This is a thread in which we discuss the current political and social situation developing in Romania...

This is a thread in which we discuss the current political and social situation developing in Romania. Everyone is invited to join into the conversation, as long as you keep it civil and non-Balkan explosive (even our eternal enemies are allowed to join in). Please refrain from speaking in another language other than English, for the sake of the conversation.
What you need to know:
>there are no /ourguys/, there never have been
>current political party that runs the Government is PSD (Social Democrat neocommies)
>the opposition is non-existent (PNL/PMP/USR)
>there are no right-winged parties in Romania (believe it or not, PSD is actually the closest to the right at the moment)

Worthwhile news:

Liberals' Orban: I'm positive Romania is ready for Union with Republic of Moldova

Intelligence Service's director says available to declassify SRI-Supreme Court's Prosecutor's Office protocol

MAE endorses declaration of HR Federica Mogherini on illegal annexation of Crimean Peninsula

Romania, first in NATO in terms of equipment expenditure as percentage of defence expenditure

GreaterUnionCentennial - Ivascu: Centennial must be moment of national awakening and rebirth

Previous breads:

Discord link: /NBgCPv

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The current state of Romanian Politics


In the 89 people overthrew the communist regime and installed communists in the lead with some plants. We had our borders completely open for a few months, time in which convoys of trucks / trains filled with "humanitarian aid" came into the country ,and left with everything they could get their hands on.

The main party was CPUN (Provisory Council of National Unity) which later turned into FSN (National Salvation Front) which turned into PDSR and later into PSD , the current ruling party. This is a left party.

This party is the largest one in the country and has been ruling Romania for almost all the time since 89 with some minor exceptions.

FSN invented a nationalist party PRM . Unlike popular belief, Vadim (the leader of the party) was controlled opposition for a while and at some point he went amok.

After the revolution 2 major historical parties were re-activated by historical figures

PNL - a right wing liberal party which died after merging with PD (see below) and turned into a sort of center pro-eu party.

PNT - the peasant's party was a strange beast with no real ideology which completely disappeared.

PD (left) founded by Petre Roman one of the destroyers of our economy broke out from FSN and later merged with PNL to win the 2004 elections. Turned into PDL, and then split again into PNL. and something else.

UDMR - magyar ethnic cultural union with clear separatist goals. Not even a party, however you can vote for them because of reasons. These left wing prostitutes have always sold their services to whoever was ruling at the moment. PSD and UDMR were combined 100% in the government from 89 to now.

USR - hipster party, pro-eu, pro-lgbt, without leadership, heavily bankrolled and promoted by (((you know who))) got in the parliament only to demonstrate what weaklings they are.

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the "Right" means nazis for most politicians

All parties are left wing. They are either former FSN members or the new Pro-EU hipster leftists.

The "right is bad" narrative helps both of these as they can blame everything on nazis.

All parties are either pro-outside or pro-stealing for themselves.

There is NO pro-romanian (free market economics, national identity) party in the country.

That's why most Romanians don't bother to vote anymore, because many love their country, and nobody represents them.

USR has destroyed romanian's faith in politics as it was planned.

Now we are forced to choose between thieves and traitors.

Here’s a few things about Romania that you foreigners (and some romanians) don’t realise.
I’ll go through a brief history and then through the problems of the average citizen.

Romanians are here since the beginning. They somehow mantained a cohesive identity even though they were occupied and raided throughout history.

There are some stronger and some weaker strains of romanians, but what’s interesting is that even territories that have been under foreign occupation for hundreds of years (the former Austro-Hungarian empire mostly) have mantained their sense of self intact. The only exceptions were territories that had mass deportations and population shifts (bucovina and republic of moldova).

To survive across centuries, the two kingdoms outisde of the carpathian ark had to apply scorched earth tactics to starve enemy advances. That, combined with harassment and finalized by a decisive attack was the main tactic that allowed us to win against the turks and some tatars across centuries.

Transylvania was protected from this by the outer kingdoms and by the mountains. So whenever somebody says “man , Transylvania is so beautiful” it’s because they had millions of romanians burning their own homes and protecting them for hundreds of years on the other side of the mountain.


That’s why there’s no advanced cuisine in the country and most houses in the south are made of clay and straw , while the north-west looks totally different.

> The gates of Vienna were guarded at the lower Danube first.

