The myth of the Judeo-Bolshevik

The myth of the Judeo-Bolshevik

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Commissarsózef_UnszlichtБеленький,_Абрам_Яковлевичéla_KunСклянский,_Эфраим_МарковичГопнер,_Серафима_ИльиничнаШкловский,_Григорий_ЛьвовичВладимиров_Мирон_КостянтиновичЛашевич,_Михаил_МихайловичАксельрод,_Ида_ИсааковнаНахимсон,_Семён_МихайловичКоган,_Евгения_СоломоновнаВосков,_Семён_ПетровичКалманович,_Моисей_ИосифовичЗакс,_Самуил_МарковичАксельрод,_Моисей_МарковичФрумкин,_Моисей_ИльичЛилина,_Злата_ИоновнаХатаевич,_Мендель_МарковичБерг,_Исай_ДавидовичШапиро,_Исаак_ИльичЛеплевский,_Григорий_МоисеевичЛившиц,_Яков_Абрамовичühsaméátyás_Rákosiša_Pijadeózef_Różańskiózef_Światłoózef_Czaplicki

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>An allegation that is raised in almost every revisionist literature I can find is that the Bolsheviks were mostly comprised of Jewish intellectuals, and that therefore a "foreign element" was responsible in the subversion and hostile takeover of Russian society (overwhelmingly White and Orthodox Christian), leading to countless dead. But how Jewish were the Bolsheviks really? Pic related contains the amount of actual Jews (i.e. people whose Jewish ancestry can be verified). Compare that to various revisionist claims in their info-graphics that up to 95% of all Bolsheviks were Jewish. You know what they do? They just take the list of names and stamp the word "Jew" next to almost every one of them, while providing no sources to back up their conclusion. Sometimes, they are so feisty as to list an entire book (rather than a page or chapter of it) as source, which makes proving or disproving their claim deliberately difficult. As to my image, you can look up each of the listed figures' bio in any encyclopedia and confirm what I have posted.

How is that a myth?
Jews are what? 2% of the population?
There's roughly 30 commies there and 7 have kike stars. That's over 10x as many as you'd expect if the JQ wasn't valid.

kys sophist

LMAO, Lenin was a jew, Stalin was married to jews. At least 3 or 4 more people I know of in that picture are jews. And you clearly not looking at a portrayal of ethnic russians - that is certainly not how most of them look like. Look at "Alexander Smirnov", totally a gentile face, right?

I bet this graph was made counting only jews who were not "atheist" or "baptized"...

Try harder, jew-slave.

>Some revisionists who think themselves particularly clever point out to the picture of Lenin not having a Jewish Star and begin to accuse me of having gotten the simplest of facts wrong. Many revisionists call Lenin a Jew even though the only Jew in his entire bloodline was, on the side of his mother Maria Ulyanova, born Blank[1], Lenin's great-grandfather Moshe/Moshko Itzkovich Blank[2], a Shtetl Jew who later converted to Orthodox Christianity and changed his name to Dmitry Blank (and whose son, Srul/Israil Moshevich Blank, i.e. Lenin's grandfather, was baptized Alexander Dmitrievich Blank[3]), while the entire rest of his bloodline wasn't Jewish. Now some of the tryhards might say "silly goy, it doesn't matter whether Lenin or his mommy were baptized, because Jewishness is inherited through the mother[4], therefore Lenin is a Jew!" But using this very same Jewish Matrilineality, Lenin's Mother Maria inherited her "jewishness" from her (jewish, but baptized) FATHER, and NOT her (non-jewish) mother! Therefore, as per the laws of Jewish Matrilieality, the Jewish line ended with the now baptized Alexander Blank; it was not passed down to his daughter Maria Blank; she was never a Jewess, neither practicing, nor even by lineage, and therefore her son Lenin wasn't one either.

>Even if you ignore Jewish Matrilineality and just use racial makeup, let me ask you this: Is it fair to point the finger at a man (let's call him Bob) and call him a White man if his entire family is comprised of Blacks except one great-grandfather who was White, but later in life started to self-identify as Black (just like Rachel Dolezal), and whose son (racially also White) also self-identified as Black, and this son had a half-black daughter, also fully identifying herself as Black, who in turn had a son, namely our Bob, a three-quarter Black? Is that enough to turn Bob into a White man? Hell no. Barack Obama is far more racially White than Lenin was racially Jewish (half vs. quarter). Yet nobody in their right mind calls Obama a White man. So why the revisionist insistence to label Lenin a Jew? This is yet another case where you realize they aren't historians, or even scholars, but anti-semitic ideologues weaving their own make-believe "history": Because labeling the Bolshevik leader as a JEW plays perfectly into their narrative compared to calling him an atheist who was a baptized Orthodox Christian, whose daddy (and mommy!) were baptized Orthodox Christians and her daddy in turn was a Jew baptized into orthodox Christianity, and his father in turn was an actual Jew who later received an adult baptism.

