Literally almost as bad as when Tom and Jerry started talking

Literally almost as bad as when Tom and Jerry started talking.

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Yeah but they did in a movie with a cute loli so they get a free pass.

How cute is she?

She looks like a boy

Even worse than Ash turning into a pikachu?


Tom and Jerry spoke plenty of times before the movie was even made, FYI. Now take this anywhere but here.

Yeah, and I liked the scene. Genwunners stay mad.

technically they also did that in the island of giant pokemon episode

also Meowth


Newfags weren't alive the first time Pikachu spoke.

They spoke for thr entirety of a short only once and any other time was a simple sight-gag. If you're counting the times Tom sang a song, those don't count as him talking; that's like saying that seeing Bugs get brutally murdered is a recurring thing because of the ending of What's Opera, Doc.

>first time
When was that? Even in the one manga where Pokémon talk all the time, it's canon that all Pikachu are born mentally retarded.

The details were top notch as well. They forgot about Pikachu's Pokeball thunder symbol in XY and did not here.
Also the tree where they depart at the end, being the same one where Ash/Misty/Brock departed in the original series.

I still never saw any the movie.
I've heard about it for years upon years, but they never showed THAT Tom and Jerry movie on TV. Really they've aired probably every movie except that one.

I really liked the race movie. It was good.

What is going on?

Pikachu talks in the new movie or something?

Yes, during the obligatory “Ash/Pikachu dies” scene.

Yup, called Ash a nigger and all.

am i the only one who wants to fug the green haired wise shota?

I was fucking mad when they had that bathing scene and he was the only one who wasn't shown shirtless. screw ash and that disgusting penguin loli.

Voiced by Danny DeVito himself, people at the theather had a meltdown right there and then.

Wait, people are mad because Pikachu spoke, or did something else entirely out of character?

When he sounds like a 60 years old man it can completely ruin childhoods apparently.

They're mad because he spoke. I actually found it pretty cute.

I love the NO! in the audience

>Tom and Jerry started talking
what the fuck

what does pikachu sound like in japan? did his VA use her tony tony chopper/gash voice?

> that guy shouting NO in the theatre when it happened
It was a terribly terribly cheesy scene and line. Oh man the line is so fucking cheesy, the voice also really didn't help. It didn't even sound like Pikachu, honestly if it did sounds like it him it would have been fine.

Also Pikachu didn't want to go in the ball from before he liked Ash so that can't be the reason.

I didnt even see the movie but please tell me it isnt true... HOW?? And WHY???
Why would they fuck up a perfectly fine character?

Ash was hallucinating.

>Also Pikachu didn't want to go in the ball from before he liked Ash so that can't be the reason.

i was surprised that they didn't use the chance of the movie taking place in an alternate dimension to explain why pikachu hated pokeballs

like what if he had an old ass trainer who died while he was inside of the pokball and that caused him to become paranoid about losing more loved ones while inside of a ball


Forget the talking, this is character assassination of the highest order. Pikachu didn't want to go in the pokeball because Ash hadn't earned his respect and he was a little asshole.


I always thought Pikachu was tsundere for Ash
Fuck this movie

He still never goes into the ball though, even after.
He just really doesn't like it.


What the fuck is this overreaction, nigga? He had like three lines. You get this bent out of shape over a kids' cartoon?

Ah ok thats good to know.
Its frightening how your whole childhood could be ruined by a single stupid decision

>Sup Forums

Why do people care that Pikachu spoke when Meowth has proven that pokemon can learn to speak if they tried?

Cause Meouth showed us that for a pokemon to be able to speak it requires a sacrifice and for Pikachu to just pull it out of his ass would've been bullshit.

Why would it be stupid? It was cute.


So, pikachu jumping in front of like 7 Pokemon attacks is not sacrifice?

Meowth's sacrifice was spending years learning how to speak you mongoloid.

No, not compared to study

Damn if I could just get fucked up by a bunch of birds and learn a language through it, I'd do it in a heartbeat. And when I healed I'd do it again.

Meowth sacrificed learning payday to be able to talk.

>not fatchu
they fucked up

>it's PIKAcause

You don't get to learn the tongue of man from getting your ass kicked. Meowth lived in the fucking attic of a ballet school learning to speak and walk on hind legs to get pussy.

