When did you realize Trump was working for the kikes like every other President? Me, after the Syria strike

When did you realize Trump was working for the kikes like every other President? Me, after the Syria strike.


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when fuckall is getting done and were already half way though the term and I already know hes going to start in on some bullshit about "weve made great progress and in my second term were going to get everything wrapped up"

no one gives a shit


Great leadership: don't get US involved, but stay strong on WMDs. Kim was watching!

Lemme put a stop to your divide n conquer spiel and ask: why do you think Trump's gettin all cozy with the Saudis, or rather, the crown prince bin Salman, who just happened to put himself in charge and neutralize a lot of his rivals. Remember why we invest in Israel's security. They were suppose to be the one guaranteed friendly foothold in the Middle East. What do you suppose would happen once the Saudis become the preferred business contact for that sweet crude?

>I wouldn't be surprised if Israel starts funding Iran once the Saudis get to powerful. It's in their nature.

sage doesn't work faggot

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But we know what happens to people who are open about (((them)))

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when he ran for president

Saudi has always been an american puppet state you fucking idiot, stop this 5d chess bullshit and KYS

>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here...

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There was no strike you imbecile.

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About the same time he bombed Syria and goy'd out on the holocaust memorial.

Syria but I was beginning to distrust him almost right after he was elected

>checks flag
Did someone not pay their 5 bucks for the suck today?

For me it was when Skrelli went to jail, for trolling Hillary with the DNA and message files stuff, and when Trump supporters kept getting attacked by antifa, and the police did nothing to help, the police continued their strong pro-antifa policies, even after Trump got in office.


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Since he was a REAL ESTATE MOGUL in MANHATTAN. Oy vey.

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you're really stupid if you fell for the shills and memes in the first place