The best shonen power system


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Superior tier :

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Yeah I mean there's really no contest for rating any other power system above nen because it's objectively the best.


I came here to laugh at you.



Care to post this. All other shine power systems just feel like stand-lite.

Nen is great though.

>not Furyoku

Those aren't power systems, they're the goofy name people give to their energy source in their power systems. Magic is extremely broad itself.

Is it really that good if it's a system riddled with asspulls?

But nen is just magic with weird categories.
One lets you materialize anything you want the other one makes you physically stronger.

Would love to see more affinity based systems like Hunter x Hunter.

Eh, I like the Stand system fine enough but the "rules" just felt like an excuse so that the powers can be literally whatever. At least in Nen there are actually restrictions and sacrifices involved.

name some asspulls

>"An author's ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic."

>"Limitations are more important than powers."

>"Expand what you already have before you add something new."

If authors actually at least keep these rules in mind there wouldn't be many asspulls in anime/manga. Going beyond is cool and all, but I wish that they set stuff up better especially in shonen stuff.

There is nothing wrong with the power system in Super

I don’t even have a facial expression for this post Geekdom

that’s SeththeFaggot you’re thinking of

>It's magic I don't have to explain shit
*with both properties of rubber and gum

Yeah nothing wrong in the same sense that there is nothing wrong with Lukemia or AIDS

>literally just whatever magic that doesn't even explain why users who are able to think up their own powers (how does that work even) don't go for op shit instead of "I can punch harder".

It's also funny how Togashi even forgot about concentrating your area in given parts of the body after Greed Island.


what is feitan vs zazan

All magical powersystems are asspull filled the moment they surpass common sense physical limitations - hacking bullets with a wooden sword, lightspeed running and punches, withstanding nuclear explosion and so on.
Once the critical point is passed its just a matter of time and chapters for the power creep to come in as more and more ridiculous and inconsistent shit has to be made up to maintain tension and drama.

Not unless there are proper rules set up. Which writers only do for the first few chapters because they can't maintain it or forget all about it later on.

The best power level systems are those who don't give a fuck and embrace the retardation.

>Asspull: The Power System

>create a rule "system" with just 5 rules for your battle shonen magic
>ignore the rules whenever convenient without any consistency
>and add a whole sub-type of Stands that ignore rule 1, which also means they get to occasionally ignore rules 3, 4 and 5 when convenient
>introduce several applications of your power system that make logical sense, such as levitation, size changing, and sound projection, that are conveniently only used once because they would otherwise be able to solve too many problems

Come on. JoJo is exciting but it is precisely because Stands are barely a system, which allows Araki to do whatever he wants.

Stands don't really have a system to them, It's mostly just the author thinking of stuff that would be interesting and then having the writing skills to pull that off


Rules have exceptions, and characters in JoJo recognizes them as such.
Where the first automatic stands starter to appear, the characters had to adapt to these new kind of enemies.
Same for multiple stands like Bad Company.
Size changing requires a lot of energy, and there were no other situations where it was convenient to use.


Power systems don't usually have a name of their own, seeing as in-universe they tend to be treated as THE ONLY system. So calling it by the name of the energy source is sufficient in my opinion, except where the name clearly overlaps with some other series.

But yeah, "Magic" is too generic a term to know what anyone's talking about; I may as well say Nen, Chakra and Ki are all magic.

>Rules have exceptions, and characters in JoJo recognizes them as such.
Automatic stands are recognized as such. At least the first time they appear in a Part. I'll give you that.

Stands being destroyed without the owner dying or even suffering any noticeable damage is relatively common and is not properly addressed.

Trion- World Trigger.

>create 5 defined classes of abilities, each that functions in specific ways
>each class focuses on applying nen in a particular way
>create a 6th that is literally just "any ability at all" and has no defining characteristic or style like the other 5
Nen is garbage. Don't bother making a class system if you are just going to lazily add a set of special snowflake exemptions with no unifying class traits.

