Will he get removed as CEO?

I imagine he’s in some kind of autistic bunker, with a team of PR analysts, and lawyers.

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He is gonna run for president and win.

Beginning of the end for Drumpf

Smart zucc is just waiting for this 3 day news cycle to die out

He will become Soros 2.0 in the near future. Mark my fucking words.

He beamed up to his spaceship and went home

I don’t think he can be removed, as he retains controlling interest.

It was a matter of time for all the facebook shenanigans to come crashing his shit company.

Roll for Facebook indicements

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>Beginning of the end for Drumpf
Who cares about Drumpf? It'll be the end of literally everything.


Isn't he the owner? How is removing him even possible?

No. Just strategizing and letting the hype die down.

He’s the Facebook “genius” CEO and their stock would crater without him.

he sold his stock didnt he?

I heard he was captured In a pizza box.

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I dont think so, i dont think he has any ambitions other than increasing his own personal power and wealth.

ill brake it down. when he was majortuy stock holder he was still voted to ceo by the board or deritors. No no longer holds a 51% stock majarity. He has more money then he even cares about for him next is how to get more power.

If he keeps continues to keep the same company. He seems very scared about something deeper then his shekels not a lot of safe places to turn out in the cesspool.

So I've just heard about this briefly, been occupied these days with other stuff, anybody wanna fill in the details?

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He stepped in dog poop over data mining fb profiles and selling anyone and then people where getting targeted by radical organizations on top of his shoe being gone from Orwellian censorship.

Zuckerberg owns more than 75% of Facebook's class B stock, which get 10 shareholder votes -- compared to the one vote for an ordinary Facebook investor who owns the A shares that are traded on Wall Street.

In other words, Zuckerberg doesn't have to listen to what Wall Street says.

what is it with jews disappearing for three days just to rise again and fuck up the future?

Funny how it's all A-OK for the media until they get an outcome they don't like.

He's being"removed"by the CIA.
He ruined their deal so he no longer benefits from his protectorate.
The good times are gone for that Jew

the Cherry on top of the shit Sunday is he and Sherry have pissed of the original hacker >Mr. anonymous. And may deal another blow to the facebook co. And insiders are siding or leavening completely.

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#delete facebook

when you delete facebook from android devices
you also need to delete two additional facebook spyware apps that are hidden on the device

spyware cannot be removed from apple iphones

Say what?

Yup it has rooted spywhere.

Good thing I deleted my account 2 years and 3 cell phones before

zuc sold peoples personal information
was paid over 100 billion dollars

thousands of cases of identity theft
including illegal aliens

I told some jew at work last year zuccerberg and co would go down for some political analysis related issue
I cant wait to go rub it in


>Zuckerberg owns more than 75% of Facebook's class B stock
he owns 28% of facbook B shares. The board would be able to vote him out of his position as CEO. Which means he would have way less influence over the company.

If you get messages from facebook
saying "your friend" wants you to install "messenger"
screencap the message
you may be entitled to collect damages

Avoid scams bro. Just don't give out your info and it will solve 80% of the threat or give it to company's like FB. The damage is done tho many who left will never go back even if the put in JFK's clone as ceo.

It's an innate survival instinct.

Mark is jumping ship of Facebook
he foresaw when the "russian collusion" blown up
and he is selling his stocks to take the profit
now its just a matter of time until Facebook dies

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Hes getting MK Ultra 'd for the big day. Beta blocker won't make him alpha.

It's pretty much nothing.

Facebook wont die. It will be sold off and flooded with advertisements and FAR left leaning news feeds
>what is Yahoo

I amazed the chinese havent killed him yet honestly.

All those shares would go directly to his chinese wife.

god i hope so im so sick of this faggot. i want him to disappear.

He became a chrysalis.

The takeover will have to start sooner than expected.

I think he's going to prison desu. insider trading only works if you aren't a fucking idiot and broadcast it to the world.

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Remember what the government did with google? Forced the ceo to resign, put in a handpicked government employee to take over the business.

Theyre going to do that to faceberg. They blamed some video for the riots they caused themselves in order to take control of youtube. They are going to blme zucckerfucker for the trump winning and use that as an excuse to take control and scrub their illegal activities while blaming all on the previous employees.

dude has the mental fortitude of a wet noodle. he can't even handle interviews well

How was he not insider trading I knew shit was going to go down...his stuff actually predicts it.


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>ill brake[break] it down. when he was majortuy[majority] stock holder he was still voted to ceo by the board or[of] deritors[directors]. No no[he?] longer holds a 51% stock majarity[majority]. He has more money then[than] he even cares about for him next is how to get more power.
Holy fuck, if you're this big an idiot, please use the meme flag.

What is a shadow profile

ITT: Dispshits who know nothing about how a corporation works

he already left to his planet with all the data he gathered from us.

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B-b-but muh Khrumfp must be imbeached

Surrounded by thousands of kikes. Bomb it!

Where do you go from billionaire though? This guy can already do anything he wants to do. Buy anything he wants to buy, etc.

I think it will come out shortly that zuckerberg is and has always been completely batshit insane. right now he's probably crawling around in a trashed room arranging debris into patterns like pinky in The Wall.

essentially die

>you also need to delete two additional facebook spyware apps that are hidden on the device
I noticed a hidden FB folder on my phone's when I was cleaning it out on my desktop. I never had the app installed. Knew something was fishy

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>still caring about privacy

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>Zuccs bow to the Winklevosses

Attached: the_winklevoffs.png (594x399, 291K)

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you don't think the CIA know about the corporate data packages FB offered clients? They were the ones who came up with the idea bozo.

Lizard hibernation

You can't wait out 2 trillion

Lmao you think because a bunch of autistic Democrats are crying he's going to be removed?

Hope he kills himself

It took how long for people to realize kikebook datamines the shit you post online? Stupid goyim deserve it

Read again
I meant that he fucked up since the public now knows

lol the CIA is done with him. They'll handle it. Nice and tidy. He'll be car-icided.



cant cuck the zucc, he's starting the hapa race. It's over.

Is this the Trump curse in full effect.

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I want to be this girl to seduce straight men

Am I finally not going to be considered a creeper for not having facebook?

>hey user what's your instagram and snapchat?

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#s for trump curse

that beak...

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A fucking jew being a fucking jew.

care to elaborate?

he's in the cockpit of MH370 with a big fat cigar in his mouth