Kacchan or Kayochin?

Kacchan or Kayochin?

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Where the hell are you getting that from?

My quirk is to rewind time. I'm undefeatable.

>badass tough guy
we're talking about bakugo here, the constantly victimized sperg who cries because a bitch nerd is better than him

add a k and remove the ch and you have literal perfection.

piss off


>Chapter is out since yesterday
>Nobody gives a shit
What killed the hype?

Mirio is a far better character than Deku yet lost his quirk because of a plot device just to make Dekus path toward the top hero spot easier.

In other words the mangaka is a hack and Mirio deserves his own spin off where he doesn't lose his quirk.

Is it a spanish joke or what?

mirio is a fucking meme and if he was the mc you'd call him shit and would start singing the praise of some other literal who side character because you're a contrarian cocksucker

and l don't even like deku



I miss when grape shitposts were funny

This manga died too soon


the last arc,

nighteye didnt die, but the hype certainly did,

and for OP: its "damsel in distress faggot", people always get his names wrong


What did user mean by this?

They still are, it's just that now we are banned for even mentioning Mine...ta. Also insecure todoroki fans reporting every post

>manga chapter is "bad"
>threads linger for the week
>manga chapter is "good"
>threads die off the day after

Less shitposting? The highlight of the threads were exposing that redditor

Threads don't remade every milliseconds telling "how bad the chapter is"
The only thing that could nitpick was how there supposedly weren't enough heroes defending the thing.

Sup Forums prefer talking about what they dont like, in other news, water is wet

>My theory about Shigaraki having All fo One makes more and more sense
>Overhaul is either dead or has a death wish against Shigaraki
>LoV probably have a hero hostage
shitposters and haters dont have anything to complain about thats why

>Threads don't remade every milliseconds telling "how bad the chapter is"


Twice taking Toga to school was super cute

This what the fuck
I read the chapter yesterday and waited for a new thread all this time
>page 9

>My theory about Shigaraki having All fo One
Do tell.

what redditor if you don't mind me asking

Is there any place I can download the manga or will I have to read it online?

basically One For All would have given his quirk to Shigaraki and so in the last chapter Overhaul "losing" his quirk wouldn't be because Shigaraki injected him the anti quirk serum but because he wold have stolen his quirk.

Sounds interesting, but when would he have given that quirk to Shiggy?

right before sending him throught the portal, that would explain why All For One didn't try to take away Gran Torino's quirk for an easier fight

water isnt wet water wet is a state water is a thing water makes other things wet water is not wet fire is hot because hot is an attribute but wet is a state of being. hope i didnt confuse you too much there brainlet[/spoiler

Do you know how long it takes him to steal quirks?

I see. I thought that his quirk was the only reason he could withstand containing so many. So instead, he'd still have the capacity to maintain all those quirks, but couldn't add to them anymore?

he already gave shiggy a speed quirk niggity

no idea

or maybe all his attack would "consume" those quirk and it would work like OfA on All Might after he gave it to Deku

I doubt all those stolen quirks are just going to filter into Shiggy, but that one time use would be pretty plausible.


Donuts are great.

nah he probably only gave the original power without the rest, he said more than once that he wanted to see him grow by himself

Yeah, makes sense.