>Other revisionists try to pin the whole thing on Putin as a credible authority, saying "well, the PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA, who certainly ought to know things better about his own country than some random schmuck on the internet I'm trying to explain this to, said in a 2013 speech, and I quote: 'The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, whose composition was 80-85 percent Jewish.'" Now the picture above is of the USSR's First Central Committee in 1924, so what about earlier? Going through the 16 names on the first Council of People’s Commissars under the Bolsheviks, there is precisely one Jew among them, Leon Trotsky. Except for the Ukrainian Lunacharsky and the Pole Teodorvitch, everyone else was Russian. Therefore, the proportion of Jewish members even back in 1917 was not 85% or even 80% but 6.25%.'s_Commissars

>Come to think of it, there were many Jews in leadership roles in the Party of the Mensheviks and the Socialist Revolutionaries, but very few among the Bolsheviks. The numbers are something like under 10% Jews in the top & middle tiers of Bolshevik leadership, around 25% or 30% among the SRs and close to 40% among the Mensheviks. What all three had in common was that they weren’t the tsars, but they fought each other, and the more Jewish Mensheviks ended up losing. So much for the revisionist theory about Jews as a singular political force, united against the goyim, trying to take over a nation together...

>It's also funny how the handful of powerful Jewish Bolsheviks like Leon Trotsky (Commander of the Red Army) or Gengrikh Yagoda (director of the NKVD) actually got expelled and executed by fellow Reds.

>As you can see, I am really tired of this "Soviet Bolsheviks = Jews" meme.

>Moving on, in the entirety of the USSR's Communist Party in 1922, it is a historic FACT that Baltic peoples were actually more over-represented than Jews but you'll NEVER hear a revisionist scholar make an issue out of that, will you? Nope, of course not. THIS[5] was the composition of the entire CPSU in 1922:

72% Russian (53% of the USSR's population)
6% Ukrainian (21% of the USSR's population)
5.2% Jewish (1.8% of the USSR's population)
4.6% Baltic & Polish (0.6% of the USSR's population)
3.4% Trans-Caucasian (2.5% of the USSR's population)
2.5% Central Asian (7% of the USSR's population)
2% RSFSR minorities (4.3% of the USSR's population)
3% others (6.4% of the USSR's population)

>In the Civil War, 22,000 ex-Tsarist officers served with the Red Army in 1918 and a total 48,000 in the entire Civil War. This element was crucial in preserving the Bolshevik Revolution. Needless to say, there was not a Jewish element amongst ex-Tsarist officers. Neither was there a Jewish element amongst the primary commanders of the Red Army: The Latvian Riflemen leader Joachim Vatsetis became commander-in-chief of the entire Red Army from September 1918 to July 1919. He was replaced by Sergei Kamenev, who was a Russian. Other important leaders of the Red Army were Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Mikhail Frunze (Romanian), Klement Voroshilov, Vasili Bliukher, and Semyon Budyonni (Cossack).

>Thus, it has been proven that there was a limited Jewish presence amongst the Bolsheviks whether in the state, in the party, or in the military.

Shouldn't you be more worried about surviving the race war moshe? Do you think some nog is not gonna cleave your head in with a machete when the time comes because your a kike? Is shilling for communism and the holohoax really important now?

jews must be really desperate now. trying to rewrite history by raiding wikipedia KEK

>They are not jews! Despite winston chuchill and general patton and many russians who met them they were they are wrong and I do not know how to use google search engines.

Wait I seen these posts 5 years ago... Oh os you cucks again are you ready for another ass pounding?

>uses my jewish learning.

>first Politburo, founded in 1917 to manage the Bolshevik Revolution: Lenin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky, Stalin, Sokolnikov and Bubnov.
>mostly notable as the immediate ancestry of the maternal grandfather of Vladimir Lenin according to various published researchers who suggest that Lenin's maternal grandfather was a Jewish convert to Christianity (Alexander Blank).
>he served first as People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs and later as the founder and commander of the Red Army, with the title of People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs. He became a major figure in the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1918–1923).
>Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein on 7 November 1879, the fifth child of a Ukrainian Jewish family
>(born Hirsch Apfelbaum) was a Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet Communist politician.
>Gregory Zinoviev was born in Yelizavetgrad, Russian Empire (now Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine), to Jewish dairy farmers
>(born Rozenfeld) was a Bolshevik revolutionary and a prominent Soviet politician.
>Kamenev was born in Moscow, the son of a Jewish railway worker
>(born Girsh Yankelevich Brilliant) was a Russian old Bolshevik revolutionary, economist, and Soviet politician.
>Sokolnikov was Jewish.

