If you're European you have no reason to follow a Canaanite deity

>Islam: a sect of Christianity
>Christianity: a sect of Judaism
>Judaism: a sect of native Canaanite paganism

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Nope. While Mohammed hitched his false prophecies onto some stories about Abraham and Jesus, Allah was a pre-islamic arabian pagan god.

wrong sweetie
Adam and eve were trad catholics, the jews before jesus christ were trad catholics..

Judaism started 400AD by (jews) who follow the Babylonian gods, Satan.

Islam started from some crazed pedo

I swear If i read a cube faggot post one more time I'll shoot myself and haunt This board like an autist shitlord version of Ben fucking drowned.

real spainards were radical catholics, now they're all dead

Christianity and Judaism all stem from Islam. Jews were told to follow Prophet Jesus (PBUH) but did not so they splintered off and then the Christians done the exact same thing when they did not follow Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as told to do so in the Bible.


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I would say Islam is more affine with Judaism rather than Christianity

Agree, fuck Abrahamism, the three-sect cult of child sacrifice and abuse. Muslims mutilate the boys and girls genitals, Christians fuck the children, Jews mutilate the boys' genitals. All three only exist by brainwashing kids before the age of reason. All are based on revering a cunt for being willing to sacrifice his own child, the most precious thing in the world, for his evil war god. Fuck them all.

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>Jews mutilate the boys' genitals

It's a god enough bloodthirsty to order a father to kill his son, but then: Jjajaja was just a joke xddd

Now do you ask the children for permission to mutilate them?

>Jahova the creator of the world
>muh Canaanite deity
cute, God is the God and creator of everything.

Jesus Christ actually existed and I believe that He was divine. Judaism has nothing to do with God outside of being the catalyst for His revelation to the world. It could have been anybody, it was just the Abraham was the one that responded.

They were not Catholics. Catholicism didn't exist because it wasn't needed.

Europeans should follow their own religion, the Indo European religion.

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Considering we know of God and His ways during the time of Genesis, which is the antediluvian age of history which people claim does not exist but does, when nations like Atlantis and antediluvian Sumer harnessing the powers of science and mysticism through the teaching of the Fallen Archons or the angels who rebelled and where thrown out of heaven. Through their lies and treachery, they managed caused humans to share in their sentence unless Man could atone for their sins and they were given authority over the nations of the world, and some of these fallen angels breed with women to create a powerful giant race called Nephilim, these powerful giants are numerous across many mythologies and belief systems across the world to not have some commonality between them, including the Flood narrative which wiped them out. This was a time so unlike our own, it cannot be fathomed but the spiritual circumstances of the war were fundamentally different in those times,
Most mythologies are allegorical tellings of true history, arcane knowledge handed down and taught by the fallen angels, tracing Nephimin blood-lines and various complex Legominisms and themes which unites various forces towards one spiritual realization; self-proclaimed godhood through knowledge and works alongside rituals and traditions used to worship the Nephilim kings of Atlantis and various other antediluvian civilizations where the world was unified loosely like we are today and one religion dominated.

They slept with women for a few reasons, some of the angels thought our thots were fine so they desired themselves, wives, Secondly, they wished to corrupt the seed of Adam though intermingling their seed with Man as an attempt to stop the promised Messiah that would redeem us.

There are histories, cultures and belief systems which pre-date Canaanite belief systems in the postdiluvian age that suggest otherwise. Furthermore, Canaanite paganism is a by-product of the same nefarious fallen angel religion created and spread throughout the antediluvian world that managed it way back into the postdiluvian age thanks to the efforts of Hermes Trismegistus (thrice great) heck they were literal descendants of the Nephilim, the true corruption which caused the flood in the first place and not just the egregious sin of humans, some of them were quite giant too and imposing I suppose, but God made away with their haughty pride for His Glory is Truth.

God has always stood against Enochian Hermeticism even when it was preached in the walls of the Atlantis and He stands against it in all forms it managed to dilute itself into across all regions of the world.

What once was will be again, Nothing is new under the Sun.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.

Why does spain worship shurikens? Were we naruto fanboys in the past?

This is the exact thing we are warned to be wary of, They all have the same base religion as their source, the antediluvian religion which influenced the sudden rise of Egypt.

Spiritual affairs are spiritual affairs, leave political and cultural ties out of it and let the theology speak for itself.

>Judaism started 400AD by (jews) who follow the Babylonian gods, Satan.
More like rabbinical Judaism was started around 700BCE by the descendants of the Hyksos priests (Pharisees/jews), and their army (mw, Sea Peoples, Canaanites)

>Considering we know of God and His ways
weasel statement

>Islam: a sect of Christianity

Islam founded as a Jewish sect that chimped out when jews told mohammad to fuck off (didn't even waste wood and nails on him, because he was so full of shit) and decided to kill the jews that wouldn't follow him.

bait = sage

It's the eternal fight of the sun god (god of hell) against the serpent god (god of heaven).
The creator sun god is the force behind all religions, this is why sun symbolism is pretty much present in every religion and why every religion has a creation mythos, these solar figures are usually pretty dictatorial and tell some wild tales of how the serpent is a demon, it is different though, and if you read into pagan religions the serpent is usually also a deity.

Because there's 2 powers.

The serpent is also another god, not the creator, but higher than the creator, he's the god of heaven, gnostics had it right in the sense that the serpent was a symbol for god and in the sense that we ought to worship this one, but there is still a heaven and a hell, which most gnostics didn't get right.

Notice the swastika and other pagan symbols, and the cross, all of them are solar symbols, notice the solar discs in the heads of saints and saviour figures, solar disc for you too.

Realize that there are two powers and choose wisely, because the sun power is the power of darkness actually, no matter how bright the sun is, excess of light blinds us.

Maybe if you're retarded, but people who don't worship Jews know that it came from our ancestors, the Indo Europeans

Actually the swastika is primarily a wheel representing the eternal movement of the natural order. It is also the sun, though.

this. Judaims itself is older, but it used to be based on old testament while pharisees based rabinnical judaism on so called "Babylonian Talmud".

It's heresy and jews today are satanic cult. they don't belive in the same God as the old Israelites or Christian belive. They belive in opposite