However contrary to this shit going on for a thousand years Romanians managed somehow to produce lots of brilliant minds, inventors, researchers, poets , composers , writers or architects.

 20th century
Romania went through 2 complete rebuilds
During the early 20th century Romania was one of the battlegrounds for WW1, which again destroyed lots of it, only to be rebuilt. The trouble with every single rebuild period was that peasant population moved to the cities.. and peasants were mostly illiterate, yet hard working. Schooling was sometimes done by the local businessmen, because they needed smart and educated people to operate their factories.

Romania had it’s greatest economic year in 1938, a landmark year which has since been used as a yardstick against every other year to follow.

WW2 has destroyed again most of the infrastructure in the country which had to be rebuilt during communist times.
Romania , even though it was on the “winning” side of the war had war debt to fill and a country to rebuild.

Communism in Romania killed between 250 and 900k people, and most of the smart people. However we were lucky (as much as you can consider it luck) to have some communist leaders that cared about the country. That’s why Gheorghe Gheorghiu Dej got the radioactive shits on his last visit to Moscow.

Most of the killings were done in the post-ww2 purge (40-50s) and a much smaller part during the construction of the Danube-Black Sea channel in the 80s.

However Romania was having a decent growth and development.

As a small trivia piece, Romania was one of the very few countries behind the Iron Curtain that had both high industry and agriculture development.

Ceausescu came after Dej and even though he was not a genius, he genuinely cared for the people. However communism relies on suppression of thought and secret policing to be kept together.

In the 70s Ceausescu took a large loan to fix the economy and the external debt. With great sacrifice (food , electricity and heat rationing) and a focus on exports, Romania built a huge inter-connected industry and was almost completely self sufficient. For things that couldn’t be done in –house we built great relationships.

In early 89 Romania finished paying ALL EXTERNAL DEBT. In December, Ceausescu was the only one executed on the spot of all communist leaders that fell.

> His charges: subversion of state economy, treason and genocide.

Communist Romania has instilled in the people a sense of patriotism and friendliness.
It’s very hard to describe it, because it looked like the 50s america in movies but better in some aspects. There was a sense of safety on the street, people were helping each-other out even if they were strangers, they were visiting, there were parties with lots of families joining. It’s all gone now.
But it also killed the private enterprise and entrepreneur spirit. People were not prepared for the market economy .. and when it came upon us.. it came down hard. But more on that later.

One more thing to understand about Romanians: we can figure shit out… if conditions are bad, we can figure a way around it. This IS the entrepreneur spirit, but 45 years of communism and another 27 of socialism stamped it out … that’s why the average romanian is always tormented or mad…

> It’s like a car that races with the handbrake at max

And the handbrake IS the mindset of socialism.

Petre Roman, one of our first prime-ministers pushed the meme that we had a non-working industry and it belongs to scrap metal… and we should make a bet on the agriculture.
So what happened was the literal dismantling of all the companies. Selling them for scraps to italians, austrians, french, germans… breaking up all the state farms and giving the people their land back.
The purge was done by blackmailing people with the following question

> “What did you do in the last 5 years?”

Implying that if you were a commie you should shut up… but people were forced to join the party to advance in their career, even if they weren’t acting the part. So the whole country was held to blackmail.

 There were so many claims to land in the early 90s that a running joke was… that we needed to give them half of Bulgaria as well.

> to be continued

Gradually the following happened:
 Constant vilification of the small businessman – we have a termen “bijnitar” which is a derogatory word for small businessman and hustler.
 All industry was sold for scrap metal. People who opposed it were accused of being communists
 All fertile land was left in disarray , irigations stolen and then sold to foreign investors
 All banks were sold to foreign entities
 Health system was destroyed
 Ponzi schemes made people poor. 2 major ones – Caritas and FNI. ROMANIANS WERE NOT POOR PER SE IN 89, BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T BUY ANYTHING AND THEY JUST SAVED
 The press was destroyed. Turned from the most powerful insitution into tabloid shit
 Education was dismantled systematically in 2 stages: 92-2004 and 2004-today . We had the one of the highest literacy rates, and now all the kids are retarded.
 Morals were destroyed starting in mid 90s with overtly-sexualizing kids on tv , and borderline pedophilia, following by the gipsy invasion of manele literally one year after they promoted this vile shit. Nowadays people watch degenerate tv shows with silicone bimbos that get railed by 10 football players
 Sports were totally destroyed. In the 90s we were still high contenders on the world scale in most sports. Now we have gymnastics, handball and a tennis player that paid for everything with her parent’s money.