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>The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) and all those who chose to accompany them into imprisonment – notably Eugene Botkin, Anna Demidova, Alexei Trupp and Ivan Kharitonov – were shot, bayoneted and clubbed to death
>(real name and patronymic Yankel Khaimovich) was a Russian Old Bolshevik best known as the chief executioner of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, his family, and four retainers on the night of 16 July 1918.
>The Yurovsky family is of Jewish origin
>was a Bolshevik party administrator and chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.
>A number of sources claim that Sverdlov played a major role in the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family on 17 July 1918.
>Sverdlov was born in Nizhny Novgorod as Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov to Jewish parents Mikhail Izrailevich Sverdlov and Elizaveta Solomonova.
>He is known for taking part in the murder of the Romanov family and for the devastating role in Sovietization of Kazakhstan (Small October) which resulted in a deadly famine in Kazakhstan of 1932–33, which took between 1 and 2 million lives and is known in Kazakhstan as "the Goloshchekin genocide"
>Born 9 March 1876 in Nevel to a family of Jewish contractors, his true birth name is unknown, in various sources, Isai (Yiddish: Shaya or Shai) and Isak, Isayevich, Isaakovich, Itskovich are indicated as real names.
>Z. and L. got in touch with Imperial Bank of Germany through the bankers (D?) Rubenstein, Max Warburg and Parvus.
>Note: L. is the present People’s Commissioner of Education. Z. is not a Bolshevik, but a right Social Revolutionist and in the discard, whereabouts unknown. Parvus and Warburg both figure in the Lenin and Trotsky documents. P. is at Copenhagen. W. chiefly works from Stockholm.

>Mr. Raphael Scholnickan,
>Dear Comrade: The office of the banking house M. Warburg has opened, in accordance with telegram from the Rhenish Westphalian Syndicate, an account for the undertaking of Comrade Trotsky. The attorney [?] purchased arms and has organized their transportation and delivery track Lulea and Vardö to the office of Essen & Son in the name Luleå receivers and a person authorized to receive the money demanded by Comrade Trotsky.
>J. Fürstenberg
>Note: This is the first reference to Trotsky. It connects him with banker Warburg and with Fürstenberg. Luleå is a Swedish town near Haparanda.
>also known as Jakub Fürstenberg, was a prominent Old Bolshevik and close associate of Vladimir Lenin, famous as one of the financial wizards who arranged, through his close working relationship with Alexander Parvus, the secret German funding that saved the Bolsheviks. After the October Revolution of 1917, Ganetsky served as Chief Soviet banker
>Yakov Ganetsky was born in Warsaw, then in the Russian Empire, into the family of a Jewish factory owner.
>was a Marxist theoretician, revolutionary, and a controversial activist in the Social Democratic Party of Germany.
>Parvus' detailed plan recommended the division of Russia by sponsoring the Bolshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, encouraging ethnic separatists in various Russian regions, and supporting various writers whose criticism of Tsarism continued during wartime. Basing himself on his 1905 experiences, Parvus theorised that the division of Russia and its loss in the First World War was the best way to bring about a socialist revolution.
>Israel Lazarevich Gelfand was born to an ethnic Jewish family
>was a German-Jewish banker and scion of the wealthy Warburg family based in Hamburg, Germany.
>was a Swedish banker and businessman. Aschberg was a leftist sympathizer and helped finance the Bolsheviks in Russia. In gratitude, the Bolshevik government allowed Aschberg to do business with Soviet Union during the 1920s. In 1922, Aschberg founded Roskombank, the first Soviet international bank.
>Due to his Jewish background he was endangered when France was invaded by Nazi Germany
>was a Jewish-American banker, businessman, and philanthropist. Among many other things, he helped finance the expansion of American railroads and the Japanese military efforts against Tsarist Russia in the Russo-Japanese War.
>Historian George F. Kennan noted that Schiff helped finance revolutionary propaganda during the Russo-Japanese war and revolution of 1905, through the Society of Friends of Russian Freedom.
>The Jewish Communal Register of New York City stated that "Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia from the money markets of the United States."
>was an American business manager and owner, most closely associated with Occidental Petroleum, a company he ran from 1957 until his death, though he was known as well for his art collection, his philanthropy, and for his close ties to the Soviet Union.
>Hammer was born in New York City, to Jewish parents who immigrated from then Russian Empire.
>was a Bolshevik revolutionary leader in Russia. After the October Revolution, he was Chief of Cheka of Petrograd City.
>was born in the city of Cherkasy, Kiev Governorate, to a Jewish Litvak family.ózef_Unszlicht
>Józef Unszlicht was a Bolshevik revolutionary activist, one of the founders of the Cheka, and Soviet government official of Polish-Jewish extraction from the Masovian region. Unschlicht participated in and in fact initiated some of the worst excesses of the Bolshevik revolution including mass murders of political opponents.Беленький,_Абрам_Яковлевич
>Abram Yakovlevich Belenky was bolshevik, a chief functionary of Soviet secret police(Cheka/OGPU/NKVD).
>He was born in the family of a Jewish philistine elder.éla_Kun
>born Béla Kohn, was a Hungarian Communist revolutionary and politician who was the de facto leader of the Hungarian Soviet Republic in 1919. Following the fall of the Hungarian revolution, Kun emigrated to the Soviet Union, where he worked as a functionary in the Communist International bureaucracy as the head of the Crimean Revolutionary Committee from 1920. He was an organizer and an active participant of the Red Terror in Crimea (1920-1921).
>His father was a lapsed Jewish village notary
>was a Russian revolutionary of Jewish origin (née Zalkind) and Soviet politician. She is best known for her involvement in the organization of the First Russian revolution, and along with Béla Kun, as one of the organizers of the Red Terror in the Crimea in 1920–1921, against former soldiers of the White ArmyСклянский,_Эфраим_Маркович
>Efraim Markovich Sklyansky - soviet military leader of the Civil War, the closest associate of LD Trotsky, Trotsky 's deputy at the post Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RSFSR.
>He was born in Jewish middle-class family.
>was a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet politician most prominent as Premier of Russia and the Soviet Union
>His parents were Jewish peasants
>was a Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet Politician. He served as head of state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later of the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1946. From 1926, he was a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
> was born to a peasant family of ethnic Jewish Russian origin
>was a Bolshevik revolutionary leader and a Politician during the Russian Revolution.
>was born August 6, 1890 to a Jewish Family
>was an Old Bolshevik and a Soviet politician and lawyer.
>was born in Soleniki to a Jewish merchant family of Lithuania.
>was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and the first Bolshevik Soviet People's Commissar of Education
>was born to a poor Jewish family, in Poltava, Ukraine, Russian Empire.
>was a prominent Bolshevik revolutionary
>Born in 1878 in the Yekaterinoslav Governorate of Ukraine of Russian Jewish parents
>was a Communist revolutionary, a Bolshevik politician and a Soviet diplomat of Karaite descentГопнер,_Серафима_Ильинична
>Serafima Ilinichna Gopner was a Bolshevik politician
>Born in the family of a small merchant. Hebrew by origin.Шкловский,_Григорий_Львович
>Grigory Lvovich Shklovsky - Soviet diplomat, Bolshevik.
>Miron Konstantinovich Vladimirov (Shainfinch) - Ukrainian Soviet party and statesman.
>Born in Kherson in the family of an agricultural tenant, a Jew.Лашевич,_Михаил_Михайлович
>Mikhail Mikhailovich Lashevich - a Russian revolutionary, a Soviet military leader
>was born in a Jewish merchant family.
>was a Soviet politician.
>was a Ukrainian Communist of Jewish family who joined the Bolsheviks in 1913.
>born Meir Henoch Wallach-Finkelstein, was an ethnic Jewish Russian revolutionary and prominent Soviet diplomat.
>was a Russian Bolshevik revolutionary and a Soviet politician. She was the sister of Leon Trotsky and the first wife of Lev Kamenev.
>was the alias of Mikhail Gruzenberg, a prominent Comintern agent.
>Borodin was born in a Jewish family