The reason why Meowth can't use any move aside from Scratch is because he used up his chances to learn new moves for the ability to speak.

What's the problem with Pikachu speaking again? I'm not seeing the problem.

Honestly this series would be far better if every Pokemon spoke so that they wouldn't need to keep adding human characters in order to push the plot forward, and instead just use the Pokemon themselves to do that.

Holy fuck

He's talking about "Island of the Giant Pokemon," way way way back in the very first season. And Pikachu didn't technically "speak," it's just that his normal Pokemon talking was subtitled. Same for Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Ekans, and Koffing.

It's actually one of my favorite episodes. I wish they would have done more subtitles from time to time. It shouldn't be a regular thing but it's neat in small doses.

Its pikause if your pet started talking for no reason it would be fucking stupid

While i'm not defending that scene and i think it's super retarded i believe there are some instances of pokemon talking in the games, plus meowth learning how to speak human language in the anime.

And also, as someone else said
>And Pikachu didn't technically "speak," it's just that his normal Pokemon talking was subtitled.

That actually intriguing, it means all pokémon can actually understand each other on human level communication even if they all "speak" using different sounds. Still fucking retarded to do it on a movie just for the sake of drama.

Picked up


Of course. Do you not listen to meouth translating?

Heh, you can hear the bafflement

Ash's pikachu is canonically male. The tail shape indicates it's a male, and in best wishes, the gender becomes relevant as it affects how pikachu is affected by attract

How do the dubs still suck after all these years?

giant gardevoir when

Yeah, that too. What i mean is that pokemon language appears to be some sort of universal tongue even if they make different sounds, so if they just said "yeah, Ash's bond with their pokemon allows him to hear their language" or something like that, i would have believed it.

So now that the series is moving forwards by giving Pikachu a new skill, will we get to see it evolving into Raichu?

>will we get to see it evolving into Raichu?

>Now die all of you, die for Darkseid! YAY NOW IT'S TIME FOR KETCHUP ECKSDEEEEE!
>Pikachu used it's Thundershock!

So does this mean pokemon can give consent?

>that twitter argument over Pikachu talking
I think they're missing the bigger point. The voice is fucking terrible.

I've been doing that for literal actual decades drunky the pokemaniac!
>Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth!?

Just wait for the original version. Also, Ash was dying, who know what the fuck happens when you die.

I saw the clip, and that shit was beautiful, shit made me cry. I haven't cried in years, but I needed that.

Tohsaka pleases old men for money

The audience reaction gets me every time
>mfw WHAT the FUCK

The overwhelming conclusion drawn from the anime is that all Pokemon are sapient. Which actually makes it a little disturbing that they consent to not only be pets, but also be brutal warriors in glorified cock fighting.

I want her to fuck me with a strapon

Thinchu has been a thing since before gen I ended.

Isn't there a video game where Pikachu is a detective...?

Isnt' it fully voiced by an old man???

Is this Pokekino?


A world without pokemons... damn...


Ok, time to stop.


What does the non dub version do then?

It's a dub, that was always a given.

at least it wasn't Gilbert Gottfried

What's going on? I haven't followed Pokemon since season two, like every other person.

I can't really understand what he's saying with the voices talking over it.

The latest movie. Ash dies, but only for a bit and then he gets better, and Pikachu speaks a few words or so. Meh.

>Ash dies, but only for a bit and then he gets better
Didn't they do that in the fucking first Pokemon movie? Constantly retreading ground, I swear.

Yes, the first movie did it already, and did it better imo.

Yeah, i remember that i cried like i bitch when i saw that movie when i was a 5

>Why don't you get in the pokeball Pikachu
>Because I wanted to be with you forever

It was better in Japanese since Ohtani voice the line so it actually sounded like Pikachu talking. English VA sounded like an obvious dub over.

>i was a 5
That's the key point. The current 5 five year olds will cry at this.

Pikachu talking was a hallucination. Ash has died like 3 times and hasn't used the Dragonballs once to revive.
The real appeal of this movie is Ash battles Ho-Oh.

Why not just show them the old movie? They could literally put it back in theaters today and get the same payoffs and results.

It was terrible in both