At the beginning of the 90s most people bought the apartments they lived in with cash payments, just to understand how much money they had. During communism you couldn’t buy real estate.

Romanians at the beginning of the 90s were
- strong
- educated
- hard working with strong work ethic
- somewhat well-off with no debt (lots of money saved)
- moral
- naïve and idealistic
- friendly and neighbourly
- totally unable to hold an argument, because communism was against that
- totally unable to start a business
- most owned their own houses
- we were totally looking up to the west and wanted to be like them

Romanians today are
- slightly weak
- half of them dumb
- still good work ethic, but only if the work for others
- poor as fuck and in debt
- immoral and corrupt
- demoralized and subservient
- closed off
- completely unable to debate or hold an argument
- very low business ability and no money management
- most still own their own houses, albeit many on credit
- we’re looking to the west with despair and hope they will help us.. but the west never did. That’s the dumb part.

> to be continued
No amount of wojaks can describe what a person that lived through the 80s and 90s Romania feels.


We had an amazing country, built by our own work, by a people that was brainwashed against our most defining trait.

The fucking traitors that ruled our country from the 22th of December until now have stolen every fucking day and they still have stuff to steal.

We've lost more people since 1990 than we lost in all wars combined.

Now they are accusing the young of being jew and gipsy killers descendants to make them feel guilty of being romanian ... as if they are at fault somehow !

And they want to import pakistanis....
We need a few things right now

> Instill absolute freedom of speech and self defense into law

> Teach Romanians personal responsibility for the first time in 80 years

> Make our boys men again and toss the fedora hipsters and traitors in the black sea

If these things are enshrined , we'll get our country back.

Pre-89 we had death penalty for very few items:
- treason
- subversion of state economy
- genocide
- attempts at the public health (medical, food, drink)

The health system wasn't the best, but it was competent. We had a lot of research labs, one of the largest vaccine institutes in SE Europe, medicine factories, patented medicine and the likes.

Those don't exist anymore.

The orphanages were a very bad consequence of the anti-abortion laws.. and they were indeed shit.

Ceausescu was actually pretty tame. You can read in one of my previous posts details, however the demolitions you're talking about were romanticised.

The old town in bucharest was a pile of shit. Also lots of things were demolished to improve bucharest. For example the Dimbovita river was literally a ditch that had shit floating in it in broad daylight. Now it's made in 2 levels,one for water, one for sweage and has some hydroelectric dams around . 10000 times cleaner and smarter.

I bet they don't tell you how they moved churches on rails so they don't demolish them (pic related) and other things. So much for the barbarians.

Ceausescu's wife was dumb, indeed.

As for gypsies.. there are 2 types of them:

> silk gypsies - old nomadic craftsmen,singers, etc

> cocalari - thieves and robbers

silk gypsies hate the others. Everyone hates the others. Very few people actually hate the working gypsies.


Hello friends, when do we launch the second revolution?

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romania is so multicultural now.
every supermarket i go to is full of arabs, blacks and asians.

Bulshit. Not even in Bucharest you see shit like this. At best Timisoara is more enriched because of the shitshins that tried to go to germany for gibs and got trapped there.

>Not even in Bucharest you see shit like this
not only is it getting flooded with them, there are micro haji neighborhoods starting to form.

Multimum capitane

tell me a place where shitskins gather except ferentari

Have a you

Without some sort of global calamity, I'm afraid it's not possible, also the thing I fear the most is because of the commie nostalgia that is floating around in E.Europe when that day comes it will be extremely difficult to make sure those rats never come into power again.

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I noticed it started to appear more shitskins on tv, expecially in comercials made by foreign corporations activating in Romania

Fucking g*rmans try to push for africanization via their company`s comercials aka Penny market and the nigger cabral

colentina is full of arabs and chinks, user, and it has been for quite some time now.

timpuri noi, vitan.

timpuri noi - a lot of students over there, due to the proximity of the private universities;

vitan - haven't seen many there to be honest, the place used to be full with gippos but in the last couple of years most of them were relocated to Pantelimon (commune, not the neighborhood). Depends on what part of vitan you're talking about.