What was the % of Jews of the entire population?
>played a significant role during the Bolshevik October Revolution in 1917.
>was born in Sebezh, Vitebsk Governorate in a Litvak family of a trader.
>was a Bolshevik politician
>was born in Vitebsk. He was the son of a Jewish merchant.
> real name - Yakov Davidovich Drabkin, a Russian revolutionary, a Bolshevik and Soviet party leader.
>(pseudonym of Martyn Nikolaevich Mandel’shtam) was a Bolshevik
>was a Soviet economist and politician
>His father, Shneur Zalman Luria, was an engineer, Hebrew author and Zionist.
>was a Russian revolutionary, journalist and historian.
>born Ovshey Moiseyevich Nakhamkis
>was a Marxist revolutionary and early Soviet politician.
>Moisei Markovich Goldstein was born to an ethnic Jewish family
>was a political revolutionary, Marxist theoretician, and archivist.
>David Borisovich Goldendakh was born to a Jewish father
>was Soviet and international Communist functionary, one of the founders of Komsomol.
>He was born to a wealthy Jewish family.
>born Iosif Aronovich Tarshis, was a Russian revolutionary.
>the son of an ethnic Jewish carpenter
>born Minei Izrailevich Gubelman, was an ethnic Jewish Russian revolutionary, Communist Party functionary, journalist, and historian.
>born Emther Axelrod, was a Russian revolutionary, Marxist philosopher and an art theoretician.
>was born in the family of a rabbiАксельрод,_Ида_Исааковна
>Ida Isaakovna Axelrod is a Russian revolutionary
>Ida's sister was Lyubov AkselrodНахимсон,_Семён_Михайлович
>Semen Mikhailovich Nahimson - participant in the revolutionary movement in Russia, military commissar of the Yaroslavl district.
>Born in Libau in a large family of a Jewish industrialist.Коган,_Евгения_Соломоновна
>Kogan Evgenia Solomonovna - a revolutionary, a Soviet party leader.Восков,_Семён_Петрович
>Semyon Petrovich Voskov – Russian revolutionary
>He was born into a large Jewish familyКалманович,_Моисей_Иосифович
>Moses Iosifovich Kalmanovich - revolutionary, Soviet statesman, chairman of the State Bank of the USSR, People's Commissar of grain and livestock sovkhozes of the USSR.
>He was born into the family of a Jewish merchant.
>was a lawyer, revolutionary, politician
>was born into a family of Jewish merchantsЗакс,_Самуил_Маркович
>Samuel Markovich Sachs - Russian revolutionary , the son of the wealthy Petersburg manufacturer Markus Isaakovich Zaks.
>In his youth he took part in circles of revolutionary Jewish youthАксельрод,_Моисей_Маркович
>Moses Markovich Axelrod - a figure of the Soviet special services. Captain of State Security
>a Jew.
>Trepper escaped to Moscow and worked as a GRU agent for the next six years, traveling between Moscow and Paris.
>was born to a Jewish family
>was a Russian politician. In 1929 he was briefly Secretary General of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.
>the son of a simple Jewish family.Фрумкин,_Моисей_Ильич
>Moses Ilyich Frumkin is a Soviet state and public figure.
>He was born into a Jewish familyЛилина,_Злата_Ионовна
>Zlata Ionovna Lilina, nee Bernstein, the pseudonym Zina Levin is a Soviet party and state figure, journalist
>She was born in a poor Jewish family
>was a Soviet military commander and politician of Jewish ethnicity

