Regarding CG in animu

Who wants to see 3D models moving at 14 frames a second?

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3DCG anime is cancer.

In the same veign, why would I want high resolution textures in a western 3DCG animation?

It's a relatively young field that's searching for an appealing artstyle and does this based on pre-conceived notions of artstyle and animation techniques, anime's low FPS being one of them

Part of what makes anime work is the low framerate. If you add extra frames without price-destroying polish, you end up with the left result in this example. Cut away a bunch of frames and you get perfectly acceptable anime-style animation.

Don't forget that there's more to CG than just 3D.

Anime works at low framerate. Video games, i.e. "anime" that is fully 3D, needs to be high framerate to not look like shit.

Link not related? The only thing wrong with it is the hand jerking at the beginning, everything else looks better with more frames.

It may be good in 10 years, if software capabilities can help make decent quality possible at a low enough cost. It could be done well now, just not cheap enough.

Anime is also drawn frame by frame. The viewer sees that movement is not perfect, even if they don't realize it.
If you want to achieve the same effect in CG, you need to animate each frame by hand - which defeats the purpose of using CG to cut the time it takes to make the video.

This is just shit animation and limiting framerate simply makes it less noticeable.

If the only apparent problem is imperfection, then the improvement is just something to get used to. Some of the current CG has much worse problems than that.

It's not only that, but one of the factors.
The other is that things don't behave in 3d the way that people draw stuff in 2d. Animators have to understand that, and work around the limitations.

And then there is purely technical side of things - lighting and shader quality, convenience of animation and camera tools.

Personally, I believe that CG anime can look great, hopefully animation studios will gradually get better with time.

Gantz:O is the future. Hopefully.

>The other is that things don't behave in 3d the way that people draw stuff in 2d. Animators have to understand that, and work around the limitations.
Which is ultimately why low framerate CG makes no sense. It's a different medium, you don't use it to try to accomplish the same result as before with less labor.

>ctrl+f "houseki"
>0 results
Faggots, all of you.

Is this 30 or 60?

Looks awful.

Isn't anime needing to be in shitty 12 frames per second to not confuse anime viewers just a Sanzigen director meme?

just liek ur mom XD

The composition and camera work is awesome.

Here too
Stop complaining about the shitty CGs and go watch the good ones.
>inb4 twitter

The new Heaven's Feel movie, and Ufotable's recent works in general, are a great example of how to properly use 3DCG. Environments, backgrounds, and effects, but characters themselves receive a lot more attention and hand-made effort.