Why do authors who make better...

Why do authors who make better, more original and more believable stories than your average shounen crap or ecchi are so unknown among weebs?

Because most weebs prefer your average shounen crap or ecchi.

Japan likes manga more than anime
West likes anime more than manga

not our fault the west have shit taste

People need and want lots of pretty colours and action or a bunch of cute girls they can call their waifus. Its sad but what can ya do, even Sup Forums is like that.

how old you have to be to be able to understand what being in a niche area means when it comes to the ammount of followers you could get, like, it's not hard to understand why an average/mainstream area exists

>naoki urasawa
What the fuck???

Ask on MAL or Reddit, i'm talking about your average anime watcher.


haha you're implying you're a weeb instead of just some fag who watches anime/read manga

He's one of the most favorited people on MAL, as much as Toriyama or Kishimoto. I get your point because weebs gonna weeb and don't give a fuck about anything if it's not a battle shounen, but this wasn't a good example.

For the majority of people out there it's the same thing, user.

>average anime watcher.
Urasawa is mostly known for his manga though, so it's not surprising that the average anime watcher doesn't know of him. Also the average anime watcher flocks to mainstream stuff which is mostly shonen, ecchi, and isekai. They're someone that enjoys a small portion of what the industry offers.


haha shut up you fukken weebs

Imagine being such a newfag that you think Uraswa is obscure and hipster, or even good at all. Lurk more.

For "anime watcher" i was implying also manga readers, but being anime the most popular out of the 2 mediums outside of japan because of it being more visually stimulating i used the term "anime watcher" just to lump everyone who consumes both.

user, i never fucking saw his name anywhere outside of here a couple of times in a conversation.

Imagine being such a hipster that you don't think Urasawa is good at all. Lurk more.

It doesn't really matter. Whatever genre of anime the average anime watcher consumes, it's the same for the manga they read most of the time; if they liked the OPM anime, they're going to pick up the manga and vice-versa for example. Why do you care so much about them anyways?

Dunno, i just felt to share my superior hip and cool tastes with you.

Yeah I wonder this too.
Pic related, very few people actually read and know his works.

ITT: We post obscure and unknown manga artists

It's only Sup Forums that doesnt care about Urasawa, mainly because you can't really masturbate to his characters and his plotlines aren't driven by Kirito-tier self-inserts
He's popular everywhere else, even people who dont give a shit about manga may have heard of Monster

Get out of my intellectual hipster thread.

the guy who did naruto and one piece. man those are some serious art literature pieces the likes of this world as never seen before. gooooo anime!

the only monster i know is a gook movie

>you can't masturbate to his characters
Lies! Kanna is a cutie.

Kill yourself, retard.

>Not intellectual

people who've read manga for more than a decade or two definitely know him. he just hasn't been as relevant lately so people kon't think of him.

also his works aren't really THAT great

I can masturbate to Urasawa himself, though

Whoops, sorry Sup Forumsnon, i meant "anime and manga fans", pretty sure that's how people call you on the internet nowadays, am i right?

I bet no one ever read his work.

Define "believable" do you mean that its just better written so your suspension of disbelief is better suspended or do you mean "its 'realistic' that means its good" and/or "its unrealistic that means its bad"?

he's good until he decides to drop a timeskip or two and take a big shit all over his own story

Not this guy but I have an easier time suspending my disbelief for a story about a brain surgeon tracking a young criminal throughout Europe or a group of childhood friends getting involved in a cult conspiracy, than say japanese highschoolers summoning a genderbent king Arthur and Hercules to fight for the Holy Grail, or an orange ninja creating clones of himself to throw laserbeams at people

Yeah, pretty much what said. Not that i have a hard time suspending my disbelief in universes where magic exists or there is cast of people with powers.

>tfw i thought it was going to be a good thread
Pluto is getting adaptation next year fag

Good, hopefully it will catch some interest.

>mainly because you can't really masturbate to his characters
Bullshit. I've whacked a few to Nina and Eva from Monster.

I hated this bitch. Worst character in the entire manga.


Luck moreor fuck off, if you can't use word like weeb correctly.
We already have enough newfags.


Being an obscure mangaka in Japan must be absolute fucking suffering. It could be worse though, I think. You could be a talented artist and be forced to work on shit you don't care about. Mangaka have a lot more freedom.

Original and believable stories??? where??

You think that the rest of the world out there cares about using that Sup Forums slang correctly? Just give up, to the rest of the world, the sole fact that you are on this board makes you one, people of r/anime call themselves weebs and call anything from asia weeb.


People simply prefer the familiar and comfortable. This is true for all cultures and all of history, not just within the present otaku fandom.

I don't care if it's not popular. It only means that it's good in the first place.
Also, fuck you for using "weeb" unironically on Sup Forums. Fuck off


your point?

You are fucking retarded.

i just want more comfy monster cooking series

Yeah, fuck off back there.
Goddamn it, so that's where this bullshit started.


Meme mangaka. The only good Naoki is Yamamoto Naoki.

I do hope for a good animation and more movies

watch it end up in production hell like del tero's adaption of monster

Average anime watchers are too lazy to read manga. It's miracle for them to read subtitles.

He is not even that good

I have no problem with magic and logical inconsistencies. I have a problem with Naoki Urusawa's vagueness and going nowhere with his themes and character development.


Too bad we are on Sup Forums

I think pic related is a better example.

The absolute best example is Eiji Mikage.

I don't even read LNs, but isn't this one of the most commonly-praised/recommended ones out there?

>beta mc
>transfer student
>every single girl want mc's dick

Oshimi Shuuzo

urasawa is overrated anyway
>lures you in with well-researched setting and good plot
>story always falls halfway
>instead of trying to improve it, he just moves on to a new title and hastily concludes it
>faggots defend this because he won awards

>beta mc
>super popular girl in his school suddenly wants his dick
seriously kill yourself

>Billy Bat

Because people everywhere have shit taste.

Not that it doesn't make sense, most are just looking for cheap, easy, and instant gratification and entertainment

You're the brainlet. No legitimate critics of literature or film care about "plot holes". A story just needs to make sense on a scene by scene basis and have coherent themes and character development.

they have shit taste and either refuse to improve their taste by increasing their power level or they know they have shit taste and cant help it.
just look at the storm of bnhafags and shounenfags, its clear these babies have read like 5 series total.

>refuse to improve their taste
Why is watching more things going to magically make me like the things you like?

>outing yourself as having a low powerlevel