To Fight Against YouTube's New Rules

So, I posted this in /k/ too, because I wasn't quite sure where it'd be appropriate, and didn't know if it'd be considered gun control related or not, but this is what I posted there.

So, to the best of my knowledge YouTube has an algorithm meant to flag and block any inappropriate content on their site. This is different than their copyright ID algorithm, but it operates in a similar manner. This algorithm is actually based on the stuff that HUMAN users manually flag. The algorithm seeks like content and blocks it.

My idea is to flag every video about video games with guns, music videos with guns (like rap music), and movie clips and previews. After a few thousand of these the algorithm should start doing it as well.

"Trick Skynet into eating its own." is what one user called it.

As for the complaint:

"YouTube doesn't allow content that encourages or promotes violent or dangerous acts that have an inherent risk of serious harm or death."

It's clear to me that all video games with guns and violence, any video of a fight of any sort, music videos with guns, and whatever else all clearly break this rule.

They should all be reported.

I think this is a viable strategy to assault the site.

Why don't we do it?

Attached: Not+in+fj+i+hope+_4717191bac576b165bf045ba7f138559.jpg (481x446, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: 1517080029105.jpg (580x580, 85K)

Damn user, this seems like it's doable.

Has nothing to do with being my personal army.

Threats on free speech threaten us all.

We should make them pay for it.

Attached: InRangeTV-2.png (961x518, 292K)

I also think that spamming YouTube by reuploading duplicates of gun videos faster than they can be flagged and deleted would be a viable strategy. And since either users will report it, or the content censor algorithm will automatically report it, it will either add to the clutter of reports, or it will make it through the censors.

Either way.

>Reddit spacing
>Kekistan flag
>Name fagging as OP instead of using a disposable tripcode
Also Not your personal army

but am op

digits are with you.

might as well try it I mean I'm on YouTube listening to music anyways

Comment me in let JewTube eat its own lets falg them all !!


Wow, great contribution retard.

Attached: KaliYuga.jpg (849x1200, 100K)

Obviously, moving gun content to PornHub and Full30 also works.

BitChute may be viable as well.

Attached: 29468606_386663328474719_58943336601354240_n.jpg (960x767, 64K)

Newfag scum

You're not a (((trusted flagger)))

oldfag scum

Lol, go ask your mom for more tendies, incel.


Attached: warmongers.jpg (1920x958, 368K)

It'll either overwhelm them, or suck up resources.

Either way. YouTube sucks at making money.

It costs like 750m a year to run, and they only make $250m in profit.

Google is maintaining them at a loss.

Whatever we have to do to strain them can work.

>make false reports
>clutter the reports
Sadly that will not make the ML algorithm even flinch. It's a statistical model.

Attached: 1506714055288.jpg (720x960, 72K)

Attached: stare.jpg (925x727, 89K)

What do you mean "statistical model"?

I like it. Will be doing this. I don't want to see guns anywhere on the tubes, because what if people get the wrong idea from it? Our children are incredibly impressional and sensitive to these sorts of things.

Absolutely this.

Go to this link of Avengers (Numans can't wait for this shit.) and report it for promoting terrorism. At the 1:28, Bucky wields and loads an Assault Rifle and according to Youtube's policies, it should be removed from the platform.

Attached: download (2).jpg (600x800, 77K)

My boi.

We should flag the Bourne movies too. Damon is a bitch.

Currently trending on youtube. We cannot let kids see these things. REPORT TIME

Wow. The Jews actually won
Sup Forums is filled with so many redditors, shills, and baiters we can't even fucking report a few videos.
I want the old Sup Forums, the pre-election days again, when this board was deep and we actually did things, but like all good things, the Jews must rip it from me, they must pervert and corrupt it. I truly am so tired of this constant shilling and unending shit on this board. Once Sup Forums would have been filled with zeal and enthusiasm, but no more, the Jews had to ruin that too.

They're only listening to certain flaggers.
Specifically the ones they hired from the SPLC.

I'm on board with you about the pre-election days Sup Forums.

How do we know they're *only* listening to them?

It's just how things go. Even the internet isn't immune to what happens in real life.
Don't think all is lost though. Everyone who came here will become like us eventually. When that happens you'll most probably have your own life to attend to.