome, and didn't really return to greatness until the arrival of Christianity.
"Lingua franca" you used that incorrectly, but hey, you're a Varg fag so I guess it's understandable. "Roman empire remained for the most part Greek" In former Greek territories yeah, because they weren't sheep fuckers prior to falling under Roman rule.

What the fuck are you talking about? Reading became a more widespread skill so that people could specifically read the Bible after it began to be translated. So much fucking ignorance of Christian/European culture is shit out by you "people" I despair.

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By golly, you're right! We're so lucky that the Book of Daniel contains detailed calculations on orbital mechanics and propulsion technology, and doubly lucky that the book survived until modern times!


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>find me one place in scripture where it says anyone can't have children.
Actually many early Christian sects believed that everyone should remain celibate. Of course, this is a deathwish for any young religion.

The reason the surviving sects believed in procreation is because all sects that didn't believe in procreation disappeared.

Get fucked. If Islam is so great and alpha why did they get BTFO by a pacifist, baby America for their piracy? You're shitting on your own heritage by pretending Islam has anything to offer us. It was Christianity who created a Europe fit to continue the Roman Empire, it was Christianity who pushed people to create the greatest nations and Civilization the world will ever see, and oh look, you're living voluntarily in the Christians' world. How very funny.

>Lingua Franca
>"Language of the Franks"
>French is a mixture of Old Germanic and Latin

Byzantium is also Eastern Rome, in Western Rome (Empire of Charlemagne and its successor states), Latin was the language of the educated class

The Jew fears the Jesus. Christianity is the reason why Europeans banded together for once and stopped killing each other a little bit, allowing them to explode in population and conquer literally the entire earth, bleaching wherever they went.

"Lingua franca"
Direct translation? Latinized French.
Colloquial meaning? "A nation extends as far as its language"

Now stop masturbating to Varg, and actually pick up a fucking book.

imbecile, you should be thankful for the monks in the dark ages, because they were the only ones still reading writing and copying ancient roman texts.

who gaves these monks monasteries? thats right. Christian Kings. Thank Charlemagne RIGHT FUCKIGN NOW for your PROPULSION TECHNOLOGY.

>Europe was shit after the fall of Rome
>Greece was the first western nation to convert to Christianity
Only because Rome ever became a thing. They thrived without it; without the classical (Pagan) Greeks, there would be no Rome.
>Varg fag durr you made one mistake read a book
Lmao you go read a book with your muricasplaining, the first time around you actually got something right, go bang your chest for your mom.

This. It explains everything, they always go for Christianity, while lying that 'all religions are equal' and pretending any of the others can give us anything like the greatness we have been given by Christianity. I actually like the old pagan religions, I think they could sit side by side with Christianity in modern Europe, but a weakened Christianity, dying from death by 1000 subhuman attacks, is part of why the West is losing its beautiful culture. Yet they all still live here.

>imbecile, you should be thankful for the monks in the dark ages, because they were the only ones still reading writing and copying ancient roman texts.
Specious reasoning. If Christianity had not been as successful as it had, other sects or secular bodies might have copied ancient Roman texts, preserving them for our eyes.

Or maybe not, it's impossible to say.

Christians were also responsible for destroying a lot of ancient texts, so let's not thank them too much.

Errr, rocket propulsion technology is mostly the product of European Jews.

Neither Christianity nor Paganism won't see a comeback on Europe as Europeans have lost faith in their civilisation. The first one was conquered and raped (Pagan Europe) and the second one imploded on its own because infighting.

Aces, another d&c purity spiral thread

>>Europe was shit after the fall of Rome
Lolnope, Europe was measurably more shit after the fall of Rome. Stagnant population levels, the destruction of most urban centres, not one of which regained their old size until the 19th century, the end of the Pax Romana, we could go on and on.

Fuck the Romans, though. Fuck them all right up the arse.

>Jesus was not a kike.
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>Jesus was not a kike.
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>Jesus was not a kike.

Attached: JESUS WAS NOT A JEW.jpg (1019x512, 150K)

The Bible was in Latin which was a very common trade language when dealing with people from different European cultures and countries. It would make sense that they didn't translate it. There are examples of translated texts that existed but making any book during that age was a time consuming and expensive process. So they would have always been limited in availability to the rich anyway.

you should educate yourself in the dead sea scrolls.

>creator of the physical/spiritual universe, man and angel
>knower of the infinite future, of all past, present and future activities
>knows the inner workings of man and spirit creatures alike
>instilled these attributes in each creation as a part of the creative act
>once again, knows the outcomes of any future event
>presumably aware of the implications of the above statements, as He has perfectly supreme intelligence
>creates spirit creature and man/women/hermaphrodite ect knowing fully in advanced that certain people (spirit people included) would use their 'free will' to go against His own intentions
>the penalty is eternal torture

Why even bring into existence the people who will use their free will to sin? Much suffering could have been avoided. No one signed up to play a part in this gigantic, divine shenanigan. I personally don't want to exist, but now that I do exist, I am afraid to die. I am angry that I exist, especially in such terrible conditions such as the ones that are present in this world.

