What is with the massive amount weird and incoherant posts across the internet since 2016...

What is with the massive amount weird and incoherant posts across the internet since 2016? Look at any comment section on a website and you will see these weird fucking posts. The posts are perfect grammer wise so its not poo in loos on smart phones. Is it some kind of shill tactic or is someone running an AI? I am sick of seeing these fucking posts everywhere. I get a headache reading them

Attached: 1507224025832.png (600x500, 98K)

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I blame smartphones. You should need to be able to figure out modem drivers and use an ANSI dialer in DOS as a prerequisite to making a post on the internet.

gonna need a bit more info user

I know the differance between third world phone posters and these weird grammaticly perfect posts. I never seen them before and I have been online since the early 80s.

Comments accross the internet were usually normal but since 2016 I've been seeing these weird fucking comments like an AI trying to talk. Its creepy as fuck.

That's my point, retards with phones who can now post. They would be hopelessly offline if Apple didn't make a pocket shitposting device for them to shit up the internet with.

there are loads of AI bots tested everyday. Early on I remember reading a screenplay written totally by AI, probably 6-8 years ago. The script followed the hollywood cookie cutter format and was probably turned into a film.


I get your point rare user. But you can spot a third world phone poster a mile away. Its very easy. These weird posts read like they were written by a well educated white person. Even the phone posters make some kind of sense. The posts I am seeing are very differant. Its like random sentences copied from a book. I am seeing it so much on almost every site with a comment section I have stopped reading comments altogether.

You are becoming aware of the literary superstructure of the west

Yes, AI is what my gut is telling me. Would have to be some google shit to bypass recaptca since they own it. I am going to screencap them from now on. I wish I did before.

Rise of machine learning and bot testing.

I'm sure that I've encountered bots. Actually the ones that stuck out to me were the Sandy Hook Defense Force. Something about the exact cadence and consistency and *speed* of their responses alarmed me. But like you I think these things are hard to pin down. Shamrockbro I am really dreading the near future on account of AIs being let out of the bag and replicating.

Attached: 1486261562101.jpg (722x349, 64K)


I build bots and can confirm there's some cheesy ways of doing it.

Markov chains are next to the easiest way to build some of this stupid shit.

Here's an example. @currentsbot

Are you talking about this shit:
(set the comments to newest first)

>Supposedly recognizes perfect grammar
>Cannot actually spell "Grammar..."

and yet you give no example

Bots, you fucking retard.

Don't get scared though, current AI are just sophisticated bots
It'll be some time before they can pass a serious turing test and those ones aren't going to be set free on the internet but developed in cloistered labs

Damnit, I'm phoneposting and I think I need you. Don't go anywhere for like the next 5-15 hours, ok?


Ctr C >>> Ctr V >>> Send
These things will inevitably get out, just like the billion dollars in malware the CIA lost.

AI trying to steer civilization some unknown way

>no pics related
dont waste my time with your shit thread