Any reason why Picollo didn't teach everybody this?

This is like the most powerful ki blast ever.

Picollo defeated Raditz who had 1200 bp with just 300 bp.

it takes a week and a half to charge - it's so useless actually, that he never bothered to use it again.

It’s not worth it, takes too long to charge.

why dont they use the dodonpa or galikk gun, which are better than the kamehameha?

or teach someone the Kikoho as a last resort, that thing is crazy strong

Tien's Kikoho made up for an even bigger power gap and it didn't take forever to change.

wouldnt it also be an amazing way to abuse zenkai? just spam it some, heal, then spam again

Don't recall if this was actually explained somewhere or its my headcanon, but i think ithe attack requires extra huge fingers to hold the charge propertly and release it

Goku can charge it, instant transmission in front of someone and let it rip

Not how Kikoho works
Kikoho literally drains away years from your life

Because it is shit. A better question is why kienzan or its derivateives are so underused

You know? I have noticed a pattern: any technique more creative than an explosive ball or ray of energy, is ignored and eventually forgotten.

What's with that?

its harder to write around, basically

Money reasons.

What the fuck is this image
>Facebook filename
>Motivational poster meme from before half of Sup Forums was born

Two reasons.
>Toriyama is a lazy motherfucker
>He also fucking adores it when two ki blasts combine midair and all of a sudden there's a screaming match

more than likely it was an ifunny or 9gag image, which the OP cropped to avoid getting spanked, yet the shitty res and aged demotivator stayed

then how is Tien still alive after what he did to imperfect cell?

The real questions are and why Goku didn't bother teaching anyone else the Kaio-ken. If Goku could use it at the end of the Saiyan Saga, surely everyone else could've used it without tearing their bodies apart midway through the Frieza Saga.

As for why Goku didn't teach anyone else: 1. nearly everyone else was already with King Kai, so he should have given them instructions and 2. Goku's a dumbass.

What? It's one of the most passed around signature moves. I remember Frieza, Goku and #18 using it at some point.

It's just kamehameha but made for piercing.

I thought the same than you, then I saw what they did to the Mafuba in Super and I kinda hope they never bother to reuse a technique again.