Why do Millennials and Generation Z like shooting up their schools so much?

America had plenty of guns in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, etc., and were more lax about their presence on school campuses, and yet students were not shooting up the place at the alarming rate they are today.

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Why do boomers like leaving us with trillions of dollars of debt and importing millions of chinkniggers into our homelands?




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Increasingly individualistic society, leaving people feeling hopeless and dehumanized.

easy fame

what everyone is teached to pursue nowadays

>Why do Millennials and Generation Z like shooting up their schools so much?

Are we sure that this isn't some subtle military pre-invasion tactic to attempt to confiscate our weapons, and prevent us from defending ourselves or fighting back?

Isolated suburban life has fucked a lot of kids up in the head. Whats more interesting to me however is how come you don't see school shootings in inner city schools? Cities are violent as fuck but you don't hear about "high score" killings in those hood schools.

Because the root cause of these shootings is feminism.

Over 95% of these shooters comes from broken homes. 99% of them had no decent women in their life.

Guess what encourages broken homes?

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Lol it all started in the 60s when the Jews started taking over

Pure coincidence I'm sure

Because kids weren't as obsessed with being famous back then as they are now.

Shoot up a school = guaranteed famous.

Drugs by Big Pharma.

It's war.

You are at war and that keeps this mass tendencies on the citizens mind set, they see guns and military all the time and it traumatize them, then they go online and everyone hates americans, this creates a terrible situation for young males psyche, cause females are being taken more into consideration lately.

the more liberal a country gets, the more it drives people insane
thats why we need to disarm

It's collectivism. It's your classmates and school banding against you at once because you're the different one. It's being forced to be tolerant of everyone else while tolerance of you gets lower.

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Remember that graph the next time a leftist says it's guns that are the problem. Clearly it's not, the whole school shooting thing is a relatively recent phenomenon.

My personal hypothesis is that it's a generation that grew up on e-celebs doing anything for attention, and see how much mass media attention school shootings get you, and that is their ways towards easy fame and widespread notoriety.

I think the media needs to do what it did with streakers in the 1970s. Eventually the media all agreed with one another to stop covering it, and it stopped almost instantly, Obviously they can't just not report at all on shooters (if they did that, conspiracy theorists would nuts that it was a media cover up/blackout), but I think they should do very, very bare bones minimal reporting on the shooters themselves. A picture and a name, that's it. We don't need a thousand little details about their personal life.

Someone I know said the more tolerant a society gets of things like transgender and such the less tolerant they get of people who break the slightest social norm.

Looks to me like it really took off with the advent and growth of the Internet.

Its more socially acceptable to be a school shooter than getting registered as a sex offender

Ask the people who raised them

> can't make money
> murder


Broken homes and psychiatric medication at a young age (ritalin, ssri's, etc)

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t. very tail end of the Gen-X'ers.
Went to a small school in the country.
I can remember when Columbine happened.
They gathered us all in the Auditorium and told
us we couldn't bring our guns and knives to school anymore.
Not that we carried guns around the school.
But sometimes we would hunt before school
and some people would leave them in their trucks.
After they were done, the school board took questions.

One heroic young man waited in line to ask question. Finally his turn arrived.

"Are we still going to be allowed to smoke in the bathroom?'"
(Smoking was never allowed)

They fucked it up for all of us.

Is your graph pure numbers?
If so, it should be corrected for population increase,

It's war idiots.

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>Ask the people who raised them

Why can't Millennials ever take responsibility for their own actions?

Cruz was 19. He is an adult. He alone chose to do what he did.

Social media promotes feelings of social alienation, feelings of social alienation online makes them awkward loners irl, inability to socialize and feel welcome with peers breeds resentment to those more successful socially

Normalization, acceptance, and glamification of violence in the media from video games to movies to tv shows and even cartoons.

Hoaxes drills and false flags. They discovered that they could indoctrinate people by exposing them to traumas.

Charts only produce valuable data when they're able to show an average.

these are 2-25 incidents per year for 330,000,000 people.

this argument is garbage.

Violence has been portrayed in media since before the bible. Violence is a part of regular life.

my dad and my uncle used to bring their .22s to school and go shooting during recess, no bullshit. Different times. Very different.

Supposed incidents. For many events there is no proof except CNN saying it happened and some theatrical performance.

He was adopted and on psychiatric drugs, like any other shooter

Yep, there were shooting clubs on lots of campuses, I can't imagine our society ever being that high trust again

Copycat crimes. Lock up your guns, put the crazies to sleep.

Most of all have a dedicated police officer stationed in school.

Why the fuck are you using this website?
What are you like fucking 50?

So since the leftist narrative seems dependent on the idea that the mere presence of a gun somehow magically provokes violence I'd like to know how many kids lost it and started shooting up the school when they had shooting clubs and skeet shooting in gym classes. I'm guessing about zero

Americans actually owned less guns back then.

society doesn't give a fuck about anything you do.

If you're a good father, no one gives a shit.

If you're not rich but you're the best damn plumber, no one gives a shit.

If you have a good family and are law abiding. No one gives a shit, in fact, you might be a sucker who will get fugged by Mr. Sheckleberg.

If you try to abide by the Christian fundamentals that Western society was built on, you're an "old fashioned phoney" who just can't see the light of Atheism.

Dude, wake up bro, our society is literally falling apart. Take a trip up to the Indian reservation to see what the US will look like in 20 years time. Mongreloid, alcoholic/drug addicted, no worries because you have SNAPBUCKS and the government will take care of your kids- trust us! Everyone is stressed out because the government is dysfunctional across all levels of society, nobody can find work, families are broken, suicide rates and homicide is high. That is the future that boomers have left us unless we turn shit around.

34, my dad was born in '45

Yay diversity. Obviously it’s becuse we hate each other in ways that white homogenous and super Christian 1950’s America did not.

>guns in 1776
>first automatic pistols/rifles in the 1890s
>department of education is formed in 1969
You tell me

Because they're hopeless nihilists deprived of a future, doped up on SSRIs, and subject to a media that lionizes serial killers.
That is to say, Jews.