Now we got that over with when is ww 3 goinf to happen.
>Yagoda supervised the construction of the White Sea–Baltic Canal with Naftaly Frenkel, using slave labor from the GULAG system, during which many laborers died.
>Yagoda supervised the deportations, confiscations, mass arrests and executions that accompanied the forced collectivisation, and was one of people responsible for Holodomor which resulted in deaths of 2.4 to 7.5 million people.
>was born in Rybinsk into a Jewish family.
>was a Soviet politician and administrator and one of the main associates of Joseph Stalin. He is known for helping Stalin seize power, for his role in the Soviet famine of 1932-33 in Ukraine, and for his harsh treatment and execution of those deemed threats to Stalin's regime.
>was born in 1893 to Jewish parentsХатаевич,_Мендель_Маркович
>Mendel Khatayevich was a Soviet politician. He was one of the main organizers of collectivization in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which caused the death by starvation of millions of people.
>He is a Jew by nationality
> was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.
>was a Soviet intelligence officer and head of the GULAG Soviet prison camp system from 1932 to 1937.
>the son of a Jewish brickyard owner
>was a Soviet secret police (Cheka, OGPU, NKVD) high functionary.
>He was the son of a wealthy Jewish merchantБерг,_Исай_Давидович
>Isai Davidovich Berg - head of the AHO of the NKVD Office for the Moscow Region.
>According to the data given in a number of media, with the participation of Berg in the Moscow NKVD special vehicles were created, the so-called "gas vans". Ostensibly in 1938, Berg was accused of being the inventor of "gas masks"
>He was born in Moscow to a Jewish family
>headed the Soviet foreign intelligence service (INO), then part of the NKVD
>was born into the family of a Jewish railroad worker
>was acting head of the Soviet foreign intelligence service, then part of the NKVD
>was born into the family of a Jewish bookkeeper
>was an anthropologist and an NKVD agent.
>was one of four children born into a Jewish family
>was a General in the Soviet secret police and NKVD Rezident in the Second Spanish Republic.
>He was born Lev Lazarevich Feldbin to an Orthodox Jewish family.Шапиро,_Исаак_Ильич
>Isaak Ilich Shapiro is a Soviet party and economic figure, employee of the state security bodies
>In the NKVD since January 1937Леплевский,_Григорий_Моисеевич
>Grigory Moiseevich Leplevsky - a member of the NKVD College, deputy prosecutor of the USSR
>Born in a Jewish working-class family
>was the head of the GPU in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
>Born into a Jewish family
>was a Soviet politician. He was the older brother of Lazar Kaganovich
>was a Soviet politician and the wife of the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov
>was born Perl Semyonovna Karpovskaya to the family of a Jewish tailor
>was a Soviet political commissar
>was born into a Jewish family
>was a Soviet politician
>He finished six classes of Jewish commercial school. In 1907–1910 he was a member of the Zionist workers movement Poale Zion
>was a Red Army commander and one of the world's major military reformers between World War I and World War II.
>was born into the prosperous family of a Jewish pharmacist
>was a Jewish Red Army Komdiv
>was a Soviet field commander.
>Kreizer's Jewish parents
>was born to a Jewish family and became a Colonel General in the Soviet Army.
>was a Soviet officer in the Red Army and military advisor during the Spanish Civil War. He also served with distinction during the Soviet-Japanese Border Wars and the Winter War
>was born into a Jewish familyЛившиц,_Яков_Абрамович
>Yakov Abramovich Livshits - Soviet statesman
>was born in a Jewish family

