Why do women do this?

Why do women go through a liberal phase?

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something something cock carousel

Knew a girl who did this in college. Quoted feminists. Claimed she never wanted a bf or to get married. Says women should be independent. Got a worthless major. One year in the real world, found a rich Chad and married him. He supports her.

Something like, "If you're conservative when you're young you have no heart, if you're liberal when you're older you have no brain."

By this* I mean the armpit hair thing.

So that we'll notice them and then they can get dicked down by Chris Ray Gun the hu-whitest of Cubans. They should make a new I Love Lucy I always thought she was thiccly cute somehow I don't know why but I like her.

A good number never leave it. It's the language of children.

So you're talking about this place then?

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Lucy was a very rare talent.

For the same reason they do everything else: attention.


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its easy phase thats why

They don’t want to submit to the Patriarchy and having to fuck (marry) a beta.

She has a nice belly doesn't she?

Also what happened to her redpilling videos?

I think a lot of people go through a liberal phase. Especially if they go to college and don't know their political beliefs.

Some people get stuck. Women are also more empathetic on average than men, so liberal ideas are more attractive to women on the surface. It just takes maturity and living in reality to kick most people out of it and understand we can't help the world.

Modern liberalism is almost entirely based upon emotion. Many women, being largely emotional creatures, are naturally drawn to it unless they have a strong influence countering the emotion with logic and reason.

thats pretty good

It allows them to indulge their desire for motherhood without actually having children. Suddenly every "cause" is their new baby.

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What is a shit test?

not my words. caant remember who though.

What actually is a shit test user? Explain it to me pls

God will always use Eve to punish Adam...

someone post her webm of shooting up or the dicksucking pics

Would shave and hook up to an industrial milking machine/10

nvm found it

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Arm pit hair trigger? Talk about snowflake reactionary knee jerk fandango key board rangering. Do you fuck her armpits? If God did not want hair on a woman, then why did he design her to have hair in places you think she shouldn't? Fuking ignorance...

Because they can

Society gave them too much chance

She wasn't human and she was part of the initial campaign into white american racemixing.

So did she retire or something after claiming to take the red pill? I see her in Chris Raygun's thumbnails to his videos sometimes but I haven't haven't watched anything from him in awhile


Wow, no wonder my parents hate me.

Adam should have shut his clap trap and just lived the NEET life but noooo he had to get his dick wet.


but he got cucked by a fucking legless lizardt

Reminder that taytay has never gone through a liberal phase because she is the perfect woman

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Because they are children and think like children

>You will never mind break a hairy drug feminist into being your subservient cock whore
Damn it Pol I don't want to feel and you always make me feel.

yeah thats her allright. theres moar, but i didnt save em


she got diseases user. you dont want diseases do you? beacuse thats how you get ants

The culture that contain their inner garbage is weakening. This is their true form. We must spank them back to their right shape.

there's nothing wrong with not shaving your armpits, in fact its degenerate to do so since the only reason is to make yourself more sexually attractive

Rape her

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there was like 4 consecutive videos, it's gone back to stuff around feminism and "toxic masculinity"

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Women *appear* more empathetic than men. However, like makeup and shoes, it's all show. When push comes to shove, a man will show true empathy to a vanquished opponent. A woman will twist the knife at any and every opportunity.

Not enough good cock to wear them out.

Because it's so easy. Women all want to be recognized for something but don't want to put in the effort because they already spend so much time on looking their best.

But being a good liberal is just so easy. All you have to do is tolerate. The hardest part of being a liberal is being apathetic, and if that still gives you trouble, guess what? You can just distract yourself with drugs and degeneracy!

Never thought about it this way, but totally true. They can “mother” a cause without having the actual 24/7 physical commitment of a child.

*inhales deeply* mmh quite pungent my dear

Raise a girl with no knowledge or tradition then send her to college and marxist professors do the job for you.

go on

Same reason men do.

I'm not complaining

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This is so true. Women pretend to have empathy, but they don't.

I was injured training MMA about a month ago. Fucked up my ankle. My job involves bringing things to offices/factories so basically I was gimped around for 3 weeks.

The absolute disgust the women showed for an injured/weak man was palpable. When they saw me hobble in with their product it was like I was wearing a dead cat on my belt. Sheer revulsion.

The guys would ask me what happened and be like, "oh that sucks bro, let me get the door for you." but the women just were either openly hostile or tried to ignore me.

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That's what that one writer guy said about the Afghani women they'd really fuck your shit up like genital mutilation and sheeit. Female creatures are a menace. Even female pets are needier then male pets. Bleeding everywhere having mini thems.

Maybe that's why he's being punished.

>Women complain that guys are such Chads
>Women have been sexually selecting the men for who knows how many 100s of generations
What did they mean by this?

why do i want to tonguekiss her into missionary?