I like the approach in Tsugumomo with all the different tools, makes for some very creative fights and powers


I really like the spellbooks in Gash Bell, the idea that each character has a specific set of spells they can use or potentially unlock that only operate in set ways is interesting, as is the implication that spells exist in a less specific basis outside of the Demon Tournament since we see multiple demons having the same spell or spell types and all the spells name wise are in the same language with an actual syntax/grammer to them (see

But the fact that the series can just asspull the character learning the new spell when they need to to win and they don't actually explore any of the interesting implications of how sells work mechanically is a shame, if Raiku wanted to do something more serious/naunced with the series then that could have been really fascinating

I liked the part where (iirc) Porno Di'Anno didn't need to recite spells (against D.S.), it contrasted well with how D.S. had to use a defensive spell against Kall-Su because Kall-Su would finish reciting his spell first.

Having a "Special" category invalidates pretty much all of Nens rules.
If you're going to establish so many rules and limitations, but then just have a category that can do whatever is bad design.

If you think about strategic potential, Keijo's game formats (6 players free-for-all, or 4vs4 teams), rather than the series' power system (as non-existant as Saki's, for example), are interesting.
>potential for timerscamming (due to the scoring system)
>planned stamina management according to the opponents' types (for example, avoiding spending energy yourself as much as possible and have other players do it for you, so that you can have it when you need it, especially against disadvantageous matchups) and skill (for example, cooperating against stronger/more famous players or against players who might add unnecessary elements of uncertainty and potentially mess one's gameplan)
>at least 4 ways to win against opponents (exhaust them, knock them down, ring them out, do enough damage to their swimsuits)
>constant adaptation to your own position's current situation (being cornered or surrounded = bad)
>team vs. team decisions (focus the offense -- or defense -- against which opponent player? Which are good matchups to exploit, or bad matchups to avoid? Focus against a single player, or work independently, relying on individual strength?)

So is Pakunoda OP then? Or Neon?

There is no "best power system", they're all only as good as the author can make them. Nen in the hands of Kishimoto would be no better than chakra was.

Damn.. Nice logic. I never thought of it this way and it makes so much sense.

So who is the best shonen author?

It's the least shit system out of a bunch of shit systems. But it "power level" ass-pulls all the time, they just invent junk-science within their own canon to obfuscate the fact that it's barely less arbitrary than dragonball .Z

Haki + Devil Fruit

>There is no "best character", they're all only as good as the author can make them. Meruem in the hands of Kishimoto would be no better than Kaguya was.
>There is no "best setting", they're all only as good as the author can make them. FMA world in the hands of Kishimoto would be no better than 5 village Ninja world was.

Agreed. I always saw the rules, classifications and such of nen as just being a form of restricted creativity by which Togashi can draw inspiration for new ideas. The system itself doesn't imply much, so enjoying the series comes down to what ideas Togashi has come up for a specific character and his abilities this time.

Haki ruined the manga and DF are just a rip-off of stands

No shit, when people say "Nen is good" they aren't talking about the bare rules but how it's actually used in the story.

I suppose I only brought it up because there are systems you can talk about the merits of independent of its usage in story, as with the death note.

Yes. One can read minds and the other can "see" the future.

>which allows Araki to do whatever he wants.
Sounds like Togashi and his “restrictions” and “boner gives you power even in death”

but punching harder is OP as fuck

That's how you know you're talking to a speedreader and should be ignored.

How is that OP?

I like how stands became a more reflective of the Character as time went on. Koichi's and Johnny's stand evolves as they grew as a person

Nen can linger on after death this was the reason why the spiders didn't go after Kurapika

>There is no "best power system", they're all only as good as the author can make them.
Now I want to see Togashi dealing with eyehax bullshit.

Yet there are only 6 specialists



That wouldn't be all that useful if you opponent can outpace you or can sneak up on you to kill you in one shot. Like enhancers or emitters

The most bullshit you mean?
>Oh by the way anyone can get literally anything at literally any moment if something is given in return
Pure bullshit.

>by limiting your ability you can make it stronger
That's fair

I imagine thats a thumbnail from a youtube video right?
Jesus, why is it that every anime related content on YT is terrible?

i just realized that kishi stole eyehaxes from togashi
what a fucking hack

>limiting your ability
Oh, yeah it was supposed to be like that. That's what the author implied. But it isn't the case anymore. Gon god mode shit on that. Now you can give up literally anything to get something in return. Yet no one seem to use it like that. Big inconsistency.