oh look another shill thread
>was a Polish-Jewish Marxist theorist, feminist, philosopher, economist, anti-war activist, and revolutionary socialist who became a naturalized German citizen at the age of 28. She was, successively, a member of the Social Democracy of the Kingdom of Poland and Lithuania (SDKPiL), the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Independent Social Democratic Party (USPD), and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD).
>was a journalist and theatre critic. As a socialist journalist, he organised the Socialist Revolution that overthrew the Wittelsbach monarchy in Bavaria in November 1918.
>was born in Berlin on 14 May 1867, to Emanuel Eisner and Hedwig Levenstein, both Jewish.
>was a German Communist and Social Democratic political leader.
>was born 11 March 1883 in Hechingen in Hohenzollern Province to a well-to-do Jewish merchant family.
>In 1916 the left-wing Marxist revolutionary Spartacus League was founded and Mehring was one of its main leaders alongside Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg.
>the son of a Jewish bourgeois family.
>was a Marxist revolutionary active in Lithuania, Poland, and Germany.
>was born to a wealthy ethnic Jewish family in Vilnius
>Together with leading anarchists, such as B. Traven and Gustav Landauer, and communists, Toller was involved in the short-lived 1919 Bavarian Soviet Republic.
>was born in 1893 into a Jewish familyühsam
>He emerged at the end of World War I as one of the leading agitators for a federated Bavarian Soviet Republic.
>The third child born to Siegfried Seligmann Mühsam, a middle-class Jewish pharmacist
>was a Jewish German Social Democratic party worker who became a key figure in the German Revolution of 1918
>was a Marxist active in the Polish and German social democratic movements before World War I and an international Communist leader in the Soviet Union after the Russian Revolution.
>was born in Lemberg, Austria-Hungary (now Lviv in Ukraine), as Karol Sobelsohn, to a Jewish Litvak family
> was one of the leading theorists on anarchism in Germany at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. He was an advocate of social anarchism and an avowed pacifist. In 1919, during the German Revolution, he was briefly Commissioner of Enlightenment and Public Instruction of the short-lived Bavarian Soviet Republic.
>was the second child of Jewish parents Rosa (Neuberger) and Herman Landauer.é
>was a German communist revolutionary and leader of the short-lived Bavarian Council Republic.
>was born in St. Petersburg into the Jewish merchant family Julius and Rozalia (née Goldberg).átyás_Rákosi
>was a Hungarian communist politician. He was born Mátyás Rosenfeld in Ada, present-day Serbia. He was the leader of Hungary's Communist Party from 1945 to 1956 — first as General Secretary of the Hungarian Communist Party (1945–1948) and later holding the same post with the Hungarian Working People's Party (1948–1956). As such, from 1949 to 1956, he was the de facto ruler of Communist Hungary. An ardent Stalinist, his government was very loyal to the Soviet Union.
>Born to Jewish parentsša_Pijade
>was a prominent Serbianand Yugoslav communist, a close collaborator of Josip Broz Tito
>was of Sephardic Jewish parentage.ózef_Różański
>was a communist in the prewar Second Polish Republic, a member of the Soviet NKVD and later, a colonel in the Stalinist Ministry of Public Security of Poland.
>Born into a Jewish family in Warsaw
>was a communist politician in Stalinist Poland and a pro-Soviet Marxist economist.
>was born into the middle-class Jewish family of Oskar Minc and Stefania née Fajersztajn.
>was a prominent communist in prewar Poland.
>was born into a middle-class Jewish family
>was a Polish-Israeli activist and communist politician.
>was a Polish Communist activist and member of the security apparatus in Stalinist Poland.
>was the daughter of a Jewish pharmacist
>was a Polish communist official of Jewish background trained by Comintern in Moscow, who changed his name and settled into Warsaw after the Soviet takeover, and became second in command (the deputy minister) in Berman's Ministry of Public Security (MBP) during the late 1940s and early 1950s
>was a Polish-Jewish communist before World War II, and after 1949, commander of the Stalinist political police at the Ministry of Public Security of Polandózef_Światło
>was a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Public Security of Poland (MBP) who served as deputy director of the 10th Department run by Anatol Fejgin.
>was born on 1 January 1915 as Izaak Fleischfarb into a Jewish family
>was a communist Jewish partisan, Stalinist official and an accused war criminal.ózef_Czaplicki
>officer of the security apparatus of People's Poland, officer (colonel) of the People's Army of Poland, member of the National Security Commission
>He was born in a family of Jewish origin
> was a Russian Jew and a Comintern official during its creation. He was sent to China in 1920 as an advisor to contact the prominent Chinese radicals such as Chen Duxiu, just before the formation of the Communist Party of China. The process of forming the infant Party can be mostly attributed to his influence
>is an American journalist, scholar, and Chinese linguist who lived in China from 1944 to 1980. He worked closely with Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, and other leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the war, and was with these central Communist leaders at Yan'an. He witnessed first-hand much of what occurred at upper levels of the CCP and knew many of its leaders personally.
>was born into a Jewish family in Charleston, South Carolina
>was a naturalized Chinese journalist and author. He was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party of China.
>was born on 20 April 1915 in Warsaw to Jewish parents
> more commonly known as General Luo, served as the Minister of Health in the 1947 Provisional Communist Military Government of China under Mao Zedong.
>a Jew born in Lemberg
>was a British-born Communist ideologue, activist and spy, long resident in China. A committed Marxist from 1931, he joined the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), then was recruited by the NKVD, the Soviet secret police, and was sent to China during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–45).
>"My father was a Jewish cockney Royalist, raised in the East End of London, by immigrant parents who fled Czarist Russia to avoid anti-Semitism and conscription into a pork-eating army," wrote Crook in his autobiography.