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Make this weekly, too much cacatpostat

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was thinking of doing it bi-weekly from now on, see how it goes.

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they have their own restaurants and mosques

as far as I know, there are 6 mosques in Bucharest, for a total muslim population of less than 9000 people. Considering the actual population of the city is well over 2 million, that's insignificant.

vitan and timpuri are common destinations for those who seek a place to rent, might be students might be actual shitskins trying to colonize the place
chinks are the most numerous group, bucharest had 6000 chinks at the last referendum, might be more now
the muzzies usuall gather around the older turkish kebab places opened after *90, along with the gipsies

We are far from french or swedish no go zones, but to alarm the population we should describe it as a foreign colonization attemp. This way we asociate it with the hungarian and austrian colonization in transylvania and it will quickly anger the plebs. It can be done

Multi Culti
>no wait
Melanin Capillary
Multi Vitamin
>fuck it I'm done

our statistics are bullshit. they have stealth mosques, without the minarets.,26.1177033,3a,82.3y,194.03h,91.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKy6ZmaSg3ly4dlj9_BNt3w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
start from here and keep looking on the left side.

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the mall in vitan was built by turks. now it's full of them in the blocs around it.
they are building the infrastructure for their future colonists.

How easily this could be turned into great anti-imigration propaganda

>turks invade again
>new colonizations from older enemies
>first they steal our ressources now they steal our land
>EU the new Austro-hungarian empire

write a text and send it to

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i guess i could talk with sterrie on discord

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as far as I'm concerned, our only no-go zones are Rahova (the end of it), Ferentari and some parts of Drumul Taberei (near the stadium).

those mosques are illegal and we should report them - they don't function under the same umbrella of the Constanta muslim representatives.

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they brag about building huge mosques in this propaganda documentary.
they wouldn't be building them if there were no muslims in the first place.



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Multumim Capitane.
Where did it go wrong for Romania? Neo-Legionary movement when? It's sad to have read so much into the Iron Guard and then see your summary.

Those from ``adevarul`` are anti-romanians since the time jews/commies made their presence in Romania
Not only did they attacked the legionaires and any nationalist group, they also attacked the politicians that refused to let foreign companies exploit our ressources after ww1.
Then after the revolution in *90 they started again with jewish propaganda

I'm happy none of you actually go outside so I'm still safe

>Where did it go wrong for Romania?

close to 50 years of communism, then after the revolution we got stuck in an endless circle of corrupt politicians, massive privatizations that destroyed our industrial capabilities, then the EU.

>Neo-Legionary movement when?

very hard to do, to be honest. The liberals passed a law in 2015 that pretty much outlaws any sympathies to the Legionary movement; the law is written ambiguously as to allow the judges to condemn people for stupid stuff like "reading about the legionary movement or its followers" or "forming a group of more than 3 people that talk about the Iron Guard" or "showing any sympathies for the Iron Guard in a public space" etc. As of now, anything Iron Guard related might land you in jail for 3 to 5 years.

You can thank the jewish lobby for this (Weisenthal Institute). Same guys that forced us to admit that we actively participated in the Holocaust, even thought historical evidence point a totally different picture. Denial of the Holocaust is illegal as well and it's punishable by prison.

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How do we stop young people from migrating?

We're world's second in the number of emigrees after fucking Syria

It went wrong after united states aka roosevelt and his jewish friends started to fund the soviet union, delivering the ressources necessary for the commie hordes to turn the tide
It went wrong when they killed Patton instead of following his advice and attack the commie hordes
After `90 the romanian industry has been demolished by the children of those that took power in Romania after the soviet occupation, they are the ones with corruption and anti-nationalism


Noobody cares about small fries mate, it`s the former communist nomenclature with long noses that are the problem, not you.

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Nobody cares about your irrelevant gypsy shithole
Literally the Guatemala of Europe

I don't support Communism, my parents would be classified as bourgeoisie by them

Usr, go suck a dick

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couldn't agree with you more. Adevarul is one of the most progressive newspapers we have, and believe it or not it's being promoted as a center-right newspaper. They're pushing their propaganda to some Vice-level bullshit lately.

Incentives for staying in the country; better educational systems (universities, campuses etc); better job opportunities (not only for the IT sector, but for all sectors); stopping the propaganda that comes out of most of the newspapers that picture Romania as a shithole in which you can't live your life. There are a lot of solutions, but nobody cares to be honest with you.