You're using "Gon god shit" as an example but his case sacrificed his entire surplus for a 5 minute power up. As if that's rational for any person to do.

And there's cases like Franklin where he cut his fingertips to get more punch to his bullets so are you gonna rework your argument to something that make sense or should I dismiss you as a speedreader?

>A fucking YouTube thumbnail
Leave or I shoot you.

>As if that's rational for any person to do.
It is. The ants were about to murder everyone. Anyone with common sense would've done the same.
>And there's cases like Franklin
Oh wow one guy in the whole series "seems" to use the power like that. The guy gave his fingertips....

Face it. Gon broke the system and nothing make sense anymore.

imo the best power system was shown in FMA, you are using limited energy from the air to use bullshit powers

Chakra is a poor mans nen. Kishi even copied the way you discover your chakra affinity.

>Yet no one seem to use it like that.
>one guy
Zazan mutilated her tail (and thus gave up on her dream of being Queen) to go from 1 Spider-tier to 7-Spider tier.

Gon San still lost an arm to Pitou in their fight.

Gon could of just waited for Killua and not give up all his potential strength for a limited boost in power

This, also everyone has access to the bullshit powers but they all specialize on something

How did he break the system? He can't even use his nen aura anymore after going berserk.

>Gon should have waited for someone he didn't know was coming

And you actually have to know what things are made of to make or fix something

good :

almost everything else

It's killua, he's as loyal as a Dog

>It is. The ants were about to murder everyone. Anyone with common sense would've done the same.

Right, and when a worse threat pops up like the creatures of the whole DC. Or opponents with haxx they can't deal with, They can just pull the same thing over again, huh? They just do an inventory and somehow plan for every single encounter with unknown forces, giving up their nen supply for one opponent, leaving them open for slaughter for the next. Sound reasoning.

>wow one guy in the whole series "seems" to use the power like that. The guy gave his fingertips....
>One guy.
>Forgets that inhibitions can come from a wide array of different actions. Like outright explaining how you ability works to your opponent. Or by having certain conditions that have to be performed in sequence for it to work i.e activation cost. Or abilities that can backfire and turn on the user.
>What is Chrollo, Genthru, Leol, or even more recently the assassin in Ch 370.

My first instinct was right. Memeing about Gon-san is a glaring indicator of a knee-jerk reaction to something you didn't like or listening to Sup Forums shitposters, and in typical fashion, throw everything under the bus without any clear basis for your argument other than "I'm mad at this!"

Try one more time sport.

Shaman king is a rip-off of stands


Yeah, Gon should have asked Pitou to hold off on decapitating him for a few minutes since he knew Killua was coming and they would totally be able to defeat her.

Shaman King did it amazing
Not everything is from Jojo you autist

Nen is that different from cosmos?

It has a few rules that you can break if you are pissed enough

Pitou didn't deserve it.

Pitou deserved much worse. It got a light punishment.

Pretty good, yeah.

I like pic, though.

Such as?


Probably the worst system in pic related

In what way are they rip-off stands?
Also the power system in OP is technology, DF, haki and martial arts. Having multiple systems that interact with each other is the best way to go.

>getting your skull smashed in by a 12 year old psychotic.

>light punishment

I'll miss her tho

I for one enjoy full spell systems.
Eastern and western style magic from Negima/UQholder is fantastic in that.
Both have strengths and weaknesses that are readily overcome with some creativity, have wide breadth, and depth, and function differently, so that the average person cannot fuse them together.

Then the pactio system is a good means to shore up your weaknesses and have a decent supporter.
Having spell codes is also a good way to keep your magic sealed.

Runner up is Ninjutsu from Naruto.
It's quite flexible, and has many different jutsu and applications. It's harder to learn, yes, but still really cool.

Like, if someone were to ask me what I wanted, It would be one of those two.

The one standout thing about Nen is how easily it is transferred. I mean, you have to withstand it, but just coming into contact with it is a pretty efficient way to jump start it.

Patrician taste