Stop this hate speech.

Attached: 1484874551379.png (183x232, 19K)

google is also censoring results that proove most top ranking commies were jews

lol this image is garbage and cant be taken seriously because it even got the first one wrong, lenin is a jew

>not jewish

Stopped right there.

Says the Hohol.

Attached: 1520276525889.jpg (600x800, 119K)

Begone with your love speech

Attached: 9463827640.jpg (309x751, 107K)

Yeah, like 15 percent.

Attached: republica_pepulara_ romina.png (412x460, 185K)

Vladmir putin has confirmed that 85% of the soviet government were jews, fuck off scholmo.

history is repeating itself

Attached: 158249a5dcc3e35a379342513ed88b9db5a2ddc40224ed033b23a70015db08dd.jpg (2000x1709, 507K)

Attached: southafrican.png (1209x900, 1.13M)

>racially jewish

they do this on wikipedia aswell, they hide that they were jews , also google dont give results for it anymore

genetic makeup doesnt matter what matters is if they have a jewish identity

Lenin was from nobility(Christians) and was an atheist.

Attached: lenin.jpg (460x276, 27K)

says (((who)))

This image is extremely cherrypicked and wrong.

First of all it represents the time when the Kaiser was already brought down, the SPD was already ruling Germany.

Friedrich Ebert (non-Jew) and his party SPD forced the abdication of the Kaiser. His right-hand man who proclaimed the republic Scheidemann is also a non-Jew.
The pivotal figure who helped Ebert assume control was General Wilhelm Groener - non-Jew.

The revolution started with the Kiel mutiny, the leaders of it were Karl Artelt and Lothar Popp, they even elected a committee on the ship. Why did it come to the Kiel mutiny? Because the German High Command wanted to send them into a suicide mission - attack the British navy.

When the Kaiser was overthrown, spartacists were irrelevant.

Now coming to your image:

Karl Liebknecht was the pivotal figure, he is on top and he is the one who also proclaimed the socialist republic and HE did ALL the work on behalf of the Spartacists, he is a non-Jew.
He was the de facto leader.

Rosa Luxembourg was a primarily a theorist, she didn't do much in the political scene. Most she did was forming the International league which turned into the Spartacist league, but Karl Liebknecht became the de facto leader.

Kurt Eisner proclaimed a socialist republic in Bavaria but was shot soon after.

Karl Radek did literally nothing, he was refused by the bolsheviks as a representative so he traveled to Germany, was present during the formation of the KPD but did nothing he never lead anything he is irrelevant.

Leo Jogisches is also irrelevant, he was only the companion of Rosa.

Clara Zetkin is not a Jew, that's a lie.

Ernst Toller was pretty irrelevant as well, he served as a president of the Bavarian Soviet republic for 6 days.

Gustav Landauer was also pretty irrelevant in the political scene, he was only in the government of the Bavarian Soviet republic for 6 days. He is only a theorist.

Attached: Alfred_Rosenberg.jpg (544x796, 104K)

Eugen Levine was sent by the Soviets. He led the Soviet Bavarian republic for a short while.

Paul Levi is also irrelevant, he led the KPD after Rosa and Liebknecht were executed but he got expelled because he criticized the communist party.

Also numerous non-Jews are left out...This image is retarded and so cherrypicked.

Moishe it's time to stop
In the first row alone I can see you omittet.jews

Felix Dzhershinsky

>Inb4 hurr Durr prove Moishe Arronivtz Rubinstein was really a jew, gotcha goy

It's a fact that 90% of Soviet leadership we're Jews

It's a fact that Jews spearheaded communist revolutions across the globe

Even New themselves admit it .

As the new revolutionary Lunacharsky put it
"The Jewish Titan rose up to bring Russians the light of communism"

Lenin was Jewish too.

He was quarter jew and by mother line.

What 90 percent?

Attached: 1509838756377.jpg (700x501, 54K)

People like Franz Mehring, Wilhelm Pick, Emil Eichorn are totally left out.

Also the Spartacists were the minority in the Spartacist uprising, the revolutionary committees were the majority and they were almost all non-Jews.