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>Jesus was not a kike.
Jesus wasn't a real person, Kike or otherwise.

"Hurry and take the picture my arm is getting tired!"

"ok hold on it's cold....ok, 3, 2, it!"

*drops pig head*

"Fuck that thing was heavier than I thought! Lemme see the pic....oh yeah man that's badass the heathen club is gonna love this shit. Hail Thor!!"

Attached: 1497026815324.png (600x400, 535K)

Hey is the earth flat too?

Attached: Historicity of Jesus.png (1615x796, 175K)

they fought against any attempt to translate the Bible.

They were literally shipping contraband bibles into Britain which were translated into English

>The Bible was in Latin which was a very common trade language
Lolnope. Greek, maybe, but not Latin. Latin had already ceased being a language of everyday communcation the day before the Roman Empire fell.

>Hey is the earth flat too?
Out here in the real world, only literal retards look at Wikipedia pages and assume they're mostly true.

Protties on damage control. Hey why don't you go join your muslim brothers?

Attached: Protestants Helped Muslims.jpg (402x375, 123K)

Not an argument. Pic related, your kind of people in the wild.

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Wow, all those points are incorrect. Good job.

so you blame God for being pussy

>>Europe was shit after the fall of Rome
Lol, wow. What are the dark ages, and why were they called the dark ages?
>They thrived without it; without the classical (Pagan) Greeks, there would be no Rome.
They were in fact pagan, but if you actually read their philosophies, they were hyper similar to Christianity. Especially Greek stoicism. Hench why they adopted Christianity so quickly.
>Lmao you go read a book with your muricasplaining, the first time around you actually got something right, go bang your chest for your mom.
Lol I only bang my chest for your mom.

1. Science was born from the Church - see "How the West Won" by Rodney Stark.
2. Christianity was never anti wealth - context
3. Prophecy decreed his birth
4. Celibacy is not Christian, it is also voluntary

>Not an argument
1. Almost all New Testament scholars are either evangelical Christians or funded by evangelical Christians. You don't know what they actually think and neither does anyone else.

2. "applying the standard criteria of historical investigation" is what the NT scholars have been trying to do for the last 30 years, and they've come up with 1000 mutually incompatible answers.

They've now realised that this is a dead end and none of them know what to do next. Don't take my word for it, go read the most recent scholarship for yourself.

3. The only sources on the life or teachings of Jesus are the four gospels (five, if you include Thomas). 99% of verses of those documents is a rewrite of some verse from the Old Testament. Therefore using the gospels to argue for a historical Jesus is logically invalid.


>Slows down Whites' scientific progress by millenia

Wrong wrong wrong snowneger. Your people anyway contributed nothing so why are you worried?

>Convinces Whites that seeking Wealth which is the de facto Power is Sin

Seeking wealth for its own ends only is pointless. But Paul enjoinders Christians to work hard. Christianity promotes self reliance and thrift

>Convieniently makes Jesus a jew and jewish nationality the Chosen People

Jesus was half Jewish. His people killed Him. The Jews are no longer chosen, in fact they were the most bitter opponents.

>Disgenics through celebacy. Individuals who care and take responsiblity for the community(priests) are prohibited from passing on their genes

Only amongst semi-pagan Catholics. This is a throwback from pagan influence, there were numerous sexually dysfunctional practices amongst barbaric pagans, like your ancestors. The Balts were in fact the last to be Christianized, it wasn't as if they contributed anything useful up to that point

>What are the dark ages
A myth.
>and why were they called the dark ages?
Because Florentine scholars wanted to look better by comparison.

>be in roman timeline
>be in the huge roman city
>see all the jews involving into roman politics
>see jesus on the cross
>see a jew take him down to hide him in a cave
>see how the jews tell everyone who is alive again
>see 12 jews travle around telling everyone about jesus magic tricks
>see how this turns into a revolt
>see the fall of roman empire
yeah, muh son of god, this sounds more like propaganda to bring down an empire.

>literally banning everybody who wasn't a priest from reading


>intentionally leaving the Bible untranslated so regular people couldn't read it

If the Bible is such a problem, why is it a problem that people couldn't understand it? Yes the hierarchies didn't want the Bible translated, because they knew they weren't living up to what it said. All power structures are threatened by the truth

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Except the whole issue with Jews hating Jesus. Jews don't want people to be Christians. The new testament shows just how shitty Jews are and is meant to replace most of the old testament laws the Jews follow.

The Romans weren't at all interested in abstract science, but the excelled in engineering. But the engineering of the Romans wasn't lost, or if there was a decline it was slow. Abstract sciences were still studied to an extent in Byzantium

>>see how this turns into a revolt
The Jewish revolt against the Romans in 66-71AD was nothing to do with emergent Christianity, you dolt.