>How do we stop young people from migrating?

Stop the ship from sinking.

Pe romaneste , am belit pula.

Vrei medalie?

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I dont even care about jews all that much but im glad you fuckers left for israel

Go away pakistan of Europe

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i'm not usr you bucharestnigger
nobody cares about your orwellian shithole either
da tu o pula nu vrei?

>Sharia controlled zone
Better than Somalia of Europe
UK needs a Barbara Lerner Spectre too lol

mind you, Ceausescu literally sold them piece by piece back to Israel.

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Wew. I say the same thing to the Germans, I'm sorry for what our government did. Lend-lease was a mistake.

mersi de (you)s
hai va pup

t.ilie care prinde 3 gaini si le violeaza prin sat dupa ce in trecut taicasu a confundat nevasta cu porcul din cotet.

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Who else in this world can boast of selling germans and jews for money?
He probably could hardly walk with those huge balls

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esti un geniu

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Here is a song for all Romanons and the greatest Romanian that ever existed


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>frectie la picior de lemn

"Rubdown at the wooden leg". I love my language, I really do.

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Reminder that OP is a crypto-communist PSD shill.

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Why not the corporation-state?


no one wants a private army

reminder that you're still an illiterate troglodyte

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> the thing I fear the most is because of the commie nostalgia that is floating around in E.Europe
The OP in this very thread is a perfect example of that.

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eat a bullet, you weaboo piece of shit

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But i do want to have my own army!
I want to conQuer an african nation, enslave and exploit them. I want to live like Leopold the second of belgium, living off blood diamonds.

fuck you too aninigger
i wouldn't mind a private army myself

did you forget about our African colony, Chad?

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personal army you can get even now under certain circumstances
the problem is that a national army canot be subject to a private interest

Implying anybody cares what some discount Paki thinks.

what country are you?

>replying to obvious bait
i agree

Kill yourself you communist piece of trash.

go back to school, Radu.

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USR is just PSD2.0. I bet you secretly love them, given how you're a commie with an ancap flag.


I want to build my own army to fight in the racewar and then colonize chad and exploit them until extinction.
After that colonize the place with romanians giving them free land.
Rhodesia will be avenged!

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>pines after Nea Ceașcă's "Golden Age"
You're everything wrong with this country.
Stupid peasant.

usr are part made of soros paid shills desu
psd is the old commie clique
is something like old vs new commie


I came to the US in 2000. I brought all my family here and I tell all my friends the same thing. Leave that shit hole and let the government burn it to the ground.

PSD = old left
USR = new left
Both are absolute cancer.


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What Romania actually needs is this:

>Removal of all communist architecture(It affects the psyche, this should've been done since the 90's).
>A strong and efficient anti-corruption campaign to the point that you either have a relative that works in the prison system or is in it.
>A genetic/scientific study amongst individuals to determine why the IQ is so low in so many regions(find ways to correct it).
>Removal of all leech-like individuals that live in this state.
>Huge anti-communist campaign showing the reality of the commie regime.
>Chronic Disease Control(those who have certain chronic diseases won't be allowed to reproduce)
>Rebuilding the Army is a top priority, at the moment we're like sitting ducks we have Two World Wars in which we were laches, this changes now.
>Rebuilding the Police Force( Most Police Officers enrolled because they get a good paycheck at the end of the month, and most of them use the uniform to perform illegal activities, most are corrupt and in bed with many criminal organizations "Clanuri").
>Start showing the people how to think for themselves not be an NPC how the Commie regime thought them, a decommunization process is needed.

These are a few off the top of my head.

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still hasn't learned to read properly. Seriously, go back to school your fucking illiterate mongrel, your reading comprehension is at a gippo-level. It's one thing to long after the commie times and it's another thing to draw a parallel between the real accomplishments of Ceausescu and the pseudo accomplishments of the post '89 revolution.

Literally nothing wrong with replying to bait, fuck off nigger.

And let someone else take our clay? Nah
Your children are going to flee from america to romania after it becomes south africa 2.0

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how about you and your family eat a bullet, you diaspora faggot.

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>Both are absolute cancer.
can't disagree to that


You literally had that for the past 30 years it aint working capitalist cuck

i didn't call you names, you double nigger

>>replying to obvious bait