>Clara Zetkin is not a Jew, that's a lie.
>Karl Liebknecht a non jew
>All other admitted Jews a pretty much irellevant (I said so)


Moishe pls

Attached: 225058.png (640x1058, 239K)

>Is cherry picked.
>does the same by going to google imahes.
>Foeget what putin said.

OP thoroughly BTFO


>Must protext muh tribe.
Vladmir putin:Ya they were jews back then.

What is cherry picking 101 and denying disproportionatelys. Leave Heeb. You’re not welcome.

By far the most complete video documentary on the subject:

Because they are.
The only most prominent Jews that actually had an effect IN OVERTHROWING THE KAISER were Otto Landsberg and Hugo Haase. But Hugo Haase went into the opposition of Ebert later and Otto Landsberg was UNDER Friedrich Ebert.

Friedrich Ebert and his party SPD forced the abdication of the Kaiser, that's a fact. Learn history.

Also if you disagree that the Jews I said that they're irrelevant please prove me otherwise then.

>appeal to authority

Statistics prove him wrong.

Hello Moshe

>Muh statistics pruv haim wrang, elt me be a hypoceite and deny history to.
You sound like a tankie.
>Russians who met them? Pff says who.

>JEWS DIDNT DAO THA RAVALOTIOSN DESPAITE THAM sauying thay wur bahind it it dasen't matter.
Calm down schlomo.

You're denying statistics that the first Soviet government had only 1 Jew, you're denying the fact the first CC had 16% Jews. You're denying the fact that Jews made up only 5% of the communist party.

You're providing no rebuttal. What is your research on this topic other than few .jpgs?

>Stap danying statistics.
>Okay noaw lat me deny what ever happened and even winston churchill they are all wrang.
If you were apart of /leftypol/ why didn't you say so?

>Vladimir lenin
>not a jew


Attached: 1489536739628.jpg (2310x2170, 818K)

>Muh rebuttals stop exposing muh people.

>I can't refute objective statistics so let me call you /leftypol/ and call it a day

Attached: 1518304343973.png (403x448, 57K)

Picture is you jew... Anything that was responsible by a jew and even if they admit it you just stand there and pretending nothing happened shows how desperate you are.
Leftypol lefty pol lefty pol lefty pol lefty pol.

Hohols who pretend they aren't Turkics or jews are very funny.

Attached: 1521308083636.png (800x859, 336K)

Also the statistics you grabbed from are ironically tankies. Lmao

Fuck off kike, you really are the spawn of Satan.

This is a strange new tactic V. It seems to undermine your usual holohax shilling as according to you Hitler now had no reason to kill the jews. Ofc even the number you're throwing around show disproportionate jewish involvement in these movements compered to the population averages. Anons have already easily pointed out OP pic is bullshit by not including Lenin so there goes your 16% nonsense. What else are you lying about?

Also why are most of the references for that Wiki people with Muslim names?

Attached: 1517443271037.png (550x550, 32K)

Whatever you say Schiklgruber.

This angle was never shilled before and kikes usually scattered like roaches when the Jewish leadership was posted. Now this V guy is doing everything he can to see where he can gain an upper hand he'll ignore everything you prove him wrong on but if one kike "isn't" he will attack that.
I imagine it gets worse from here as they branch on their tactics and what posts work the best.

>muslim names.
You sound desperate.

>Arm and Hammer
Come on now.

I'm not leftypol sweetheart, also if objective facts hurt your feelings then you're nothing better than a leftist.

>Communist Party Membership in the USSR, T.H. Rigby

You can also read his

>Lenin's Government: Sovnarkom 1917-1922 (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies)

>according to me
Where do I say that? Why do you always have to lie?

Also Lenin is not a Jew. He only had a Jewish grandfather who was a convert. He wasn't aware of his Jewish ancestry. He's not a Jew.

Attached: חאַטמאָדיח.png (302x268, 53K)

You sound ignorant.

Attached: Н_АССР.png (1052x526, 11K)

Where's your Austrian butt buddy?

soros isn't sending his best anymore, huh?

>Where do I say that?
You just threw around the numbers 16% and 5%. Thats a lot of over representation. As for Lenin yes he had some kike blood. I'm glad we agree. Nobody is saying he was some devout practicing jew. Most of the Marxist kikes then and now tend to be atheist types.

Wow goys Im really sorry for communism being run by 99.9% jews , Im really sorry for the 80% jews in communist top ranks. It's quite a shame that 60% of top ranking communists were jews.
I really wish they weren¨t as many as 30%.
Now that we know that only 15% of communists were jews maybe we could move on, after all it was only 1 or 2 percent of the commies that were jews...

Vladimir Lenin was a Jew that converted to Christianity

>not Jewish
His mother was a Jew, that's about as Jewish as you can get.

Yup I did. Nobody denies that Jews were overrepresented, there were milions of Jews in the Russian empire and you know, years of persecution creates an opposition, same as the Baltics, Poles, Finns - they had more representation than Jews.

>muh feelings
So no rebuttal? Typical!