>see how this turns into a revolt
>see the fall of roman empire
How are you pretending that was related?
>see a jew take him down
Christian, at that point.

The Dutch language isn't suitable for humans anyway

was it christianity though
or was it the manifest destiny of europeans, and as the thread implies, christianity has only slowed us down

(((They))) are terrified of us. Drugs, porn, and lies are their tools to keep us bound. Only one decent spark is necessary to relight our flame.

Attached: Kawaii_Vult.jpg (1040x826, 282K)

>Except the whole issue with Jews hating Jesus
Only two of the gospel authors didn't like the Jews. Therefore we don't know if 1st century Christians and Jews got along, or not.

>Jews don't want people to be Christians.
In general they prefer Christians to Muslims. Certainly at the moment.

>The new testament shows just how shitty Jews are
See above, some NT authors hate Jews and some NT authors love Jews.

>and is meant to replace most of the old testament laws the Jews follow.
That's literally the opposite of what Jesus said, dude.

Many pagan and gnostic groups believed the same thing in the late empire

was that caused by christianity though
or was the fact that Europe was being blockaded from the rest of the world, by islam ...

why do you think we set out to the sea to seek a passage to india/china accross the atlantic ... what made the old road so dangerous?

>Many pagan and gnostic groups believed the same thing in the late empire
It's very difficult to know what gnostic groups actually believed because (1) they're were gnostic, dummy, and (2) they didn't leave behind many documents of their own

What specific Roman scientific texts are you referring to?

This is a giant kike psy op as it has been on this board for a very long time.

Christianity is their only true enemy and has been for thousands of years. It's no coincidence that the kikes STEAL CHRISTIAN CHILDREN AND SACRIFICE THEM TO SATAN AND DRINK THEIR BLOOD TO GET HIGH. Read this book and do the research into jewish blood libel.

It was written by the son of the chief rabbi of rome. Start threads about this topic and watch the kikes on the board squirm when the thread takes off. It's pure gold

This pic is a bas relief of what they did to a little boy names Simon of Trent. Christianity should not be compared to roman catholicism. roman catholicism is the babylonian mystery religion

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haha lol ironic considering this thread how much scientific development was directly because of Jews, however afaik Tsiolkovsky, Galileo, Goddard, Zhukovsky, Copernicus, Kepler and von Braun weren't actually Jewish

Only literal retards question whether Jesus existed or not.

>What specific Roman scientific texts are you referring to?
Scientific texts? I didn't say anything about scientific texts, I talked about Roman texts in general.

>Only literal retards question whether Jesus existed or not.
The Apostle Paul literally wrote that Jesus wasn't a real person.

Was the Apostle Paul a retard?

And yet...nearly all reference works consider the period 1100-1453 'medieval' and hence 'dark ages but that was a flourishing period culturally, in Byzantium, Italy and southern France in particular

You seem drunk Fritz

well, what ever, but who was the one who took jesus from the cross? a jew.

All of the gospel writers expose the wickedness of the religious Jews. There was no prejudice against Jews or Gentiles, at least to the extent that the rules were followed. This was different from Judaism.

Jesus talked about the fulfillment of the Law (in Himself). He never advocated the Law of Moses to be applied to non-Jews.

>jews required to tithe 10% to the priesthood because jews.
>jews required to make annual pilgrimage to jerusalem temple because jews.
>jews were required to pay inflated prices for temple approved sacrificial animals because jews.
>jews were required to pay fee for changing roman denarii into temple approved shekels because jews.
>jesus calls out jews on scam.
>jesus is kill because jews.
>jesus' followers take the reins and convert jews to new cult
>priest jews not happy
>stephen is kill because jews.
>new cult not happy with only 10% (because also jews)
>still not enough - it never fucking is - because...
>kike-on-a-stick cult starts recruiting goyim
>jews not happy with sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health.
>jews attempt to destroy great beast babylon
>neros jew advisors blame jesus cult.

Attached: antichrist-superstar.jpg (193x260, 8K)

>ff 2 years.
>jews revolt
>AC sends vespasian to quell revolt
>white stripes-seven_nation_army.flac
>nero is kill
>galba becomes AC
>galba is kill
>neros best bud otho becomes AC
>otho is kill
>ozzy-suicide solution.flac
>vitellius becomes AC
>vitellius is kill
>vespasian recalled to rome - becomes AC
>titus in charge of spec op
>christian jew revelator in jerusalem writes revelation 20
>jew jews in jerusalem burn food stores to hasten coming of warrior messiah from the sky
>christian jew author hastily inserts chap 24 to make it appear jesus got 2nd coming revenge
>jews expelled
>jew traitor author josephus collaborates with matthew jew author
>goyim take over kike-on-a-stick cult

and here we are today

Attached: Jerusalem_Fighting.jpg (1000x637, 183K)

Yet we have accounts written about their beliefs that clearly indicate that this was so. Also vestal virgins were usually celibate. Priests of Cybele ritually castrated themselves, how disgusting