>hue hue hue le mighty chebacca

This a few times. Raging feminist, absolute shit to be around, found a military officer, got married and had a kid. Feminist #2 went on and on about how people were problematic, excused all Muslims' actions, also married a military officer and now has two kids.
Not sure why they do this, so I can't exactly answer this question, but my suspicion is they are really fucking stupid and feminist theory tells them they are special and deserve all these things.
Reality is within one year of working they learn no one gives a shit about that and no one is going to coddle you.

how does one get a bush that full
I literally never shave and she has 5x the ammount of hair I have

Men do it to try to be white knight and pick up chicks... or they're severely damaged

>implying insanity ever leaves their inferior brains.

t. cuck

Genetics baby

Some girls are just more hirsute than others. Some just have that little triangle patch about the pussy, some have a full beard with sideburns down there.

Same way some guys only can grow a little Paco mustache and some grow the ZZ Top facial hair overnight.

Personally I don't care if a girl has a full bush. I just want to smash and dump loads in it anyway and I like the way a full bush looks after it is soaked with her cum and my cum, all shiny amd clumpy.


TV tricks their brain into thinking the 'world' is their community and that minorities are babies that need their help. Their deepest psychology is exploited.

That's Churchill my fren. He also has another nice quote about switching parties, which he did a few times in his youth.

Small brains. Small ideas.

t. Freudcuck

liberal “phase”.

my sweet summer child


I'm gonna start using hirsute from now on to make others have to google what it means

>TV tricks their brain
No stop right there bucko. Are you implying they're subhuman?


things women (and men) will do or say to judge their date/significant other's response and test they're worth staying with

for example, 'hold my purse while I go talk to this guy' or something like that. if you hold the purse and stand there idly then you'll appear weak. if you join the conversation and try and steer it to a close you'll appear more desirable.

>haunted tree

It's called science. The female brain is smaller hence making them less intelligent.
Which doesen't mean women shouldn't have a place in society like mothers and housewifes.

It means 'never listen to what a woman says, instead listen to how she acts."

It's not even TV. They are good at misdirecting their instincts on their own. Notice how they all have dogs as children now.

Women do this shit when left to their own devices. They do shit that feels good, instead of is good.
This goes away if/when they meet a man who can put them in their place. If they don't....well, they go full cat-lady andrea dworkin for the rest of their lives.

Bro. A woman without male guidance and authority will inevitably end up a bitter suffragette cat or dog lady.
I didn't make this shit up. Nature did.

It's usually women doing some really dumb shit to test the masculinity of their partners. Women love to be dominated so basically they do some stupid shit to force the man to take control of them.

Because they're barely even more competent and mature than a toddler.

>cat or dog lady.
Among the 30-something undesirable women I know, dogs have definitely taken the lead. It may be because dogs are hairy, smelly, loyal, and outgoing that they're preferred. Basically a stand-in for the guy they wanted, but couldn't get.
It's depressing - these women are not hideous or deformed, but rather they listened to leftist, feminist nonsense of fucking every hot guy in their 20s because Mr. Right would just be fucking magically waiting for them when they hit 29.
He wasn't.
They're miserable.
It's their own fucking fault, but it's a whole generation of young white babies that'll never be born.

would sniff

Women are children with tits they need a strong hand to guide them until they finally reach adult hood around 40

Ah yes the women are children argument. Then why the fuck did we allow them to vote when it is proven that they just want their candy right now and hence vote left all the time?

Good, more human misery averted


Wasn't my decision. If it were up to me they wouldn't be allowed to vote


Being liberal is 'nice'.

Seriously 95% of libs are lib because they don't want to be 'mean'

A dog that doesn't have a chain or master does what it wants, often to it's own demise

If you never had to pay for your own things, you might go through a liberal phase too. Trust fund kids, welfare recipients, and women are all more likely to be liberal, and all for the same reason.

I won't go into blackpill territory but realistically the west as things stand right now is done for.
I'm sorry but get with the program unless you have an honest desire to make the people who produce white babies back in their place, which is the home and the kitchen.

>Reality is within one year of working they learn no one gives a shit about that and no one is going to coddle you.

Finish the quote fagot. "..and if you dont surrender your continent to the Jews to fund your alcoholism, gambling, and bankrupt estate..." I can't remember how it ends

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>back in their place, which is the home and the kitchen.
That genie will not go willingly into the bottle. Women have full legal and voting rights, and tend to vote as a block. They will never, ever give up this power short of societal meltdown.
Study after study comes back showing women are more miserable than ever, and feminism is the base cause of it all. But they will never vote against what they're told is liberating.
They'll only go back when safe, civil society fails and they once more depend on men to keep them safe. Maybe next time, men will listen to the wisdom of their forefathers when women start making demands again.
But I doubt it.